Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 61 Part 2


She looked up at me as she grabbed the edges of my clothes and hung onto the as if she was hanging for dear life.

「Please, don’t…… leave me all alone……」

「It will be fine, Nina, you’ll see. I just need those two to teleport you somewhere safe, since this place is going to get really dangerous soon.」

「No, I…… I don’t want to be…. away from you, Rein…… And I don’t want to be all alone again……」

「…… Nina…….」

I could hear a slight tremble in Nina’s voice.

It was as if she had some sort of trauma that left her with a strong desire to be protected by others……

At this rate, I started to think that separating from Nina and teleporting her away might not actually be all that good of an idea. It might do her more bad than good.

True, if I let Nina go away with the teleportation spell, she would be taken away to somewhere safe.

However, it would also mean that Nina would be lonely, and that would most probably cause her needless anxiety.

I then bend down lightly and made eye contact with Nina.

「…… If you stay here, things might get really scary.」


「Who knows? We might be getting ourselves into a whole lot of trouble. And we might even run into people who did all those terrible things to you, Nina. That being said…… do you still wish to stay with me?」

「…… Yes. I want to stay with you, Rein. No matter what happens.」

「…… All right. Then I guess I have no other choice but to let you stay with me.」

I gently stroked Nina’s fluffy head.

Relieved to hear that, Nina smiled slightly.

「Alright then. We should hurry to the front of the mansion, let’s join the others.」

「Yes, it’s been really noisy out there for a while now. I guess that Kanade and Tanya are still fighting there. It would be best for us to join them and help them as soon as possible.」

「Aren’t the two of you going to disagree? About Nina, I mean?」

「Well, it’s something that you decided that you want to do, Rein.」

「And besides, we understand and can sympathize with the desire to not wanting to be left all alone. Fufun! See how tolerant I am towards those who are weaker than me?」

Even though the two of them are the members of the same Ultimate Species?

For what it’s worth, it seems that both Sora and Luna were concerned about Nina’s well-being.

They’ve only just met each other, but they can already care about her to this extent…… Both Sora and Luna are very good people.

And even though we were in a really serious situation right now, I couldn’t help it but to feel glad and relieved.

「Alright then.」

We needed to brace ourselves from here on out. After all, the situation would only start to grow more and more dangerous.

So if anyone would want to call it quits, now would be the ideal time,

「Nina, get on my back for the time being.」


I crouched down and let Nina get on my back swiftly.

「Muh, that looks really nice…… Later, I hope you do the same for us as well, Rein!」

「…… Sora would like that, too.」

「Yeah, sure. Once this is all over.」

「Then, let’s put an end to this as fast as we can!」

We each got fired up about the incoming battle and ran towards the front of the mansion.


At the same time…… On the front of the mansion, the knights led by Stella and the Lord’s private army were clashing violently.

「Push them back! Push them back! Don’t let them come one foot in the building!」

「Don’t be afraid, people! Justice is on our side!」

The Knights Order consisted of six knights, and Stella as their commander.

Plus, they also had Kanade and Tanya backing them up.

In contrast, the Lord’s private army, swarming out of the building one after another, amounted to about one hundred men.

Eight knights versus one hundred mercenaries.

If one were to think about it normally, Stella and her people would have no chance of winning.

No matter how excellent Stella was in swordplay, she could only take on three people at most at the same time.

She couldn’t take on a hundred men all by herself, and her strength wouldn’t last very long if she even tried to attempt that.

But they were backed up by two extremely powerful, unordinary beings.

「Unya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya…….. NYAH!!!」

THe battle broke out the moment the two opposing forces clashed, and the area around the mansion’s gate was filled with friends mixed up with foes.

In the midst of all this, there was a certain shadow that ran between people with extreme precision, weaving through the gaps and galloping like the wind.

It was of course Kanade.

As she passed one mercenary after another, she struck a painful blow with her fists and legs to them.

The Lord’s private soldiers screamed in agony and fell one after another to the ground.

She was like a storm rushing through the battlefield.

And once swallowed by that storm, there was no way you could even hope to withstand it.

「Kanade, you’re doing great! I guess that compared to you, I cannot make myself seem hal-assed…… Alright! Ready or not, here I go!」

Seeing Kanade put up such a fight, Tanya started to feel even more motivated.

Leaping higher and higher……

She instantly found a point where there were no allies and rushed straight through.

She then landed like a meteorite while kicking away countless enemies in every direction.

The enemy soldiers who witnessed their comrades being eviscerated, shouted out loud and brandished their weapons at Tanya. However, in Tanya’s eyes, they were just too slow.

She spun around on the spot.

Using her proud tail like a whip, she cleaves down the surrounding enemy soldiers.

「…… T-Those two…… they are so amazing!」

Stella was stunned to see the two Ultimate Species in action.

Since the start of the engagement, it had been about thirty minutes.

The number of enemies had been reduced by about a third by that time mark.

Most of this was due to the success of Kanade and Tanya going through them like a hot knife goes through butter.

And yet, Kanade and Tania did not look as if they were hurt at all.

They didn’t show any signs of fatigue, either.

Just the two of them, they had overwhelmed the enemy soldiers to a great extent.

Once again, she was reminded of the astonishing power of the Ultimate Species.


There was still fear clutching its way into Stella’s heart.

「I don’t think it’s going to end just with this…… It would be too easy.」

She was concerned about the people being held captive by the enemy.

Besides, no mercenaries comparable to the B-rank Adventurers employed by the Lord have shown up.

Are those hostages going to be safe?

Stella wanted this whole thing to finally be over with, but she had a feeling that it wouldn’t be so simple.

But even though Stella’s heart was filled with doubt.

「…… Yeah, I’m not going to let you down!」

She gripped her sword tightly, as if to inspire herself.

When it comes to the hostages, Rain said that he was going to take care of it.

Even if the mercenaries comparable to a B-ranked Adventurer appeared, they could all join forces and deal with them.

Thinking that, Stella cut right into the middle of the enemy’s ranks.

…… I was at around that exact time.

「H-Hey! This is bad! Things are really not looking good for us here!」

「Hostages! Take some hostages! They won’t be able to lay as much as a finger on us that way!」

「…… HUH!?」

Just as the knights were about to get the upper hand in the battle, Stella could hear something truly disturbing and despicable being discussed between the enemy’s soldiers.

Could it be that…… Rein did not make it in time?

Stella’s mind couldn’t really help it but to wonder that, and as she was starting to get more and more impatient by the minute……

「I’m sorry for being late!」

Something or someone jumped out of the sky and……

…… landed right next to Stella’s side.

And seeing who that someone was, a bright smile naturally formed on Stella’s lips.

「Rein! You came!」

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