Chapter 35

Episode 33: A Gift for Cantera

I wrote down the key actions that I thought were necessary for a scout.

Here’s a basic outline:

【Reconnaissance】: Advance ahead of the unit to grasp the terrain, gather intel on enemy numbers and formation, etc.
【Attack】: Based on the intel gathered, propose effective attack methods, etc.
【Pursuit】: When the enemy retreats, follow them, set traps to cut off their escape route, or determine their retreat destination, etc.

I also added some useful skills and compiled it into a 30-page booklet.
Before class, I decided to hand it over to Cantera.

「Cantera, I finished the report we talked about the other day, so here it is♪」

「Thanks, Ren! If there’s anything I don’t understand, can I ask you about it?」

「Of course! Feel free to ask anything♪ Well, class is about to start, so I’ll be off.」


I was glad to see that he accepted my report with a happy expression♪

「Ren, what did you just hand over?」

「It’s a report on scouting. Cantera wants to join our group as a scout.」

「Isn’t that more like *your* group, rather than *our*?」

「Eh… why?」

「Hehehe… You’ll understand soon enough♪」

「From the way you’re saying it, you’re not going to tell me, are you?」

「It’s more fun this way♪」

Selen-sama, with a mischievous smile, didn’t tell me anything.
But if I’m going to figure it out eventually, I guess there’s no need to worry, right?

In the morning class, we learned about frontline roles from the basics.
I was surprised that no one understood the importance of the tank role.

In actual combat, it’s rare to engage in a straightforward head-on clash, but in the academy, most battles are one-on-one, not group fights (sweat).

So when I explained that a tank role is meant to gather hate, creating openings for others to strike, even the teacher seemed surprised…
I guess tactics really differ from country to country.

After morning class, as usual, I was having lunch in the courtyard with Selen-sama when Slaine-sama joined us and asked me a question.

「Before class, I saw you hand something to Cantera. What was that about?」

「Slaine, it’s bad manners to pry into things between a boy and a girl, you know? (smirk)」

Selen-sama teased Slaine-sama with a mischievous smile, causing him to respond with a slightly flustered expression.

「N-no, I wasn’t prying! I was just a little curious, that’s all!」

Amused by Selen-sama’s teasing, I answered him.

「Slaine-sama, it was just a report. Cantera consulted me about scouting, so I wrote down what I know and handed it to him.」

Hearing my explanation, he looked visibly relieved. Was that all he was worried about?

「Then, would you mind writing up a report on frontline roles for me too?」

「Are you stupid? We’re learning about frontline roles in class, so just write down every word Ren says today! Why would you make her go to extra trouble?」

「Ah, y-yeah, you’re right (sweat).」

After that, we chatted while finishing our meal, getting ready for the afternoon class.

➖➖➖➖Cantera’s Perspective➖➖➖➖

I received the scout report from Ren.

She went through all the trouble to write this just for me! Since she’s done so much, I’ll definitely make sure to join Ren’s group as a scout.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll have more chances to talk with her by asking questions about the report! I’m going to use this opportunity to get a little closer to her!

Episode 34: The Importance of the Tank Role

In the next day’s class, we discussed the necessity of the tank role, and I explained what I knew.

The tank is responsible for drawing the concentrated attacks of monsters, generating “hate” so that allies can focus on attacking.
While the tank draws the attention of enemies, others can seize openings or use high-powered magic, which requires time to cast, to turn the tide of battle.

By taking all the attacks, the tank also makes it easier for the healers to identify who to heal, simplifying the healing process.

Next, I talked about the two main tank styles: the 【Heavy Armor Tank】 and the 【Light Armor Tank】.

【Heavy Armor Tank】, as the name suggests, wears full plate armor, uses a large shield, and focuses on absorbing monster attacks to gather hate.
It requires both the courage to face monsters’ attacks without fear and the skill to handle those attacks, making it a suitable role for someone who can lead the party.

【Light Armor Tank】, on the other hand, wears light, mobile gear and focuses on dodging attacks while still gathering hate.
It requires exceptional speed and the ability to read attacks with sharp reflexes, making this style a much rarer type of tank.

