Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 214 Part 2


Her presence alone was able to harmonize the entire Party and bring the smiles on the lips of everyone in it.

…… Everyone, except for Arios, of course.

「…… Tch.」

Arios clicked his tongue with discontent while looking at his companions, who seemed to be having a really good time talking to each other and Monica as well, with a boorish look on his face.

Monica had been sent to keep an eye on them, so why would those fools even try to get to know her and get along with her?

Aren’t those fools insane or something like that?

Being some distance away from his companions, Arios was seriously thinking about stuff like that.

「…… Fufu.」


All of a sudden, Arios could see Monica’s eyes emerge right in front of his face.

They should have been separated from one another by a considerable distance, so how in the hell……

As if she had noticed Arios’ gaze, Monica turned around and met his eyes once more.

And then…… She flashed him a bright and warm smile.

If the others had seen the way in which she did it, they would have surely judged it to be a gentle smile directed at her companions in good faith.

But when it comes to Arios, that smile of Monica’s made an entirely different impression on him.

What an…… What an incredibly cold smile that was.

Monica’s smile and laugh were as cold as ice to Arios.

No…… No, that was not it.

“Cold as ice” was an expression that wasn’t even able to cut it here.

It was way more than that. It was something more…… More horrible and chilling.

It was such a smile as if it did not belong to the person making it in the first place.

「…… What is wrong with that woman? She’s creeping me out……」

Removing his gaze from Monica, Arios stepped forward with more fervor to put some more distance in between them.

Before he even noticed that, his hands were visibly sweating and shaking.


Arios and his group defeated the monsters without delay and in a swift fashion.

They returned to the royal capital shortly afterwards and stayed at an inn prepared by the state.

And then…… at night.


The hour was late, and everyone from the Hero’s Party had already gone to sleep.

A figure appeared exiting from the inn where Arios and the others were staying.

The figure was wearing a robe with a deep hood, which was making it impossible to see the identity of the one who was wearing it.

The figure was also acting to avoid the eyes of the few people who were present on the streets despite the late hour, sneaking around through the back roads and narrow alleyways.

And then…… the figure entered a certain building.

At the current moment the building was unused, with no residents dwelling inside of it.

「…… Fuuh.」

Letting out a quiet and short sigh, the figure took off the hood of their robe.

And what came spilling from under the hood’s protection….. was Monica’s long and golden hair.

Monica looked around the empty building, as if she was looking for someone……

「My apologies for making you wait.」

「Fufu, you surely are late tonight.」

A voice rang out from somewhere amongst the darkness.

The darkness of the night then started to condense and was ultimately given a proper substance.

Emerging from the whirling and swirling and bulging darkness was…… a figure of a Demon.

Its eyes were glowing in the dark with an eerie color of purple, illuminating the otherwise completely dark and moonless room.

That Demon had wings growing out of its back and long horns growing from the sides of its head.

It also had a long and pointy tail growing from slightly above its butt.

She smiled happily, the corners of her small lips lifting upwards in the form of a nasty grin.

「And here I was starting to wonder what you were doing so late at night, that it even got you late for a meeting. Were you perhaps having some late night fun with the Hero, hmm?」

「Surely you jest, Risu-sama. Arios-sama and I do not have that kind of relationship going on between us, and we certainly never will.」

「What the, seriously? That’s so boring. I honestly think that if that was the case here, it would have been way more interesting.」

「If you really want me to do it, Risu-sama, then this is exactly what I am going to do. Just say the word.」

「Hmm, let’s see…… You know, I just said that as a form of joke to mess with you, but now that I think about it, that actually might not be such a bad idea.」

The Demon called Risu placed her index finger on her chin, looking as if she was lost deep in her own thoughts.

「You should make sure that you get along with the Hero. Doing so certainly wouldn’t hurt us.」

「I understand.」

「Oh, but of course, whether you wish for that relationship of yours to develop into a purely physical one or not, I shall leave the choice to you, Monica. You see, I’m not the kind of Boss who would force her underlings to do something that they would rather not do themselves.」

「Well then, I shall proceed forth with that plan, and make a proper decision after I see how the situation develops.」

「Yes, please do so.」

Even though the other woman was clearly a Demon……

Monica, the member of the King’s Royal Guard, got down on her knees, bowing her head in front of the Demon and addressing it with the utmost respect.

Had there been a member of the third party right here and right now, they might have been utterly surprised by this bizarre scene that was going on.

But for these two, this was something so natural and so obvious that there was hardly even a need to address it.

Because for Monica, the person who she truly served was not the King, but Risu the Demon right in front of her.

「Well then, how about we change the subject for a little bit?」

「Yes, of course.」

「We are going to eliminate the human named Rein Shroud. Lately, he has been becoming more and more of a nuisance to our cause, and I don’t like that. And one more thing…… We are going to manipulate the human Hero, Arios, onto the path that is going to be the most convenient for us. I expect that you are going to take care of both of those matters, and that I can expect you to report the most promising of progress on them sometime soon, okay?」

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