Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 224 Part 1


After accomplishing their mission of defeating the monsters nesting in various places all around the royal capital, Arios and his Party finally returned to the city.

People cheered when they saw Arios and the others walking through the main gate and walking down the street leading towards the inn.

In Horizon, the good name of the Hero and his Party has been utterly dragged through the mud, but……

That was not the case in the royal capital.

Here, Arios was celebrated as The Hope of Mankind.

Here Arios was revered as The Savior Who Would Defeat the Demon Lord.

Arios was treated as such and had the utmost trust and support of many people all over the city.

Although some information about the incident in the city of Horizon was slowly creeping its way into the royal capital……

No one here would dare to take those rumors seriously. The city of Horizon was a long way south from the royal capital, so surely it must have been that it was just a nasty rumor that was blown severely out of proportion.

「Haah, I’m so tired! It’s been a long time since we have been on such a nasty mission like killing Chimeras. Say, say, we don’t have to do this bothersome stuff any longer, right? I surely hope that they won’t throw the same bothersome shit at us again tomorrow, right!?」

Rin let out a long and deep sigh with a weary look on her face.

She hated the idea of having to endure any kind of hardships on their journeys, mostly because she utterly detested the idea of hard work. All that she really wanted in life was money, honor, and status so that she could have fun all the time.

「Hmm, tomorrow, huh…… I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring? We may get a new mission that we will have to do, but it’s not like we can allow ourselves to be picky. Not in our current situation. Right now, we have to regain our lost reputation, and for that, we need to be strong.

Sinc Mina was a Priestess raised by the Church, she waa serving both Arios and the country at the same time.

Because of that, she would never object to new missions and would never find them to be a burden or a hassle.
However, in a fundamental way, when she was embarking on those missions she only had her own best interest in mind, so in a way she was really similar to Rin, if not even worse than her.

And so, Aggath turned towards Monica to see if she knew anything about their future plans.

「So, Monica? What do you say to that? Do we have any other missions planned for tomorrow? Or maybe not?」

「Hmm, let me think really quickly…… Well, I can’t be one hundred percent sure about it, at least not until I go back to the royal castle and double check, but I am sure that this is probably not the case. After all, we have been doing nothing but a mission after mission as of late, with little to no breaks in between them. So as expected, we need to have at least SOME time off every now and then, so that we won’t break down and fall apart.」

「I see, that would certainly help.」

「Alright! That’s what I’m talking about! A first day off since forever! Hey, hey! Since we have been doing those missions pretty much non-stop as of late, it’s only natural that we are going to be properly paid and compensated for them, right?」

「Yes, I do believe that there won’t be any problem with that. From what I can tell, you are all doing your duty really well, so there’s nothing that would stop the state from paying you the money for all of your troubles.」

「Fufufu, I wonder what I should buy this time around? Maybe I should look around for some new accessories or something like that? Mina, do you want to come with me and find something for yourself as well?」

「No, I’m not really interested in that sort of thing whatsoever and……」

「Haah…… Come on now, girl. Since you are a girl as well, you need to learn how to dress up from time to time. And I am going to teach you all about it, so no need to thank me for that.」

「Oh my, really? …… Well then, I shall leave that to you, then.」

「What about you, Monica? Do you want to join us as well?」

「I am most terribly sorry, but I will have to decline. I really appreciate the invitation, but I already have a few things that I wish to do, so……」

「Oh well, if that’s how things are, then I guess there’s nothing that we can do to help it. Oh well, I guess that’s fine. I don’t know what it is that you have to do, Monica, but I hope that you are going to have fun doing that.」

「Please be sure to get a proper meal and rest, so that you will have plenty of energy for things to come.」

「Oh yes, believe me, I am going to do just that.」

Over the course of the past few days, Rin, Mina and Aggath have become completely comfortable with Monica’s presence in the Hero’s Party.

But Arios, on the other hand……

「…… Tch.」

He started to distance himself from his companions even more than before, spending more and more time on his own.

How could a mere knight sent by the country to keep an eye on them be at the center of the Party’s attention? It should have been his place, and they should revere him and him alone……

Arios was finding this entire situation to be extremely unpleasant.

After all, this Party was formed by him and for him.

So it was only natural that he should stand at its very center.

Despite these childish thoughts of his, Monica’s personality was vastly superior to that of Arios, and that was the fact that he could not compete with.

So it was a small wonder that Monica was getting along with the members of the Hero’s Party better than the Hero himself.

So all that Arios could do here was to sulk like a little child and keep his distance from everyone else.

He was basically acting like a small child that was throwing a random temper tantrum.

It was the kind of behavior that was certain to make him into nothing more but a laughingstock in the eyes of others, but Arios himself had no time or willingness to become aware of that fact and accept it as truth.


The next day.

Just as Monica had said, there were no new assignments that were coming their way, and because of that Arios and the members of his Party were given their very first vacation in a long time.

Mina was grabbed by Rin and the two of them went into town to do some shopping.

Aggath seemed eager to enjoy different kinds of meals that the royal capital had to offer, and so he went to town as well, to tour the restaurants.

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