Chapter 38

Episode 42: Corrupted Heart

After finishing dinner, I returned to my room to gather my thoughts before heading to Selen-sama’s room.

『Knock, knock.』

「It’s Ren, right? You can come in.」

「Thank you. There’s something I need to report.」

Sensing my serious expression, Selen-sama’s demeanor shifted as well, and she motioned for me to sit.

「From your expression, it seems like this is a serious matter.」

「Yes, it’s about Prince Zex…」

「My brother? Is he causing trouble again?」

Upon hearing Prince Zex’s name, Selen-sama asked, her voice filled with anger.

「No, it’s not that. While we were at the central dining hall, I felt Prince Zex’s gaze. When I looked in his direction, he was glaring at us, but… there was this ominous aura surrounding him. It felt like his heart was consumed by resentment and jealousy. That’s why I wanted to report this to you.」

「How are you able to tell that, Ren?」

「I have a 《special eye》 that allows me to see that kind of malevolent aura. It’s something I’ve never told anyone, but since you are my 《lifelong friend》, I trust you and know you won’t tell anyone else.」

「I see… If those in power were to learn about your 《special eye》, it could be dangerous… Understood. I’ll keep this to myself. Thank you for trusting me, Ren. You shouldn’t even tell Slaine about this. As for my brother, I’ll find a way to discreetly inform Father about his strange behavior, but don’t get involved any further, okay?」

「Got it. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.」

Selen-sama promised to speak to the Emperor about looking into Prince Zex’s ominous behavior.
I hope they can take action before he falls completely into darkness.

➖➖➖➖Zex’s Perspective➖➖➖➖

Damn that wretched commoner!

Because of her, my reputation has plummeted. If this continues, Slaine will take the throne…

I won’t rest until that woman knows what it’s like to experience hell. I’ll crush her by any means necessary!
I’m destined to become Emperor! Whatever I do, I’ll be forgiven!

Episode 43: Scout Position Decided

The period of individual training has come to an end.

From now on, each team will recruit the personnel they need, and if there are applicants, they will be evaluated and, if successful, integrated into the team.

Our Team A is recruiting one scout and two frontliners (those who are capable of being a shield).

Three people applied for the scout position, including Cantera.
For the frontliner positions, there were seven applicants, including Slaine-sama and Stratos.

First, we started with the evaluation for the scout role to assess whether they had the abilities we were looking for.

「First, I’ll have you demonstrate your shooting skills. Our team’s scout is expected to support the frontline from the mid range during combat. So, you’ll be shooting from a distance of 10 meters!」

The others besides Cantera used bows.
While they managed to hit the targets, their movements were slow, and they didn’t seem suited for continuous shooting.

However, Cantera, using a slingshot, swiftly hit the target multiple times with impressive accuracy.

「Next, I’d like to see your close combat skills. I’ll make a light attack, and you’ll defend against it.」

I made a simple attack, but while they managed to block the first strike, they couldn’t handle the follow-up…
It’s a big difference between just blocking and properly defending (sweat).

「Lastly, it’s Cantera’s turn!」

「I’m ready.」

I launched a three-hit combo, but Cantera smoothly deflected each strike with his dual swords, prompting me to press further with consecutive attacks.

「Oh, woah, ha!」

Although it was a bit shaky, Cantera managed to fend off every attack.

「Cantera, you’ve got some good form with those dual swords♪」

「Just barely… I need more practice.」

While there’s a lot required from a scout, those skills can be honed after forming the team.
With that, the evaluation for the scout position was over.

「Good job on the evaluation. I’ve decided that Cantera will be joining my Team A. From now on, work hard for the team!」

「Selen-sama, thank you so much! I’ll make sure to be an asset to the team, so please look forward to it.」

「I’m counting on you!」

Cantera, unable to hide his happiness, gave a broad smile as he responded.
I, too, congratulated him with a smile.

「Congratulations, Cantera! I know how hard you’ve been working, so I’m really happy for you (smile).」

With that, I extended my right hand.

「It’s all thanks to you that I made it into Team A, Ren. I’m truly grateful (smile).」

Cantera also extended his right hand, and we shook hands.

Episode 44: Evaluation for Frontliner Positions

With Cantera officially joining the team, all that was left was to select two frontliners to complete the formation of Team A.

「Tomorrow, we’ll conduct the evaluation for frontliner positions. We’re looking for those who can serve as a shield. As frontliners, combat ability is a given. Make sure to prepare thoroughly for tomorrow’s evaluation.」

Selen-sama said this, and with that, Team A ended its lesson a bit earlier than usual.
As I was heading back to the dormitory, Stratos called out to me.

「Ren, I’m definitely getting into Team A tomorrow. Once I’m in, you’ve got to teach me all about your Hunter activities!」

「OK! Do your best to get into Team A first. I can’t show favoritism, but I’ll be cheering for you♪」

「Thanks! See you tomorrow!」

We exchanged smiles and said goodbye.
Stratos seemed genuinely interested in my Hunter activities.

I’d be happy if he joined the team since I think we’d get along well.
In my heart, I silently cheered for him, 『Good luck, Stratos!』.

「What was Stratos saying?」

「He said he’ll definitely get into Team A tomorrow and that he wants me to teach him about Hunter activities if he does.」

「I see. It looks like we’ll be choosing Slaine and Stratos if everything goes smoothly.」

「Yeah. Once the team is complete, the reality of starting the subjugation missions in the latter half of the year will start to set in.」

「I can’t wait to go on a subjugation mission with you, Ren♪」

「I’m excited for it too! It’s been a while since my last one.」

We continued chatting like that as we returned to the dormitory.

The next day, the evaluation for the frontliner positions took place.

We gathered everyone at the arena and began with the frontliner evaluation.

「We will now start the evaluation for the frontliner positions. First, you’ll be evaluated on your ability to act as a shield. You’ll either block Ren’s attacks with heavy armor or evade them with light armor. Let’s begin!」

Everyone was clumsy with their shields, and they lost their balance easily, with their defenses collapsing even against my light strikes…
I guess mastering the use of a shield in such a short time is tough.

「I’ll take the heavy armor tank position! Bring it on!」

Next up was Stratos.
He looked pumped, holding his shield confidently.

I launched a series of thrusts, and Stratos, using both hands, skillfully blocked each strike with minimal movement.
I then increased the force of my thrusts slightly.


「Guh… I can still take it…」

「That’s enough, Stratos. Don’t push yourself too hard. Have Ren check if anything’s wrong with you.」

「Understood… Ren, can you take a look?」

「Yeah, let’s go over there for an examination.」

Stratos and I headed to the waiting room of the arena while the evaluation was temporarily halted for me to treat him.

「First, tell me where it hurts.」

「It’s my left arm, especially my wrist—it hurts a lot.」

「Alright, let me check it out.」

I examined his left wrist.

「Okay, the bone seems fine. I’m going to check for any abnormal movements in your arm, so it might hurt a bit, but bear with me.」

「Alright… (Her face is so close…)」

「It looks good. It’s probably just a bruise, so I’ll heal it right away. 〚Heal〛!」

「Oh, the pain’s gone♪ You’re amazing, Ren.」

「You’re welcome♪ Let’s get back to the others since they’re probably worried about you.」

「Yeah… (She’s so cute…)」

After finishing Stratos’ treatment, we returned to the arena, and I reported the details of his injury to Selen-sama before resuming the evaluation.

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