Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 204 Part 1


Gothus used his massive body to his advantage and rushed forward.

He charged at Tanya, shattering the cobbled ground and razing the buildings around him in the process.

Tanya cast a quick glance at what was situated behind her back.

Behind Tanya was a residential area of the city.

Countless houses lined the streets one after another.

This was the reason as to why the commotion earlier was so great.

As expected, the evacuation process was long over now, but……

She didn’t want to see any more destruction if she could help it.

「You stupid bastarrrrddd!!!」

Tanya put all of her strength into her arms and……

Just like that, she managed to catch Gothus’s charging body head on.


A loud roar sounded across the entire street, as if a siege weapon exploded against a fortified city gate.


Tanya succeeded in intercepting Gothus’s charge, a Dragon that was many times bigger than her current size.

Fortunately enough she wasn’t sent flying by that charge, but she was being pushed back quite a lot.

「W-Why, you littttttlllllleeeeee……!!!!!!」


Tanya grabbed Gothus’s tail as if she was trying to brandish him by it, and swung it around, and then she threw him towards the empty city’s square.

As expected, he didn’t expect to be thrown away like that.

Gothus was unable to break away from Tanya’s grip and he could only fly through the air like a ragdoll being thrown around……

He then fell into the empty square without being able to break the impact of his fall.

「Aaahh!! Geez! You are so freaking heavy, you…… How about you go on a diet or something!? It would do you wonders!」’

As expected of Tanya, throwing Gothus like that left her short of breath, her chest going up and down heavily.

That current stunt of hers had consumed a whole lot of her energy.

However, she managed to move Gothus into that empty square.

Here, he wouldn’t be able to cause any kind of major damage to the surrounding area.

Well, the benches and the fountain were bound to be in a less than desirable state after that, but……

There was actually nothing that could have been done about it, so there was hardly any point in dwelling on that for too long.

「Here I come!」

Tanya concentrated her magic power and shot out a fireball from her hand.

The fireball drew a parabolic line in the air and landed on top of Gothus’s body.

Gothus was engulfed in flames, but……

His sturdy scales would not be hurt at all.

However, that was something that Tanya had expected to happen.

Since they were of the same Dragon Tribe, she didn’t expect that an attack like that would have been able to do much damage to someone like Gothus.

No, but that attack of hers was to be a mere distraction.

She charged in to blend in with the explosion and the dust cloud it created and close the distance between them.

She would dive into the bosom of Gothus and……

She slammed her fist into his unscaled abdomen.


Tanya’s fist dug deep and Gothus as he writhed in pain.

As he was still writhing in agony, Tanya pressed on the attack and kicked Gothus in the jaw without holding anything back.

It was a sharp and unstoppable blow, flowing from below and aiming up.

Gothus was about to fight back while coming back to his senses, but he was set to take a painful counter, and he couldn’t help but to retreat a few steps back.

But Gothus was also a member of the Dragon Tribe, and the one that lived for about a hundred years.

His pride wouldn’t allow him to lose to Tanya, who hasn’t lived for more than twenty years herself.

Ignoring the pain, Gothus spun his body around and smacked Tanya with his tail.


As a result of that, Tanya’s body was blown away.

She was then slammed into a nearby building……

The shock of the impact causes the air in her lungs to be expelled all at once.

Tanya had trouble breathing and was unable to move.

It was so brief that you could call it a mere moment.

But this was a battlefield. And that moment was more than enough for Gothus.

He swung his large paws up and slammed them into the wall of the building, gouging it out into tiny little pieces.

As a result of that, Tanya is helplessly trapped underneath all of the rubble.

「T-This…… This is not how you treat a girl, you know……?」

Tanya did her best to try and resist Gothus, who wasted no time at all and was now trying to crush her.

However, when it came to a simple contest of raw strength, Tanya was the one who was at a clear disadvantage here.

As expected of a Dragon Tribe that has lived for over a hundred years, he was way more powerful than Tanya could have ever imagined.

And so Tanya began to wonder in a hurry.

What should she do?

Should she also turn herself into a Dragon, so that they would both have equal chances here?

If she did that she could have easily turned this whole situation around in her favor.

But if she did that, the damage to their immediate surroundings would have been simply outrageous.

It was precisely at the moment when Tanya was in so much doubt as to what to do……

「“Dragoon Howling”!!!」

Out of nowhere, a burst of magic power was shot out and struck Gothus’s massive body.

Completely defenseless and not expecting that, Gothus was unable to withstand the force of the blow and was forced to stumble back.

Tanya took that opportunity to escape from under the rubble, and once she did, she moved out of the way of Gothus’s possible counterattack.

「That attack just now……」

「Are you alright!?」

「We are going to assist you here!」

The ones who came to Tanya’s rescue were the Adventurers of the city of Horizon.

Until now, the evacuation of the residents would have been their top priority.

However, when they saw Tanya flying into that building and starting to lose her upper hands in the fight, they couldn’t just watch from afar…… and so they decided to join the fight.

「We are here, too!」

「Everybody, let’s go!」

A new group of knights also rushed into the square.

Each of them picked up a weapon and attacked Gothus.

However, Gothus’s scales were so hard and sturdy that their attacks were making no dent in his defenses.

But even so, none of them would stop their hands and their weapons continued to attack.

They couldn’t possibly leave Tanya to fight such a horrifying opponent all on her own.

So they have chosen to join in on the fight and help her.

Tanya was able to feel both of their will and determination coming from their actions just now.

「Ugh, such trivial and insignificant things…… You stupid human insects!」

「Seeing those people lending me their aid…… Are you still going to continue with those bullshit claims of yours from before!? How can you possibly call them stupid!? The only one who is stupid here…… is you!!!」

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