Chapter 43

Episode 58: I…

I became the first first-year student in the academy’s history to claim the 1st rank, concluding the Ranking Tournament.

Because of Slaine-sama’s injuries, we didn’t hold any celebration, and Selen-sama and I simply returned to the girls’ dormitory.

As for Slaine-sama’s condition, while his wounds were fully healed, the blood he lost couldn’t be restored, so he would need to rest for a while to regain his strength.
The incompetent medical team was expelled from the academy and would never be allowed to take up healing jobs again.

When we returned to Selen-sama’s room, she began speaking to me.

「Ren, thank you so much. You risked exposing your secret just to save Slaine.」

「I swore to Selen-sama that I would save him… You must have realized by now—I’m from the Sylvania family. My mom is the First Saintess, so I guess that makes me the granddaughter of the Holy Emperor.」

「I heard that your entire family was wiped out by the Kingdom of Leone… but you managed to escape.」

「I don’t remember much about that time. But it’s clear the kingdom is searching for me. That’s why I moved to the Empire, which has cut diplomatic ties with them. I didn’t intend to stand out, but… well, I guess I did. (laugh)」

「As long as you’re in the Empire, I don’t think the kingdom’s assassins will come after you.」

「Yeah, plus I’ve disguised my appearance. This is how I actually look. I’ve hidden all the features of the Sylvania family, so I don’t think anyone would recognize me in my usual form.」

I lifted the disguise I had placed on myself and revealed my true appearance to Selen-sama.

「Platinum blonde hair, violet eyes, and skin as clear as porcelain… Ren, you look like one of the goddesses from the church’s teachings. Are you sure it’s okay to show me everything?」

「I trust you. This was a decision I made with my heart, so even if the Empire captures me, I won’t hold it against you. Selen-sama is the Emperor’s daughter and has a claim to the throne, so if you report this for the sake of the Empire, I’ll understand. But even so, I still 《《believe in you》》.」

「I will never reveal your secret for the rest of my life.」

I don’t know if this is the right choice.
Selen-sama is the first true friend I’ve made since being reincarnated into this world, so I want to trust her.

Little did I know that this moment would become a turning point in my life.

Episode 59: Zex’s Conspiracy

The Emperor sat in his private chambers at the court, receiving reports.

「So it was Zex who provided the equipment that Cole used in his battle against Slaine?」

「Yes, it was demon-tribe equipment purchased through dark channels. Cole admitted to being aware that the equipment was not of ordinary quality when he used it.」

「Did he wield it with the intent to kill Slaine?」

「He denies that. He claims his sister was taken hostage, leaving him no choice but to follow Prince Zex’s orders.」

「I see… Zex has resorted to such despicable measures…」

The Emperor’s anger swelled at the vile act—Zex was willing to go so far as to target his own brother’s life in pursuit of the throne.

「Next, regarding those who neglected to provide treatment to Slaine-sama… They were apprentice healers, hired by Prince Zex through bribes, and instructed not to offer any medical care to Slaine-sama.」

「So Slaine was saved thanks to a girl named Selen and the proper care given by her?」

「Yes, that is the report we received from Selen-sama.」

「I see. We must extend our gratitude to her.」

「One more thing—the weapon Cole used in the final match against the girl… it was not a magic sword but a demon sword. Such items are forbidden in the Empire. Upon investigating the route through which Prince Zex acquired it, we discovered a connection with Baphomet, a noble from the Demon World.」

「Are you certain of this…?」

「There is a brand on Prince Zex’s left chest. If Your Majesty wishes to confirm it personally, you will see for yourself.」

The Emperor looked upwards and closed his eyes…
The revelation that the First Prince had been in contact with a demon-world noble was utterly shocking.

His daughter, Selen, had reported earlier that her brother’s behavior was disturbingly abnormal, leading to this investigation and its startling results.

No matter that Zex was his son, as Emperor, it was necessary to impose a severe punishment.
To set an example, he had no choice but to banish Zex from the royal family and imprison him.

A few days later, the Emperor publicly announced the verdict.

First Prince Zex was stripped of his royal title and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment in the tower for high criminals.

Cole was executed for attempted murder of a member of the royal family.

The entire former medical team, who failed to perform their duties, were also executed for attempted murder of royalty.

Thus, the conspiracy of First Prince Zex was exposed, resulting in a significant scandal.

Episode 60: The End of the First Term

With the conclusion of the Academy Ranking Tournament, the first term came to an end, and soon we would have a two-month break.

The Emperor’s public announcement regarding Prince Zex’s conspiracy had caused a massive uproar throughout the Empire, and the academy had yet to regain its composure.
Those who had been close to Prince Zex were now desperately trying to curry favor with Slaine-sama and Selen-sama…

This is an academy, though.
Couldn’t people just enjoy it without being so political?

To me, someone who doesn’t think like a noble, it was baffling.

In the final week of the first term, each team was making their final adjustments for the extermination training that would begin in the second term.
For our Team A, considering Slaine-sama’s condition, we decided to only hold a study session and training in sensing magic in the common room.

「We’re going on break next week, so what are everyone’s plans?」

「I’ll head back to my territory and take it easy.」

「I plan to train with my father when he’s home!」

「I’ll go back to Spica and relax.」

「Slaine will be resting, right?」

「Yeah, I’ll make sure I’m in perfect shape by the second term.」

Everyone shared their plans for the break.
I wondered what Selen-sama would do, and that’s when she spoke up.

「I’ll be going to Spica with Ren. Staying in the capital would be suffocating with all the people from my brother’s fallen faction trying to approach me.」

「Uh… this is the first I’m hearing of this?」

「I just decided. Is it a problem?」

「It’s not, but my house is small and run-down, you know?」

「I don’t mind. I also want to meet Ren’s mother. She must be a wonderful person.」

「I wish I could go to Ren’s place too… but I’ve already told my parents I’d return, so I can’t change my plans…」

「Too bad for the boys. This is a girls-only vacation! Slaine, no sneaking off to Spica for your recovery either!」


So, Selen-sama would be coming with me to Spica.
I was really looking forward to introducing my 《《Lifelong Friend》 to Mom.
Spending the break with my beloved Mom, my beloved Selen-sama, and my beloved people was bound to be wonderful.

➖➖➖➖ Team A Boys’ Perspective ➖➖➖➖

「Man, it’s not fair that only Selen-sama gets to go…」

「Yeah, spending the break with Selen… I’m so jealous…」

「I wanted to spend the break with Selen too…」

The three of them said what was on their minds.

「Sigh… let’s make sure we can go to Spica during the second term’s break. If we get Selen’s permission, I’m sure Slaine-sama won’t interfere.」

「Selen is Slaine-sama’s weak spot, so once we get her approval, it’s a done deal!」

「This will be our ‘Alliance of Three’ to spend the break with Selen. The second term’s extermination training will be our chance, right?」

「Yeah, this is a battle we can’t afford to lose.」

「We have to win!」


And so, the three-man alliance of Team A was formed.

Comment (1)

  1. Adi

    Thanks for the chapter and the speed up

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