Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 225 Part 1


After receiving some really generous hospitality from the crown for rescuing Princess THalia, Rein and his company went straight to their designated rooms in the royal castle.

Each and every single member of Rein’s party would receive a room of their own to spend the night in.

What’s more, each and every single one of those rooms were at least several times larger than the room at the inn where Rein’s party used to lodge for a while back then.

It was something to be expected of the royal castle.

To say that those rooms were luxurious would be quite the understatement.

But sometimes that kind of too much luxury could become problematic.

For when someone was to be all alone in a large and luxurious room, something that they were not quite well-acquainted with…… Their hearts would be overcome not only with the sense of pleasure of having all of that space for themselves, but also with a tremendous feeling of loneliness.

And of course, there was just no way that a still young Nina could endure such a feeling of loneliness all on her own……

「Suu…… Suu…… Mmmnnn…… Kuu……」

So Nina had sneaked into Rein’s room and crawled straight into his bed once again.

She curled up in a ball and lay down with Rein for the night, just like she did before.

And Rein was just like he was before, he slept like a log and he hardly even noticed Nina’s arrival at his side.

It was because he had been thinking until really late last night and had fallen asleep way too late as a result.

「Nyaa…… I see that Nina paid Rein a visit once more.」

「This child…… Does that mean that she is going to be our unexpected rival?」

At the current moment, there were two shadows staring at Rein and Nina sleeping right next to him.

Those two shadows were Kanade and Tanya.

Both of them actually came here to wake Rein up.

And if they were going to get lucky enough, they might have even gotten an added bonus of being able to see Rein’s sleeping face.

Two members of the Ultimate Species with Ultimate Love Sickness filling their brains thought of the very same thing at the same time.

And thinking the same thing at the exact same time, it was inevitable that Kanade and Tanya would meet right outside of Rein’s room.

I was the first one to arrive here, so it’s MY job to wake Rein up! …… Those were the thoughts that most probably brewed inside of the minds of the two, and as a result of that you could almost see the sparks flying everywhere because of the tense atmosphere.
However, it was not a good idea to fight right in front of Rein’s room so in the open like that, as the loud noises and commotion were sure to wake Rein up.

Hence, the two decided to form an alliance just for today, and they would proceed to wake Rein up together.

And yet……

They never would have thought that Nina, someone who was way younger than them, would beat the two of them to the punch.

No, that’s not all.

Not only Nina arrived here way earlier than them, but now she also had the sheer audacity to climb into Rein’s bed and sleep together with him!

The two of them were so jealous of that fact that they could hardly even contain themselves!



「This situation…… What are we supposed to do about this?」

「…… And what do you think we should do about this?」

They could not help themselves but to feel jealous of Nina.

But they knew that they shouldn’t be.

Because that was something that only children would do.

If they were to allow their jealousy to steer their actions and they were to throw a tantrum about that, that would clearly disqualify them as dignified and respectable adults.

And since they took pride in being prim and proper adults, this meant that they would have to tolerate this situation.

But still, they couldn’t help it but to feel jealous.

It was utterly immature for them to be jealous of a small child like that.

They understood that all too well, but they were still jealous.

It was the kind of situation where their reason and their emotions were unable to arrive at the same conclusion without conflicting one another.

「Nyaaahhh…… Wait, I got it! Call it a flash of inspiration!」

「Okay, but this is better going to be good. Otherwise you will be in for a whole lot of trouble, you Stupid Horny Cat.」

「S-Stupid Horny Cat!? I-I don’t want to hear that from the likes of you, Tanya……!」

「So, what is that great idea that you just happened to come up with?」

「We just have to sleep in Rein’s bed as well!」

Kanade puffed out her chest and said so with a smug look on her face, looking all proud of herself.

「You know what, you really should do something about that habit of looking all high and mighty from the smallest of things, you know?」

「Nyan? What do you mean by that?」

「But you know what, I honestly think that this is not such a bad idea. Especially coming from you, of all people. Yeah. Here’s how we are going to explain that: we came here to wake Rein up, but since he did not seem to be waking up anytime soon, we just got tired of trying and laid in his bed as well. …… See? It’s something that just couldn’t be helped.」

「Yeah, yeah, that’s right! It couldn’t be helped, it couldn’t be helped at all!」

「Okay, but just so that we are clear about something here: I don’t really want to do this all that much, okay? But surely you don’t mind doing that, right, Kanade? And if I was going to interfere with your fun, you would surely start to cry about it, right? So that is why I’m playing along. Just because it cannot be helped.」

「This kind of makes it sound as if you were trying to pin the blame for this on me, but…… Oh well, nevermind that. For now, let’s just get right to it……♪」

「H-Hey! Stop it! No getting ahead of the competition, you stupid cat!」

Just like that, both Kanade and Tanya crawled into the bed and snuggled to Rein in no time at all.

The warmth of Kanade and Tanya’s bodies, in addition to Nina’s overall fluffiness.

As expected, it was way too hot for comfort, and Rein started groaning as if he was suddenly having trouble sleeping.

「Ugh…… Ugh……」

「Nyaah…… I guess it’s really not all that comfortable for three people to be cramped together so tight, huh?」

「J-Just…… Just try to squeeze in a little bit tighter. Come on, Kaande, over there!」

「What!? But I will fall out if I were to do that!」

「Then try to do your best to not let that happen.」

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