Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 189


We all had one heck of a hectic ordeal when it comes to that Iris incident, so……

In order to properly rest and recuperate, we decided to take a whole week off.

I got a lot of money when it came to the Emergency Request reward, so there was nothing wrong with us taking that much time off.

Being forced to give it our very best for so long was extremely tiring.

So it was now important that we rest our bodies and recuperate properly.

And you can’t have a good rest if it is not at least a couple of days long.

That’s what I told everyone in my party.



I was out there in the garden, alone, training.

It was some basic strength and close quarters combat training.

If only I was stronger back then…… If only I had more power……

Of course, I knew all too well that thinking about that over and over again would not do me any good, but I just couldn’t help myself……

「Ahhhh ———!?」

Suddenly, I could hear a loud voice ringing out loud across the garden.

When I turned around, I saw Kanade looking at me with her eyes narrowed and her brows frowned.

「Rein! What do you think that you’re doing!?」

「Well, umm, you see…… This is, uhh……」

「You know, you told us that we should take it easy for a couple of days and get a good rest! So what do you think that you’re doing out here!?」

Uwah, talk about scary.

Kanade was still smiling, but for some reason there was a certain kind of strength and force behind that smile that made me shrink up and cower in fear inside.

「Umm, this is……」

「Is there anything that you would like to say to me?」

「…… I’m really sorry.」

「Good. As long as you understand!」

Even though I’m a Beast Tamer, one of the creatures that I have tamed is pushing me around in such a fashion……

「But that being said, why did you even want to train in the first place? Surely you did not forget about what you told us yourself, right? That after what we have all been through we all deserve a good rest?」

「Yes, that might be true, but…… I feel like if I don’t move my body around to a certain extent, I cannot calm down. I’m starting to think about different things, thinking what could have happened if I was stronger…… I can’t help but think about unnecessary things like that when I’m all by myself.」


For a moment out there, there was an indescribable expression on Kanade’s face.

But it quickly turned into a smile.

「Well then, if you hate being alone so much, why don’t you just spend some time together with me♪?」

「…… What?」

「Rein, let’s go for a walk!」

「Ah, hey! Wait, Kanade!!!」

Gingerly, Kanade took me by the hand and we decided to go for a walk around town.


As it was still an early morning, the city was quite quiet.

There were hardly any people walking down the streets.

It was somewhat refreshing to take a walk with Kanade in such a situation.

Walking through the city, walking through the many small squares, walking through the hills……

After some time, we eventually happened to reach a small park.


Kanade ran across the park square and looked really happy while doing so.

Perhaps it was something that stimulated her wild instincts of the Cat Spirit Tribe.

Seeing Kanade like that, I could feel the prickling sensation inside of my chest gradually starting to subside.

The smile on her face was soothing me……

Just the fact that she was right next to my side was making me relaxed and was making me forget all about my loneliness.

I was really grateful to Kanade for that.

「Mmm, what beautiful flowers♪」

Kanade has moved into a space where flowers and other plants were growing in a neat fashion.

But those were not only flowers, but also ivies and various other kinds of plants.

That being said, this space did not look as if it was managed by someone in particular, so those plants must have sown themselves here and grown all on their own.

Although the entire place looked kind of messy…… it was also quaint and beautiful in its own way.

「Rein, Rein! Come over here! Why don’t you come here and relax with me?」

「…… Yeah, I think I will.」

Kanade beckoned me with her hand and I sat down right next to her.

We decided to sit around and enjoy the healing touch of nature together.


Suddenly, Kanade stopped moving.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that she was staring at some sort of a brownish flower or a fruit.

I wonder what that thing is?

I think I have seen this somewhere……


Suddenly, I noticed that Kanade was acting strangely.

Her gaze was wandering around and her movements seemed really sluggish.

Not only that, but her cheeks were red and her ears were twitching restlessly.

「…… Kanade?」

「…… Nyaaahhh!!! Rein♪ Rein♪」


Suddenly, Kanade hugged me really tightly.

I couldn’t handle the suddenness of that action, and after losing my balance I just fell to the ground.

「Nfufu♪ Rein~♪ Rein~♪」

Kanade got on top of me and dropped her bewitching gaze down on me in an instant.

W-What, what is happening?

I don’t know what’s going on here, but……

Something is really strange here.

「Nnnhhh……♪ Rein, it smells so good…… Puuurrr~♪」

「H-Hey! Kanade? What’s going on with you, all of a sudden? You are acting really weird completely out of the blue……」

「No, I’m not acting weird. I’m the same as always…… Nyah♪」

No, no, no, no, no! No matter how you look at it, Kanade was acting really strange!

But what could possibly be wrong with her?

As I tried to recall what we did recently, the only thing that was coming to my mind was the fact that we were admiring the plants together, and before I even knew it, Kanade was already like that.

However, she did not seem to be poisoned or anything like that.

If anything, it looked more as if she was drunk…….

But how come?

「…… Huh? Could it be!?」

Could it be that the brownish flower that Kanade had been looking at a while ago was……?

This was…… Yeah, no doubt about it. It was Matatabi.
It is similar in effect to catnip, giving the cats an ecstatic feeling or something like that, if I remember correctly…….?

So does that mean Kanade was now drunk because of the effect of that flower……?

「Nyafuh……~! Rein~♪! Rein~♪!」.

She rubbed her cheek against mine in an affectionate way, and then she hugged me even tighter.

Kanade’s tail was happily wagging and waving this entire time.

「Wait…… K-Kanade! Please, stop! Calm down! Stop! Stop!」

「No way…… I don’t want to stop! I want to stay like this forever~!」

Kanade was getting closer and closer to me with every moment.

It was as if she was saying something alongside the lines of “I’m never going to leave you.」

「Say, Rein……」

「W-What is it?」

For some reason, Kanade looked really sexy and alluring right now.

It was the kind of sexiness that she was never usually exhibiting, and for that reason alone I was starting to feel strangely excited.

「You know…… I have been thinking…… I have been thinking about you, Rein, for a really long time now……」


「When I sleep…… when I wake up…… Rein is everything that I can think about…… Nyufufuh~♪」

「W-What does that mean……?」


Gently, Kanade moved her face closer to me.

S-So close!?

Our faces were so close to each other that our foreheads were almost touching.

Not only that, but at this rate some elements of our faces that shouldn’t be touching were about to touch!

And yet, Kanade was not moving away.

She stared at me with her moist, wet eyes and gave me a longing look.

I was consumed by the atmosphere, and I couldn’t move as if I were in a golden bind.

「…… Rein……」


「I am…… about you…… Rein……」

Was it I who swallowed hard right now? Or was it Kanade who purred loudly?


「…… Kanade?」


Before I even knew it……

Kanade’s eyes rolled around in a circles.

As it was, she fell backwards with a loud slam.

It seems that she has just reached her limit.

Kanade was lying on the ground with a smile on her face, as if she didn’t know what was happening right about now.

Carrying Kanade on my back, I slowly made my way back home.

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