Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 35 Part 2


Was her strange attitude from a moment before something she was doing on purpose?

「Nice to meet you.」

「Pleasure to make your acquaintance, nya!」

「Well, I guess it cannot be helped, so…… Here’s to a good cooperation together.」

Just like that, we shook each other’s hands.

「What are you going to do from now on, Sora and Luna? Are you going to continue to manage this place?」

At Tanya’s question, they both shook their heads at the same time in denial.

「No, that’s out of the question. I think that we are going to leave this place for good. Even though I know that it was something that couldn’t really be helped, I don’t feel like I can be with my the people who were so ready to just abandon Luna and I without a second thought…… I just want to put some distance between us and calm down a little bit.」

「Besides, I’m not the kind of person who fits in a forest like this, anyways. I have always wanted to go out into the world and see all the wonders it has to offer. And if I can travel the world alongside Sora, then my home is always going to be by her side.」

「Okay, alright. Well, that’s actually a solid option. But you should be careful, you know? True, the world is filled with good people, but some of them can even be as bad or even worse than that Shadow Knight was.」

「Yes, now that you mention it, this is the part that I am worried about the most.」
「You can say that again. Up until now, we were basically social recluses. There is a whole lot of things regarding the ways in which the world works that we do not know. Hmm, it would certainly be a good thing to have a guide with us. Someone who we could trust, no matter what……」

「Luna, I honestly don’t know how to feel about someone like you calling us recluses……」

「Hm? Why? Did I say something wrong? But that’s actually what we are, right?」


Sora looked at her younger sister with a really disdainful look.

Well, I mean, that’s an understandable reaction to have.

If you’re the member of the Ultimate Species and you get called a recluse, it’s more than natural to have some pretty conflicting emotions about that.

Especially that in this case, the one to call Sora that was one of her own people.

「Well then, how about you guys come with us for the time being?」

Suddenly, Kanade opened her mouth and said something like that.

「I mean, the fact that we were able to meet like that here surely is not without meaning. Would you like to join our party?」

「Hey, Kanade, wait just a moment! You cannot decide things like that for others!」

「Nyah? Does that mean that you disagree with that idea, Tanya?」

「It’s not that I’m against it. It’s just that Rein is the leader of our group, and I don’t feel like we should be proposing something on our own that he does not feel comfortable doing.」

「…… Oh! Y-Yeah, now that you mention it, you’re right! Rein, I’m sorry! I didn’t even think of that!」

「No, you don’t have to worry. I don’t really mind.」

As expected, Sora and Luna surely must have been perceiving that proposition as something that was difficult to swallow.

I’m a human, after all.

To have a Spirit Tribe join a party with humans in it, that was surely something that they were perceiving as uncomfortable.

「Hoo……? Are you really sure about that? Well then! That’s actually great! I hereby grant you permission to make us the part of your crew so that we can travel together!」

「Luna! Don’t you know the meaning of the word “refrain”? Also, what is that condescending attitude of yours!? Besides, it was me who asked them to help in the first place, so it should also be me who would join them and……」

「I don’t know what that “refrain” of yours is, Sis! Is it good? Is it tasty? Besides, can’t you hear just politely they are asking us about it? They must be seriously thinking that they want us to join them! Can’t you understand that much, my dear sister?」

「T-This is……」

「Listen, sister. It is true that it was humans who had taken our homes from us. I’m not denying that. But that being said, I don’t think that it’s right to assume that every human out there is the same. Don’t you think that we can put our trust in Rein and his group? Because I think that we can.」


「You see, when it comes to me, I am more than happy to go and join them. No, I am positively overjoyed! So, how about it? Shall we kiss to cement that agreement, or something of the sort?」

「There you go, speaking nonsense again out of sheer embarrassment. Don’t you know that you shouldn’t be saying things like that lightly? But be that as it may…… W-Well, Sora also thinks that if it is Rein and his comrades, then there should be no problem with us joining them. Or rather, by all means, I would really like for you to welcome us in your ranks!」

「Huh? Are you really sure about that?」

「Yes, I am. Just like Luna said, I think that if it is you, Rein, we can trust you with our lives. Normally I wouldn’t say it about anyone else, but I have a feeling that Rein would be able to do it. I mean, please let us come with you! Sora really wishes to be with Rein and the others!」

Well, this turned out to be an unexpected development.

I didn’t expect the two Spirit Tribe girls to want to work with a human such as myself……

「Hey, Rein, Rein! you know, I really want those two to come and join us♪!」

「We are somehow managing things the way we are for the time being, but we can be sure that in the future we are going to stumble across some challenges where just the three of us won’t nearly be enough to do the job. So I guess it’s a good thing to have more people on board for when that time finally comes. B-But don’t misunderstand, okay!? It’s not like I want those two to join us or anything like that! You get it!?」

It seems that Kanade and Tanya have already decided that they would allow the two of them to join our group, and were overjoyed to welcome them on board. I mean, it was somewhat understandable, since all of them were the members of the Ultimate Species, so they probably felt that they must get along.

And certainly enough, having both Sora and Luna join our group would be really reassuring, in more ways than one.

Because there are times when I even wished that our party would have more members.

So I thought about it for a bit and came to a conclusion.

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