Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 38 Part 1


After completing Arios’s request, I have found out that my pockets were so much richer now compared to before.

Now that I had some leeway money to spend, I decided to do something about preparing our equipment.

So we went to the armor shop, which was said to be the best one in the city.

「…… Welcome.」

Upon entering, we were greeted by the sardonic voice of the owner of the store.

The proprietor was an old man who looked really grumpy, with a stubborn air about him.

He was short and stocky, kind of like a child.

But the truth is, he was actually of the Earthling Tribe.

They are very similar to humans in physique, and are skilled at blacksmithing and all sorts of metalworks.

They are also more commonly known as Dwarves.

「I’m sorry. I’m looking for some weapons and armor to be made for myself and my party……」

「…… You, do you happen to have knot holes for eyes, or something? Take a look around you! There are weapons and armor all over the place! So go have a look and pick whichever one you like.」

「O-Oh, y-yeah, right. I understand. Got it.」

I really wanted for the Owner to actually pick out something for me or at least recommend something to me, but as we could see, he seemed not in the mood for talking at all.

「…… Nyah, you’re such a stubborn old man.」

「The Earthling Tribe people surely are such bigots.」

When Kanade and Tanya were saying things like that while being right behind me……


The Owner glanced at me in a really nasty way.

Could it be…… that he heard them just now?
I guess it is true what they say about Dwarves: their sense of hearing is truly impeccable.

I stopped them both from talking anything more for the time being and warned them not to say anything offensive for as long as we were going to be here..

「Rein. How about a weapon like this?」

Sora brought me a simple dagger.

「It looks pretty good. And its sharpness seems to be on point, too.」

「Right? I knew you would get it.」

「Umm, but it’s just that……」

「Just that?」

「How shouldI put it……?」 I can’t really put it into words, but I feel like there’s something fundamentally wrong about it.」

「Fundamentally wrong?」

「Yes, I’m sorry I can’t put it into words some more. It just doesn’t feel right, for some reason.」

「Oh, I see…… Well, that’s a shame.」

「But I really appreciate it that you have been working so hard to pick it for me. Thank you for that.」

「Oh, no, not at all. That much is only natural, after all. I just want to properly fulfill my duty as a familiar, that’s all.」

「Rain, Rain.」

Now it was Luna who brought me a whip out of all possible things.

「How about something like this?」

「Luna? Why would you even suggest that? You do realize that Rain can’t handle a whip, right?」

「But don’t you automatically tend to think of ‘whip’ when you think of ‘tamer’? And with the use of this nifty tool, you can also discipline the cheeky and naughty familiars who do not listen to what you say to them! Pretty kinky stuff!」

「N-No! T-That’s lewd! Absolutely immoral!」

「Fufuhn! Oh my, just what were you imagining just now, sister dearest? To think that a mere whip like that can send your imagination to such a pink and erotic place…… Sore is even bigger of a closet pervert than I had originally imagined! Kuhahaha!」


「Whoa there! This calls for a strategic retreat!」

After that the Spirit twins started to chase one another around the shop while making a whole lot of noise.

Hopefully their loud and obnoxious behavior won’t get them kicked out of the store.

I cast a quick glance at the Owner of the store, but he didn’t seem to show any interest in us whatsoever.

He was quietly reading a book with a bored look on his face.

Why was he so unwilling to do his job and serve the customers?

I was really curious about that……

But I’m sure that even if I was to ask him about that, he would not even bother to answer me.

「I’ll have to pick up my pace with the armor and weapons. Preferably before we get kicked out for making all sorts of ruckus here.」

I then looked around the shelves where various pieces of armor were laid out for the customers to see.

When it comes to weapons, I am the most comfortable with daggers.

Many of the Beast Tamers don’t have strong arms, so such light equipment is our go-to weapon of sorts.

But now that I’m under contract with Kanade, I’m sure I can equip not only a short sword, but a long one as well with little to no problem.

However, since I have never used them before, I’m skeptical if I would be able to wield them properly.

Even if I buy them because I can now equip them, I will most likely not be able to handle them all that well and in the end such a purchase would only turn out to be the waste of money.

After all, a familiar dagger would still be the best for me.

With that thought in mind, I moved to the shelves where the daggers were lined up, but……


The Owner of this place must be quite skilled with his craft.

All weapons displayed on the shelves appeared to shine brightly.

But…… is it just my imagination or is that shine really the only thing that they have going on for them?

It’s as if…… They were just meant to look good, but had little to no substance behind them.

That was the honest impression that I have gotten from them.

「Hey, you’re in the way! Out of my way!」

A large man, who looked like an Adventurer, just happened to walk into the store.

He had scars on his face and arms, and had an uncanny appearance to him all over.

He might have been a strong man who had passed through a series of difficult battles across his career as an Adventurer.

「Are you the Owner of this place?」

「…… Umu.」

「I was introduced to this place by an Adventurer friend of mine. He said I’d find the right armor and weapon here for myself.」

「Hoo, you don’t say…… Introduced by a friend, huh?」
「Do you have any good long swords here? I’ve got plenty of money to spare, just give me the best of the best that you have.」

「Hmm, money, huh? Oh well…… How about this one?」

The Owner handed the big man a sword.

The big man pulled the sword from its scabbard and checked the blade closely.

「It has a nice shine to it. It’s a sword that looks like it will cut really well.」

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