Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 59 Part 1


The knights led by Stella decided to approach the Lord’s mansion at dawn.

Considering that we pretty much expected that there would be a battle that would ensue once we got there, nighttime would be a whole lot more convenient for us.

However, even though we knew that the Lord would not willingly let himself be audited by the knights, things were not so simple for us that we could just waltz in there without proper preparation.

As much as it was working against us here, the Knights Order had to follow proper and formal procedures.

Hence, it was generally agreed upon that launching the surprise attack at the mansion at night right away was completely out of the question.

「Huh? What’s this? Who the hell are you!?」

Once the gatekeepers stationed at the Lord’s mansion noticed Stella and her knights approaching the mansion’s premises, they looked alive and blocked the passage forward with the spears that they were holding in their hands.

「My name is Stella Emplace, I am a member of the Knights Order, Horizon Branch. Those people are my direct subordinates, and those people are the official assistant of the Order.」

「The Knights Order……? What the hell is the Knights Order even doing here……?」

「We shall now conduct an audit of the Lord’s mansion! Lower your weapons and grant us passage, at once!」

「An audit? That’s ridiculous, for that kind of thing to take place here……」

「Just to let you know, we will not tolerate any attempt at trying to interfere with us carrying out our duties. Now! Move out of the way!」

「H-Hey, are you actually being serious here……? W-Weren’t you guys supposed to serve the Lord? So why are you doing this now……」

「The only person to whom we have sworn fealty is His Majesty the King, not some mere feudal Lord! And now, we have determined that the Lord is disobeying the King’s orders and goes against the duties that were entrusted upon him by the Crown! You have two choices here! You can either accept the audit peacefully, or try to resist and in consequence make the entire Knights Order your enemies…… The choice is yours!」

With a resolute attitude, Stella urged the gatekeepers to step back once more.

As if driven against a wall by Stella’s tremendous pressure, the gatekeepers took a step backwards, thoroughly intimidated.

「T-This is…… That sort of thing……」

「Now, what do you want to do!? We won’t be waiting forever, mind you!」

As if to help to drive her point across and pressure the gatekeepers even harder, Stella thrusted her sword at the chest of one of the gatekeepers.

Frightened beyond reason, the gatekeeper took another step backwards.

Would that be more than enough to make them step aside without a fight?

I’m sure that Stella also had such high hopes for this situation, but unfortunately……

「…… Huh!?」

It was at this exact moment that we could hear the sound of multiple heavy footsteps approaching fast.

Looking towards the direction from where the sound was coming from, we could all see a whole lot of armed men pouring out of the inside of the Lord’s mansion.

There were so many of them that it was hard to count them all.

「Yeah, I actually knew that it would come to this……」

「Oh well, not that we were unable to predict that, huh? It would be foolish to think that they would act otherwise.」

「Besides, we are all here to help! So don’t worry! Everything is going to be just fine!」

「Yes, I’m sorry about that. Can I count on your help once more?」

「「You bet! Just leave it to us!」」

Kanade and Tanya said in unison while assuming battle stances, ready for what was coming our way.

Following the two of them, Stella also drew up her sword and assumed a battle position. Needless to say, all of the other knights followed suit after her, readying themselves for battle.


We went around to the back of the mansion and broke inside of it while paying close attention so that we wouldn’t be detected.

At the same time, we could hear that the space in front of the mansion had become awfully noisy all of a sudden.

Apparently, Stella and the others had started the raid on the mansion in earnest.

Well, since both Kanade and Tanya were accompanying the knights, I don’t really think that we had anything to worry about there, but……

For some bizarre reason, I just couldn’t help it but to worry about them.

It would be ideal if we could wrap things up here as fast as possible, so that we could go and rejoin the rest of our group in front of the mansion.

「Sora, Luna. Do you think you could locate the whereabouts of all the hostages around here?」

「I’m already on it!」

「Fufun! Just who do you think we are? Such a thing is a piece of cake for us!」

「Luna, please refrain from speaking too loudly. Even though the vast majority of people from the mansion are concentrated in front of the building right now, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any guards left out here to patrol.」

「Mmmnh! Yeah, I know, but…… I find the idea of sneaking around to be rather boring……!」

「Oh yeah? And who was it that told everyone else that they could leave everything to us when it comes to the infiltration mission?」

Even though we were right in the middle of the enemy territory, somehow there was hardly any tension to be felt in Sora and Luna’s voices.

But that’s actually a good thing. Thanks to that, I was able to focus and analyze our current situation calmly.

「Oh well, it doesn’t really matter. Now it’s the time to show you just how capable we can be! You’d better get down on your knees and praise us a whole lot afterwards!」

「I told you, DON’T SPEAK SO LOUDLY!」



With a loud sound, Sora smacked Luna right to the center of her head.

「Who would have thought that my dear sister could be so violent…… How horrible!」

「Come on now, quit your whining and get to work!」

「Yeah, I know, I know. Hmmm…… Well, I guess this is the best magic for that kind of a task: “Material Search”!」

The moment that Luna chanted the spell, and a wave of bright light started to spread out all around her.

「Is that perhaps…… a magic that detects the flow of magic in one’s surroundings, was it?」

「…… Hm? Do you know about it? That’s impressive.」

「Yes, but only because Tanya has used it before.」

「Hmm, I see. Well, it’s a rather easy magic to handle, really. So it’s not actually all that surprising that not only our Spirit Tribe, but also the Dragon Tribe would be able to use it without any major problems.」

「Okay, but how exactly does a spell like that help us to locate the hostages?」

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