Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 224 Part 3


The fact that Rein Shroud also had the blood of the gods coursing through his veins…… a fact that qualified him to be called a Hero, just like Arios was.

Monica knew all too well that if she was to tell him that, Arios would pretty much go berserk with rage on the spot.

Of course, that would be pretty interesting to see in and out of itself, but……

But the time for that was not now, unfortunately.

Taking the above factor into consideration, Monica carefully explained everything to Arios, all the while leaving that one fact out.

「No way…… That’s ridiculous…… That’s preposterous! It’s impossible for that useless bastard to be able to become so successful in such a short amount of time! That’s impossible! I won’t accept something like that…… There is just no way……!!!」

Arios was positively shaken upon hearing about just how successful Rein had been since leaving the Hero’s Party.

Even though he was so utterly useless.

Even though he was such a failure.

And despite the fact that he was inferior to Arios on every single front, he managed to become way better than him and gained way more recognition in the eyes of the people.

That was something that Arios would never forgive!

This might have been an extremely selfish way of thinking, especially for a Hero, but there was no one at the moment who would be kind enough to point that out to Arios.

And as a result of that, more and more dark emotions slowly started to swell inside of him.

「I think that you are right in your way of thinking, Arios-sama. While it may be true that Rein Shroud has indeed managed to score many achievements to his name and he managed to do so in a really short amount of time, he certainly lacks dignity and integrity. Especially when compared to you, Arios-sama. You are the one who has the blood of the gods flowing through your veins. You are way more worthy of being called a “Hero” than he is.」

「The hell? Tell me something that I do not already know. I am way better than that scum, in every single way possible. He’s just a mere Beast Tamer, and that’s it. I am a Hero. This obviously makes me superior to him. There is no way that it is the other way around.」

「Yes, of course. It is exactly as you say, Arios-sama.」

Monica smiled gently and that smile of her managed to lift Arios’s spirit considerably.

If he was still in his cautious and suspicious self right now, Arios surely would have been able to notice the distorted and twisted emotions hiding behind Monica’s alluring smile, but……

The current Arios had lost all of his composure after being thrown into disarray by the mere mention of Rein’s character.

As Monica’s poisonous words slowly lifted his spirits up and guided him in a really dangerous way……

The thought that he was the one who was superior to Rein in every single regard was tainting his mind and heart more and more.

「And yet…… For this Rein bastard to come all the way out here, to the royal capital? Just what is it that he might be scheming to do here?」

「From what I was able to gather, he has come here to undertake the Promotion Exam for A Rank at the Adventurers’ Guild.」

「Ahh, I see how it is now. Yes, it all makes sense……」

「If luck would have it that Rein Shroud would pass the Promotion Exam, it would not be a scenario that would be all that interesting and favorable to you, Arios-sama. According to current Adventurers’ Guild’s records, the youngest person to have ever attained A Rank was twenty one years old. However, if Rein Shroud was to pass the Exam, that record would have been broken, and with a huge margin at that. This might cause him to gain even more recognition from the people around him. And who knows? Some people might even call him a Hero as well? Or worse yet, someone who is even better suited to be a Hero than you are, Arios-sama.」

「What the!? That’s bullshit! There’s no way……! I am the Hero! Me and no one else! How could a useless bastard like that ever have the guts to call himself a Hero!?」

「Yes, that’s right. There is only one Hero in this world. The only Hero that this world needs. And that’s you, Arios-sama. Of course, what I said just now was some purely hypothetical speech, so there is no need for you to worry about it too much. However, I’m afraid that the way in which Rein Shroud does things as of late, that hypothetical speech might actually become reality sooner rather than later……」

「What is it that you are trying to say here?」

「If that is so, then how about you go and eliminate that nuisance before it becomes a serious threat?」

The way in which Monica suggested that so naturally and as if it was the most obvious solution out there caused Arios to become surprised.

Monica continued to speak in a way as if what she was saying was obviously common sense.

「If there is anyone out there who would pose a threat on your way towards glory, Arios-sama, then we should just get rid of them.」

「Is it really okay for you to talk about such things to me? Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on me to prevent us from doing things like that in the first place?」

「That, you see, is also a part of my MISSION…… But in this exact scenario, I am willing to put you before my mission, Arios-sama. That is why I cannot allow this Rein Shroud to bother Arios-sama any more than he already had.」

「Fuahaha, hahahahahaha…… Well, won’t you look at that!? So, you DO understand where I’m coming from, huh!?」

Arios, feeling much better after listening to Monica’s honey-coated words, let out a grand laugh.

He used to think that Monica was his enemy as well, but…… No, that was not the case here.

This woman was actually his ally.

She was someone who would follow him everywhere as long as he ordered her to do so.

She was a convenient pawn that he could do as he pleased. Just like Mina, Rin and Aggath were.

Recognizing that fact, Arios’s lips twisted into a nasty kind of smile.

「Well, well, well, that’s an interesting story. Would you like to tell me more about it? Of course, since you have proposed to me to do this, surely you must have planned ahead to a certain extent, didn’t you?」

「Why, yes, as a matter of fact. And while the fine details still need to be fleshed out, I already have the basic concept ready.」

「Very well, then. We are going to do exactly what you say we should do. You’re right, this Rein bastard is starting to become a real nuisance. Truth to be told, I have been wanting to do something about him for a long time now. So if your strategy has even the slightest degree of possibility that it can come through, I say it’s worth giving a try.」

「Oh yes, let’s do that, I can’t wait. But…… It’s not “You”, Arios-sama. Please, call me “Monica”…… Fufufu~.」

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