Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 226 Part 2


But now I see that it was not like that in the slightest, and that we would surely be able to connect with one another again.

Well, I mean, I don’t know if we are ever going to be able to get along as well as we did when we were traveling together……

But for the time being, seeing the two of them and knowing that they were doing okay was more than enough for me to feel happy.

「Say, do you have some time right now? We have no plans for the time being ourselves, so we might be generous enough to keep you guys’ company.」

「Well, look here! Someone here thinks he’s a smartass, huh?」

「Even though throwing temper tantrums suits you so much better?」

「S-Shut up, both of you!」

Axe’s face became the color of deep crimson as he shouted at both Sora and Luna, clearly startling them.

For the time being, we decided to accept Axe’s invitation and took our place at the table where he and Cell were seated.

By the way, since there were so many people in our party, we decided to connect the two adjacent tables together into one bigger table.

Once everyone was seated in their chairs, Cell smiled softly at us.

「Once again…… It’s been a while, everyone. I’m glad to see that you all seem to be doing well.」

「I see that you two are the same as you have always been.」

「Oh my? Does that mean that you think I haven’t grown up at all?」

「No, that’s not what I was trying to…… Has your tongue gotten sharper, by any chance, Cell?」

「Fufu, relax. I was only kidding.」

「…… Well, someone here seems to be awfully close with other certain someone.」

Axe glared at me in a really nasty way.

「Cell’s precious smile is meant for me and me alone! And…… GUEAH!?」

「And since when I am your property, huh?」

「I-I’m sorry…… I’m so sorry, Cell-sama…… I got carried away here.」

Right about now, Axe looked as if he was in complete agony.

Maybe the way in which Cell was trampling on him right now was different, so instead of pleasure it was bringing him pain?

「By the way, why did you come to the royal capital, Rein? Could it be that you are thinking of changing your base of operations?」

「Oh, no, it’s nothing like that. We are not here to stay. I just arrived here so that I can undergo a Promotion Exam.」

「Promotion Exam? The one for the A Rank at the Guild?」

「The very same. After you left Horizon when Iris’s case was over, there was a little incident in the city, and once we helped to swiftly resolve it, I got promoted to a B Rank. That’s when I heard about the A Rank Promotion Exam, and…… Here we are, I guess.」

「Hmm, I see. But it’s a good thing, right? I think that you are going to pass that exam with flying colors, Rein. But for the situation to be like that…… Could this actually be fate at work here?」

「Huh? What is that supposed to……」

「Don’t tell for now. They are going to see. These things are way more interesting if you don’t know about them and you go in blind.」

It sounded as if there was something going on about that Promotion Exam, but I guess that Axe and Cell would not be telling me anything.

Right now Axe looked like some sort of mischievous kid who just managed to pull a prank on someone, which is not actually all that bad of a thing, but…… Hmm…… Still, it was making me really curious.


「Alright then, I guess that we are going to be on our way.」

After talking for a while, Cell said so and stood up.

Axe followed suit and got up from his seat as well.

Before I even knew it, about thirty minutes or so had passed.

It looks like we have talked to each other unexpectedly for way longer than I even realized.

「If you would like to meet again, here, take this. You will find the contact information for the inn at which we are currently staying.」

「Thank you very much. We haven’t found a place to stay yet, so I will let you know when we do.」

「Sure thing. And we will be waiting. Come on now, let’s go, Axe.」

「Yeah, I know. But before that…… Umm, Rein?」

「Yeah? What is it?」

「…… Be seeing you.」

「Yeah, be seeing you.」

Aside from Cell, there was still some awkwardness left between Axe and I.

But still ,we were trying to bridge that gap, one step at a time.

「Rein, you look happy.」

「Really now?」

「Yeah. You have been smiling for a while now.」

「…… Is that so? Well, then I really must be happy.」

Because at one time I thought I was completely cut off from Axe and Cell.

I’m really thankful that this was not the case here.

「Well then, let’s do what we came here to do.」

「Is it the time for the culinary tour around the royal capital!?」

「Unfortunately, no.」

「It’s about applying for the Promotion Exam.」

「Tina’s right, so let’s try to not forget why we are here, okay? The gourmet tour around the royal capital can wait until we get that thing out of the way first.」

「Alright! It’s a promise! And no takebacks!」

With a wry smile on Luna’s face, we headed towards the reception desk.

「Excuse me.」

「Yes, how can I help you?」

「Huh!? What the!? Natalie-san!?」

For some mysterious reason, Natalie-san was working as a receptionist in the royal capital.

「Oh my, do you know Natalie?」

「What? Huh?」

「Fufu, by the looks of it, you must have mistaken me for Natalie, am I wrong?」

「H-Huh? Well, aren’t you……?」

「Oh, no, no, no. You see, my name is Nanaly. Natalie happens to be my twin sister. Nice to meet you.」

Talk about a surprise.

I didn’t expect Natalie-san to have a twin sister, and that twin sister would also work as a receptionist for the Adventurers’ Guild……

I guess she didn’t tell us this because she thought it would be a nice surprise.

I can see that Natalie-san is even greater of a tease than she might let people know.

「Are you Shroud-san, by any chance?」

「How did you know about me?」

「You see, I have heard a lot about you from my sister. A lot of things, you know……」

What on earth could Natalie-san tell this girl about me……?」

「But anyways, what can I do for you today?」

「Yes, I would like to apply for the A Rank Promotion Exam, have you heard anything about it? Oh, and here’s a letter of introduction that Natalie-san gave me.」

「Yes, I have heard all about it. Also, I will be taking that letter of introduction, thank you very much.」

Nanaly-san wrote something on a fresh document form and then compiled it with a bunch of other documents in a crisp manner.

She seemed to be just as good at her job as Natalie-san was.

「Alright, the registration procedure is now completed. The exam will be held at a later date, so please come back to the Guild in due time.」

「Yes, understood.」

That is how I was going to take the A Rank Promotion Exam.

I don’t know if I will be able to pass it successfully, but……

Let’s give it our all and hope for the best! No regrets!

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