Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 202


「Ahh~, ahh~, so bored~! So much free time on my hands, but nothing to do~!」

A certain guest room in the Horizon Branch of the Knights’ Order.

Tanya, who was under house arrest there for the time being, closed the book she was reading until just now with a snap and placed it back on the table.

In order to pass the time she tried to read some of the books that were left for her in the room, but unfortunately neither of them managed to tug at her heartstrings nearly enough to keep her engaged.

Rather, her eyes were growing more and more tired from going through such a huge amount of printed text in such a short time.

She leaned back against the backrest of the sofa and fell into a daze.

「…… Just how long am I supposed to be staying still like this?」

Until tomorrow?

Or until the day after tomorrow?

Or maybe until next week?

She had no idea when exactly this entire impersonating case was going to be solved.

She felt as if she had been thrown into a complex maze, with no way out in sight.

But even though being locked up like that was certainly uncomfortable……

Tanya was not worried in the slightest.

「Hurry it up, Rein. I’m going to get really mad at you if you are going to take your sweet time with this one, you know?」

Tanya murmured those words to herself.

There was a hint of trust in her voice, a hint of trust in Rein.

But what if Rein fails in apprehending the true culprit?

She was not worried about that fact at all.

Because she knew that Rein was going to succeed.

She had such absolute trust in him and his abilities.

「…… Huh?」

All of a sudden, Tanya was aware of the emotions she had put on her own lips.

Rein would certainly manage to solve this case.

Since he was her dear comrade and friend, she was sure that he could handle it.

She believed in that unconditionally.

But there was also something that she was finding to be quite strange.

If it was her from before…… Tanya the Dragon from before meeting Rein and the others, it would have been impossible.

Dragon Tribe is the strongest amongst all of the Ultimate Species. They are the ones who stand alone at the very top.

It was impossible for the Dragon Tribe to have trust in others. Much less in human beings.

She should have thought so, but for some reason……

Before she even knew it, she had come to believe in Rein unconditionally.

She had come to value the idea of companionship.

Tanya herself did not know how or what led to this sudden change inside of her.

The only thing that she could say here was that……

「Oh well…… I guess that trusting others is not so bad after all, huh?」

There are people in this world that she could trust.

So she could wait like this and feel safe that they would certainly pull through.

Tanya lay down on the couch with a smile on her lips.

Just like that, she was about ready to close her eyes and take a short nap, when……

「…… Really now? What gives, guys? It’s so noisy out there all of a sudden.」

For some reason, the outside of the room grew awfully noisy.

She could hear screams and loud noises all the time.

「Didn’t your parents teach you to be quiet when others are trying to sleep? Seriously, talk about bad manners.」

As expected, there was no way that Tanya would be able to take a proper nap while the people outside of the room were behaving in such a loud and obnoxious manner.

Getting up while grumbling under her nose, Tania moved towards the window to see what all the fuss outside was about.

She opened the window and looked outside……


And there, right in front of her, was the figure of a Dragon.


This scene was so unexpected that Tanya stopped thinking for a moment out there.

「…… Huh? What the hell is going on?」

Tanya immediately came back to her senses, no longer questioning the figure of the Dragon outside of the building and just accepting it as reality.

Why would there be a Dragon in a place like this?

Could that Dragon be the impostor that’s been going around and stealing her identity?

But if that was so, then does that mean that Rein and the others failed?

Or could it be that they simply missed one another?

Thoughts like that were racing through Tanya’s head at extremely high speed, but……

「Ahhh, geez! For crying out loud…… I can’t take my nap in peace if you are going to be this loud!」

Coming to the conclusion that she couldn’t leave that Dragon alone like that, Tanya tried to jump out the window……


The door to the guest room opened vigorously and Stella walked right in.

「Oh my, what’s wrong?」

「Thank God you’re okay.」

Stella looked mighty relieved.

She seemed to be worried about Tanya when she learned of the commotion outside of the Knights’ Order’s headquarters.

「It’s not safe to stay here. We should all evacuate to the basement and…… By the way, what are you doing by that opened window? What were you trying to do just now?」

「Oh, you know…… I was just thinking about going out there and shutting up that pesky pest for good.」

「W-What!? Are you crazy!? What are you thinking!? This is a Dragon that we are talking about here!」

「…… Yeah, and? I’m a Dragon myself, so what’s the problem?」

「Yes, I know that, but it’s not safe to go out there all on your own, you know? Besides, just look at the chaos and commotion out there! I’m sure that Rein and the others are going to get back here any moment now, so we should wait until then and just……」

「We can’t wait here. Otherwise that Dragon is going to level the entire city.」

「B-But still…… Be that as it may, you are still under suspicion, Tanya. So if you were to go out right now and cause havoc in the city, the higher-ups are going to get even more of a bad impression of you! And if the worse comes to pass, they might even blame this entire incident and all of its casualties onto you!」



「You’re worried about me, right? So, because of that…… thanks.」

Tanya put her feet up on the edge of the window while Stella was still pouting.

「But I don’t think I can just let something like this go. It would be obviously easier for me to just sit back here and leave handling this incident to others, but…… is it because of Rein, I wonder? At times like this, my body just goes and does things on its own, without me even realizing it.」

「…… Good grief.」

Stella giggled slightly.

She must have realized that there was nothing that she could possibly do to spot Tanya from going out there.

At the same time, she also understood how Tanya felt.


Because Stella had the same desire to fly out right now to protect her beloved city.

「In that case, would you mind waiting just a little while longer? The Knights should be ready to depart soon, too.」

「Shouldn’t you be keeping me locked up here?」

「I shall take full responsibility for everything. So, I’m asking for your help in resolving this crisis.」

「Huh, now that’s what I’m talking about. That’s what I like about humans such as yourself.」

Tanya chuckled.

Stella laughs in response.

「But still, I will be heading out before you, guys. If we don’t stop that thing right now, it will cause a whole lot more damage to the city.」

「Yea, I know…… But still……」

「I don’t want to spend all this time here, worrying about things that might be and then regret not doing anything. Surely you can relate to that?」

「…… Okay, alight. Well then, I’m going to leave this matter to you. We’ll be there as soon as we’re ready.」

「I’m looking forward to those reinforcements.」

Tanya said and jumped out the window.


The people of the city were panicking because of the presence of a Dragon that had flown into the city seemingly out of nowhere.

They screamed and ran around.

The fact that it was noon and there were so many people in the city was also a complete and utter disaster.

People trying to flee the scene crashed into each other and fell down.

More people would then run into them and……

The Dragon looked down at these people with sheer amusement.

Then, with a lashing motion, it cleaves the building with its arms.

The Dragon’s huge claw marks were carved into the walls of the building.

Shrapnels of the bricks would fly off in the air, and the people’s screams grew even louder.

「No, noooooo……」

A little girl, separated from her parents by this chaotic mess, slumped to the ground.

The Dragon found such a child and upon seeing her…… the Dragon laughed.

As if to show off its huge body, its slowly walked up to the girl.

Then it slowly raised one of its huge arms and……

「Stop! Screwing! Arounnnnnndddddd!!!!!!」


Immediately afterwards, something flew from the side with great force and struck the Dragon’s face.

The Dragon’s huge body shook and fell to the ground.

「Where did you come from? And for you to target the life of a small child!? Have you no shame at all! As the same member of the Dragon Tribe, you make me feel sick!」

Tanya landed on the ground and stared at the Dragon with a really sharp glare.

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