Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 224 Part 2


Since Arios was not really in the mood to go out or anything like that, he was relaxing back in his private room at the inn.

At the current moment he was sitting on the couch and reading a book.

「Please pardon the intrusion.」

「…… Monica.」

Just as he was finally revelin in the fact that he had a moment of peace and quiet for himself, a sudden intruder appeared before him after knocking onto the door.

Of course, it was none other than Monica.

「…… I thought you said that you had something to do for today, so why are you here of all places?」

When Arios gave her a quizzical and annoyed look, Monica smiled softly in response and hurried to answer his question.

「Well, you see, my actual business for today is…… It is to talk to you, Arios-sama.」

「…… You want to talk?」

「Please forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds here, but I was under the impression that you have been actively avoiding me, Arios-sama. I hope that this is just my own imagination acting up, but……」

「Yes, you are absolutely right. I am avoiding you.」

「But why?」

「Because there is no way in hell that I am ever going to become friends with a filthy watchdog sent here to watch and supervise my every single move and word.」

「I can only assure you that it was not my intention to act as if I am only here to monitor all of you…… But yes, I guess that I can’t really blame you for being under the impression like that, Arios-sama. But it is also true that His Majesty the King asked me to monitor you every action and report it back to the state.」

「See? You said so yourself just now. Do you really think that I am ever going to force myself to be on friendly terms with someone like you under those circumstances? The answer here is: no, I am not. And I WILL not.」

Arios then waved his hand at Monica as if he was showing her that she was to get out and leave him alone……

But Monica ignored that gesture and instead of leaving, she sat down right next to Arios.

Then, she pulled her alluring body closer to Arios’s.

「I am most terribly sorry, Arios-sama. It would seem that you have misunderstood me here, and you misunderstood greatly at that.」

「Misunderstood? How could I misunderstand you?」

「Certainly, the reason why I was to join the Hero’s Party was so that I could keep a watchful eye on Arios-sama and your companions…… But that is only my mission, and nothing else. Personally, I do not wish to do anything like that at all if I could help it.」

「Yeah, right. I wonder about that.」

「When it comes to me, I have nothing but deep admiration and respect for you, Arios-sama. I think that you are a wonderful person and an even more wonderful Hero. Not to mention…… I do find you really attractive as a member of the opposite sex.」

Monica whispered sweet nothings into Arios’s ear as she pressed her alluring body against him tighter.

Hearing such things Arios raised his brow in apparent suspicion, but……

The sullen look that was ever so present on his face as of late, had now faded ever so slightly.

Although he was still loosely aware of the fact that she was nothing more but a watchdog sent by the crown to spy on him and his Party……

If he was to completely disregard that fact, then Monica was an immensely beautiful young woman.

She had the kind of personality that was making all men around her feel good about themselves, their egos pleasantly stimulated, and her style and the proportions of her body were pretty much perfect.
Honestly speaking, being told by such a young and beautiful woman that she was finding you attractive felt really good.

But unfortunately for her, Arios was not nearly as stupid as to fall prey to such an easy tactic, like some sort of young fool.

So for the time being he was still keeping his distance, not letting Monica sweet him away into her own pace.

「If you want to talk to me about something, that’s fine with me. However, if the topic that you want to talk to me about is going to turn out to be something utterly boring, then I’m afraid that I will have to ask you to leave right now.」

「Now, while I do believe that this topic might be of great interest to you, Arios-sama, the condition that you have placed before me is a rather difficult one to fulfill.」

「If that’s how it’s going to be, then you can get out of my sight right now. Or do you really think that you have something to tell me that is really going to be of interest to me? If so, I don’t mind listening to you for a while.」

「Yes, of course.」

Monica answered immediately, without hesitation.

She then opened her mouth with a smirk on her lips.

「Rein Shroud.」


「There was someone going by that name that used to be a member of your Hero’s Party, wasn’t there?」

「Where…… Where did you even hear about Rein……」

「Now, even though I might look the way I look, I am still a knight, and a member of the royal guard. So you could say that I am an elite. Of course, as an elite, I have many subordinates that perform various tasks and serve various purposes under my guidance. And some of those subordinates excel at gathering information out of all things.」

「What could you possibly want to talk to me about that bastard?」

「Can I take it that you are interested in what I have to tell you?」


Arios did not say anything, but at the same time he did not deny Monica’s words.

In other words, his silence just now might have been considered a sign of approval.

「Well then, according to my research……」

Monica smiled alluringly and started to tell Arios all about Rein.

She told him that after the recent Demon attack at the city of Horizon he was now being recognized as the “Hero of Horizon”.

She told him that not only he had managed to add five representatives of the Ultimate Species into his party, but now he was even able to broaden his ranks by adding a Ghost into his numbers as well.

She told him that after defeating the Ultimate Species dubbed as the “Devil”, Rein was promoted to the B Rank at the Adventurers’ Guild.

And then she told him about Rein’s most recent accomplishment, which was saving the third Princess from the treacherous knights, forming a sort of connection to the crown as a result.

All of the events regarding Rein were related to Arios in chronological order, and in very great detail.

There was one fact that Monica deliberately chose to conceal from Arios just now.

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