Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 225 Part 2


「And how do I do that, hmm?」

「Beats me.」

「Is that all you have to say!? Isn’t that way too irresponsible!?」

「Fufun…… And while you are doing just that, I can have Rein all to myself♪」

「Nyaah…… Tanya, you surely act bold when Rein is still asleep, huh? And someone’s here honest with her desires!」

「U-Uhh, s-shut up! I just can’t help it, alright? I would never be able to act like that or say things like that if Rein was awake.」

「I mean, it’s not that I can’t understand where you are coming from, but……」

…… And their conversation would go on and on like that.

While the two of them were busy talking about this and that, Nina finally woke up with a slight squirm.

「Hafuuh…… Nnnhhh…… Hmm? Kanade? Tanya?」

「Wah, are you awake, Nina?」

「L-Listen here, Nina! T-This is…… That’s not…… It’s not what it looks like, okay!? It’s not that I wanted to sleep in the same bed as Rein or anything like that, but…… Umm……」

「…… Everyone, together like that. Ehehe, that makes me…… so happy……」

With a bright and innocent smile on her face, Nina hugged both Kanade and Tanya tightly.

And just like that, she was asleep once again, before anyone could even say anything about it.

「…… Let’s just stay quiet for the time being, so that we won’t wake her up.」

「…… Yeah, let’s do just that.」

Kanade and Tanya also hugged Nina tightly.

And then they went straight to sleep.

Incidentally here……

When Rein happened to wake up a few moments later, he seemed to be greatly puzzled as to what was going on and how did he end up in this situation in the first place.

And when they found out about it sometime later, Sora, Luna and Tina were really angry at the other three for being left out of the loop.


In the morning.

Before I even knew it, Kanade, Tanya, and Nina were clinging tightly to me while laying in my bed, although I have no idea how they even got there in the first place……

After that minor hiccup we ate our breakfast and we decided to leave the royal castle.

「What? Are you leaving already? That’s a shame.」

Of course, Thalia-sama had come to see us off a short distance after we exited the castle and went towards its main gate.

This was something fairly unusual, as surely the Third Princess would never bother to personally see a mere Adventurer such as myself off.

Could it be that Thalia-sama actually knew about my Hero heritage?

Or could it be that she was merely polite? Because if she did not know anything about me, it was really nice of her to do so.

I couldn’t help it but to think about that.

「You still have some time left before the Promotion Exam begins. Are you sure that you did not want to spend it in the castle?」

「Oh, no, that would be simply too much……」

There was no way that we would be using the royal castle as our private lodging or something like that.

Maybe Thalia-sama and the King wouldn’t really care for that all that much, but I certainly did.

「Like I said, it’s such a shame. I would have liked to learn some more things about you, Rein-san.」

「Your Highness, we can still see each other again. Just because we are going to undertake the Promotion Exam doesn’t really mean that we are not going to see each other again.」

「I guess that’s true. So I’m looking forward to the next time we might see each other. Until then, I guess I will have to pester the Hero to talk to me to pass the time.」

「The Hero? Does that mean that Arios is here as well……?」

「Yes, that’s right, He has been staying in the royal capital together with his party for a while now. Right now they should be staying at an inn in the castle town, but it looks like they are visiting the castle quite regularly.」

「…… I see.」

I’m actually glad that we didn’t bump into one another.

I don’t want to see Arios’ face for a long while and……

Most of all, right now, there is the issue of my blood I was informed about last night.

I don’t know how exactly I am going to face Arios the next time that we happen to meet one another.

Well, maybe I don’t need to think that much about Arios right about now. I have more important matters to attend to.

In the first place, we are not in a position to talk openly to each other about such things.

「Alright then, I guess we are going to be on our way.」

「Yes. And please remember that, Rein-san. You are always welcomed in the royal palace, so please come here and visit often.」

「Umm…… Well, yes, thank you very much. We shall do just that.」

The Royal Castle is not a place where one can come and go easily……

Even though I was chuckling inside of my heart at that, I nodded my head, feeling grateful to Thalia-sama for saying that.

「Be seeing you, Your Highness.」

「Bye bye……」

At Kanade and Nina’s friendly farewell Thalia-sama smiled and waved her hand at us……

With that, we left the royal castle as we were seen off by the Princess.

Once we were outside of the castle, we were surrounded by warm sunshine.

The sky was bright blue with white clouds.

The sun was peeking through the gaps in the clouds and shining brightly today.

「This city is so vibrant.」

Sora said so when she was looking keenly at her surroundings.

「There were a lot of people in Horizon too, but this place is so much more than that. Lots of people, lots of buildings…… It’s all so very interesting.」

「Umu, it’s not that bad of a place to be in, I must say! Rein! I’m interested in the food of the royal capital. Do they have food stalls here? Can we go to the cafes and restaurants later?」

「I’m sure there are some of those around here if you were to look for them, but you just had breakfast, didn’t you?」

「My stomach is as vast as the entire universe!」

How can both of them find space for some much food in their stomach when they are so small and petite?

Is this what going through puberty feels like?

「I’m really sorry, but…… Before we get to tour around the royal capital, can we go and get the original purpose of our visit here over with?」

「Muh? Is it already time for the Exam to take place?」

「The Promotion Exam itself is a little bit away for the time being. But I heard that registration has already started so I want to get it done as soon as possible just in case there’s a mistake or something.」

「If that’s the case, then I guess there’s no helping it. To the Adventurers’ Guild we go!」

「Hoo, that’s surprising…… I thought that since it was Luna who we are talking about here that she would prioritize food above anything else. As expected from our Gluttonous Demon God.」

「Fufun! You’d best not mock me in such a way, Sister Dearest! After all, I am still growing every single day! Unlike someone else that I could mention here.」

「Umm, Luna, that’s not it. I think that Sora has your best interest in her mind here……」

We then moved to the Adventurers’ Guild in the royal capital, all the while having a good time with everyone else.

The Adventurers’ Guild in the royal capital was several times larger than that at Horizon.

As expected of the royal capital, I should say.

We entered the building while I was feeling slightly nervous.

And then……

「You are……!?」


「Hi there, everyone. It’s been a while, huh?」

Right before us, there was a figure of an old acquaintance of ours.

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