Because of my limited stamina, I can’t be a heavy armor tank.
Instead, I was asked to demonstrate the light armor tank’s techniques by using the instructor as a stand-in for a monster.

「It’d be nice if I could not only dodge but also unbalance the ‘monster,’ but since the instructor’s my opponent, don’t expect too much (laugh).」

「Alright, here I come!」

「Yes, please go ahead.」

The instructor attacked me at the speed of a monster he was familiar with, and I continued to dodge his attacks.
Maybe he wasn’t happy that none of his strikes were landing because he suddenly started attacking faster… (This guy!)

「Hey, aren’t your attacks a bit too fast?」

「You seem to be handling it just fine (laugh).」

The cheeky instructor…
Fine, I guess I’ll show him how to create an opening.

While dodging his faster attacks, I lightly tapped the instructor’s foot with my spear, causing him to lose his balance.


「See? If you can create an opening while dodging like this, it gives your allies a chance to strike♪」

「You had enough leeway to unbalance me too…」

Watching my demonstration of the light armor tank, everyone seemed to finally grasp the importance of the tank role.
After all, even against the instructor, I could dodge and create openings!

The class ended with the decision to start tank role training from tomorrow.

As Selen-sama and I were about to head back to the girls’ dorm, Slaine-sama called out to me.

「Ren, I’d like to ask a bit more about the heavy armor tank. Could you spare some time?」

「We were just heading back to the dorm, so I don’t mind. Selen-sama, is that alright?」

「I’ll head back first. Come to my room when you return.」

After getting Selen-sama’s permission, I agreed to talk with Slaine-sama about the heavy armor tank.
As we were about to head toward the central dining hall, another person called out to me.

Episode 35: Stratos

As Slaine-sama and I were heading toward the central dining hall, we were stopped by Stratos.

「Selen, could I have a moment?」

「What’s up?」

「I overheard your conversation with His Highness, and I’m also interested in the heavy armor tank. I was wondering if I could join the discussion with His Highness—would that be alright?」

「I don’t mind… What do you think, Slaine-sama?」

「I’m fine with it too!」

「Alright then, let’s all discuss it together!」

We borrowed a private room in the central dining hall, and over some tea, we began our conversation about the heavy armor tank.

I emphasized that above all else, the role requires tremendous *courage* and won’t function without proper *information sharing* with the scouts.
I also explained that wearing full plate armor and carrying a large shield are essential, and that equipping oneself properly can be costly.

Unsurprisingly, neither of them seemed concerned about the expense—it’s only natural, given that they’re royalty and nobility (sweat).

I further mentioned that weapons like short spears, which are designed for thrusting, are more suitable than swords for this role.

「Selen, you seem to know a lot about not only unit composition but also about healer and tank roles. Do your parents work as hunters or something?」

「Well, it’s probably because I’ve done some hunter work myself, so I think I’m just more familiar with these things.」

Stratos, with great curiosity, kept asking questions, so I answered honestly.

「Wait, but you’re only eleven, right? You’ve already been doing hunter work?」

「Hunter work includes things like gathering medicinal herbs, too. As for monster hunts, I was just brought along for the simpler ones, like orc hunts (sweat).」

「That makes sense! No way you’re on the front lines already (laugh).」

Phew, that was close…
Most kids my age don’t hunt monsters, so I’m glad I was able to deflect that smoothly (sweat).

「Even so, you’ve been part of a clan, right? You must hear a lot of interesting stories, I’m jealous!」

「If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! I’ll answer anything I can (smile).」

「Oh, uh, thanks♪」

Stratos, with slightly flushed cheeks, smiled as he responded.
Since he seems interested in hunter activities, I think we’ll get along well—he could be a good friend!

「Stratos, do you want to join Selen’s team too?」

「That’s right. I’d love to join Selen’s team, but it depends on how things are organized, so I can’t say for sure.」

「I want to join Selen’s team too! Let’s both work hard to make it happen!」

Naturally, Slaine-sama, being her brother, wants to be in Selen-sama’s team, but it seems Stratos also has the same wish. Selen-sama really is amazing!

Being in the same team as someone as popular as Selen-sama, I realize just how lucky I am.

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