Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 37 Part 1



As we left the inn where Arios and the others were staying, Kanade let out a long and deep sigh.

「…… Hm? What’s wrong, Kanade?」

「I knew it! I really can’t stand that guy! …… How about we deck him really good for once? Maybe he’ll finally learn his lesson!」

「Well, in that case, count me in on that. And let’s make sure that when we deck him, that it will have a lasting effect. One that he is not going to recover from.」

「Now, now. I know that you are joking here, but you shouldn’t really be joking about things like that.」

「「Joking? But we are one hundred percent serious, though?」」

Once again, Tanya and Kanade said the exact same words in the exact same tone of voice, their expressions saying that they really were serious here.

Seriously…… why is it that they are so terrifyingly in sync only when it comes to situations like that?

「I told you before, didn’t I? Arios is…… Well, I mean, he is a truly unpleasant jerk, but he’s still a Hero, nonetheless. If he’s gone, there would be no one left to defeat the Demon Lord. And that would mean trouble for the entire world.」

「Rein, Sora has a question.」

Saying that, Sora gently tugged away at the hem of my clothes.

「Yes? What is it?」

「Why is it that the Demon Lord can only be defeated by the Hero?」

「Yeah! That question’s been bothering me for a while as well!」

「Speaking of which…… Why is that?」

「I have a feeling there was a reason for that, but…… Ahh, oh no. I can’t seem to remember.」

Everyone was tilting their heads together, pondering that matter.

Honestly speaking, I thought that it was something that everyone knew about. A common knowledge, of sorts.

Oh well, I guess these girls are the members of the Ultimate Species after all.

It would be rude to actually assume that they would be familiar with traditions and customs of humankind.

Especially Sora and Luna, the Spirit Tribe, who had refused to interact with humans for such a long time, I’m sure that there would be many things that they wouldn’t understand.

「Alright then…… But where do I even start with this one?」

Sitting on a wooden bench and being surrounded by my companions, I felt like a teacher giving a lecture as I continued my story.

「This is actually something that is difficult to prove or pinpoint, but apparently many years ago the very first Hero made a pact with the Gods.」

「Nyah? With the Gods?」

「According to the lore……. Long ago, humans were oppressed by the demons, suffering under the rule of the Demon Lord. They were treated like nothing but slaves, unable to defy the powerful Demon Lord and the demonkind serving him. In order to break out of their oppression, the First Hero stood up against both the demons and the Demon Lord. In order to gain the power to fight the Demon Lord, the First Hero seemed to have made a pact with the Gods and taken in their blood as a sign of covenant. In this way, the First Hero gained the power of the Gods themselves, obtained a dramatic power boost, defeated the Demon Lord in combat, and freed the humans from the chains of their oppression……」

「He must have been a very honorable and wonderful man, the First Hero. To be able to fight so earnestly for the sake of others.」

「Yeah, he seems like a far cry from that pathetic excuse of a Hero we have to deal with today.」

「The First Hero then had children and his Godly-infused blood was passed on to them. At the same time, his power was also passed on to his descendants. It has been passed down through generations, from child to father and so on and so forth…… all the way until the present day. Needless to say, Arios has also inherited the blood of the First Hero. That is why he is the Chosen One.」

「But isn’t he pathetically weak for someone coming from such an amazing lineage? We basically mopped the floor with him and his lackeys, didn’t we?」

「Hey, what’s that all about? Sounds interesting! Tell me! Tell me more about it!」

「Well, this is also kind of a long story, so how about we share some details about that with you later? Maybe another time, when the opportunity presents itself?」

In a really strange way, Luna tried to jump in on the conversation we were having.

Although Sora didn’t say anything, her eyes were shining as if to say ‘I’m interested, too’. I guess I can hardly blame them for being interested in a topic like that.

「But even though it is true that we managed to defeat them, that’s not to say that this was the full extent of Arios’s power. He has plenty more where that came from.」

「Nyah? What does that mean? Are you saying that he was going easy on you? Or holding back for reasons whatever?」

「Oh, no, not at all. My bad. I might have actually put it in a really bad way. What I am trying to say here is that Arios is yet to awaken to his full potential as a Hero. He still has to do it.」

After all, the bloodline of the Hero acquires a special power, unique only to them.

It’s a power called ‘Limit Breaker’..

No matter how much effort a normal human would put forth into growing stronger, there is no way that a normal human would be able to obtain the power necessary to defeat the Demon Lord.

They will never grow to that level, and along the way, they will reach the limit of their growth sooner rather than later.

Even those who are exceptionally talented in the art of battle would not be able to grow to the point of being able to defeat the Demon Lord.

At best, they would only be able to defeat his Four Heavenly Kings, and even that’s debatable.

Why is that? It’s because every person in this world has certain limits that are set for them.

However, the Hero is a different story altogether.

Their bodies, which have taken in the blood of the Gods and have been passed down from generation to generation, are said to have no limiters of any kind imposed on them.

So in a sense, the Hero can grow indefinitely, acquiring new skills and powers. The only limit they have is the one that they set for themselves.

And it is that limitless growth potential that leads to them eventually being able to defeat the Demon Lord.

「To make a long story short, a Hero is someone who can grow infinitely, until they are strong enough to be able to take on the Demon Lord and his cohorts. An ordinary person would have a limit at some point in their life and would not be able to grow any further past that limit. But a Hero doesn’t have that limit imposed on them and can grow infinitely. That’s to the point where they can defeat the Demon Lord, even on their own…… That’s why it’s said that only the Hero can defeat the Demon Lord.」

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Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party

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Comment (1)

  1. leccora

    I wonder how the hero lineage was determined? Is it an oracle or maybe a title they hold (like some series have)? Maybe Rein has some hero blood in him (which could also explain his abilities as a beast master).

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