V4 Story IV – Part 04



Translator: Kell

“You’re entitled to your own opinion, but I disagree. Completely.”

I put pressure on my fingers, and the cookie snapped. White powder drifted down to the table.

“I will never approve of the fox’s ways.”

Dusting off the sugary powder, I propped my elbow on my knee. Tanba saw through my lies. I was getting tired of pretending anyway. I glared at him in a manner that I hoped was arrogant.

A moment later, Tanba shook his head ruefully.

“I see,” he said. “That is unfortunate. It seems that nothing I can say will convince you.”

What Tanba should be preaching was the Lord’s authority, not his own beliefs.

But he shook his head, oblivious to the inconsistency. Our conversation was over, it seemed. The question and answer portion was done. I had no idea what he would do next.

I doubt the fox would kill me so easily. I had to believe that.

I hoped they would just drag me to where the fox was like some criminal.

I didn’t know what he was going to do, but I was willing to take a little mental and physical torture. The important thing was to see the fox even for a few moments. I resolved not to resist if someone came to take me away.

But what Tanba said next, I didn’t expect.

“What about you, Yusuke-sama?”

After several seconds of silence, Yusuke lifted his head. “Hmm? Did you say something?”

Apparently he was mindlessly eating cookies.

Tanba gave a loving smile, and Yusuke scowled.

“I could not prepare a gift for Odagiri-sama, as I thought there was a high chance that he would refuse,” the man said. “However, we have prepared a gift for you. Although, the presentation wasn’t supposed to happen this early. It’s fine, I suppose.”

Tanba clapped his hands dramatically. As though waiting for his signal the whole time, the door opened, and the woman who guided us earlier appeared with two people in tow. She then exited the room in horror.

The two people raised their heads.

A woman with long black hair smiled gently.

She was holding hands with a young child.

I’d seen them before.

My heart raced. The cookie fell out of Yusuke’s hand.

“…What?” Yusuke breathed.

I swallowed back the stream of abuse rising up my throat.

What the fuck is this?

What kind of fucked up shit is this?

I knew the woman. I saw her once in Yusuke’s dream, in the middle of summer.

Her smile was bright and lovely.

But she shouldn’t be here.

“…Asako-san? Aki?” Yusuke called cautiously.

They both nodded in silence.

Tanba clapped his hands in celebration. He raised his arms high. “How do you like it? This is the Lord’s grace,” he proclaimed. “They’re not yet complete. But they will respond to you. If you so wish, they will return to their former selves.”

The smooth sales talk had begun. I tried telling Yusuke to cover his ears. A deal with the fox required a hefty price. One shouldn’t listen to it.

But I didn’t say anything. Yusuke was stiff, his eyes frozen wide. He had an indescribable look on his face. A mixture of all sorts of emotions—longing, sadness, surprise.

I couldn’t call out his name. The death of these people was the cause of Yusuke Saga’s breakdown. I didn’t know what kind of switch would flip in him if I interfered.

Besides, I didn’t know the right words to say.

“It’s been a long time, Yusuke-kun.”


I couldn’t butt into this reunion.

How could I?

Tanba continued clapping his hands. Then, he smiled. “How do you like it, Yusuke-sama? Do you want to regain the happiness you once lost?”

Yusuke didn’t respond. The two were smiling serenely. They remained silent, like they couldn’t make any other expressions right now. It was probably very tempting to Yusuke, nonetheless.

These two people who hung themselves were never supposed to smile again.

“If you wish for it, everything can go back to the way it was.”

Even for only a moment.

A slice of certain paradise.

Tanba paused, smiling as he waited for a reply. Yusuke stood silent. His shoulders were quivering.

“…Motherfucker,” Yusuke muttered.


Did I hear that right? There wasn’t even a chance to ask him.

Yusuke slowly reached around his back. The bag opened smoothly, and a bat came from inside, fitting in his palm like an extension of his arm. Tanba and I watched what he was doing, but for some reason, none of us made a move.

No one could make a move.

Yusuke brandished the bat so naturally, then swung it down without a word.

Down on the head of Asako, who was standing there with a smile on her face.


Blood splattered onto Tanba’s glasses. Viscous red stained the dressing on his cheek.

Long black hair rippled as a heavy head rolled on the floor. Red and cracked, it looked like a fruit that had been smashed. Yusuke spun halfway around, and jumped.

There was very similar splatter, and a small body was knocked away.

Asako and Aki crumpled to the floor.

Tanba was still smiling. He touched the crimson on his glasses. The blood on his fingers made a sticky sound.


Yusuke abruptly turned. Gritting his teeth, he looked up at the ceiling.

The next moment, his mouth dropped open, and he took a deep breath.

“Shut the fuck uuup!” he roared.

The walls vibrated. Yusuke bent down like a beast. Putting all his strength into his legs, he leapt to the ceiling and swung the bat at Tanba’s head without hesitation. Tanba tried to retreat, but he lost his balance and toppled backward with the couch. The bat struck the bottom of the upside-down sofa.

“Die, you fucking bitch!” Yusuke screamed, his eyes glinting sharply.

Tanba shrieked as Yusuke kicked the couch away. He swung the bat once more, down on Tanba’s head.

But something wedged itself between them.

An ashen face caught the bat. Its face, like a Noh mask, cracked, and blood spurted out. The humanoid lifted its head gently, not feeling any pain.

Yusuke kicked it in the stomach. Its white belly contorted, and its whole body bent in an unusual shape. The humanoid rolled on the floor effortlessly.

Then, countless footsteps sounded, all triggered by Tanba’s scream. I sensed people moving hurriedly in the corridor, heard alarmed cries, voices asking what was going on. However, there was no sign of anyone gathering in this room except for the humanoids. People were hastily heading either outside or deeper inside.

If I had to guess, it was because of Shirayuki. Her sudden assault must’ve traumatized them.

Apparently the humanoids were in charge of security in this building. They seemed disorganized, suggesting a lackluster information system within their structure. Their actions were hardly coordinated. It might be because their supervisor, Aya, was not around. Some people peeked in through the door, but immediately backed away.

Someone was screaming, but none came to help.

Yusuke roared as he swung his bat repeatedly. A humanoid sprinted through the door and lunged toward him, but just before it grabbed him on the waist, Yusuke slammed his foot into its face, sending it crashing onto the wall. He didn’t follow-up his attack, and instead bashed the next one.

There was a small crack, and the humanoid’s head bent in an impossible manner. Kicking it over, Yusuke brandished his bat once more.

“Lord this, lord that, lord, lord, loooooooord!”

The female guide bolted out the door, whimpering, and another humanoid stepped inside.

Its squishy footsteps reverberated throughout the room.

“Just shut the fuck up already!” Yusuke bellowed.

Yusuke picked up his bag and searched for another bat. Once he found it, he kicked it with his foot. It spun in the air before landing in his hand. With bats in both arms, Yusuke sprinted like a beast, swinging his arms deftly. He moved both arms separately, and sometimes together, to strike.

Blood sprayed everywhere. Yusuke slammed his bat against the humanoid without a shred of reluctance.

There were dull thuds as the humanoid tumbled to the floor. Even with their joints dislocated, the humanoids lunged at him, trying to stop his movements completely. But Yusuke was incredibly fast. With animalistic motion, he shook off the humanoids’ hands, hit their torso, and bit their fingers.

I couldn’t speak. I just watched the scene before me mutely.

There was no room for me to intervene.




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