Fiancée of the Wizard Volume 8 Extra Story 1 – My Treasure Part 3

However, when I had originally thought that I wanted to tweak the scarves a little, I had seen Ms. Marie struggling with her knitting. Upon seeing her, I had thought that I wanted to make “something special that only I can make”. That was it.
Yet, even though I simply said something “special” so easily, I was only a commoner that could be found anywhere. I could not actually cast an actual spell or magic in this world’s terms. I could have put some magical words that I was slightly familiar with. Nonetheless, if I wrote it in magical language, the “special” meaning would be obvious to both the man and Estrella. It would not just be a little, but quite embarrassing. Thus, I could not do that. As a result, I had chosen a word of a foreign language in my 『previous』 world.
Thus, that was the reasoning behind my choice. However, the man did not know about my previous life. Thus, in the current situation, I could not explain. That was why the secret was even more “special”. If I said so, the man would be convinced….no, at this rate upon what I observe from him, he would not do so.
In the end, I could only laugh to let it slide. The man gazed at me. Then, eventually, he closed the magical book. Was he about to sleep soon? I felt sorry for making him stay awake with me until so late. While I observed the man’s actions, the man opened his mouth.
「Yurifalet’s childhood friend……was it Marie? It seems that Marie has taken quite a liking to you」
「What? 」
「To me, it looks like you are not just getting out of your way to teach her how to knit, but also becoming the middle person in their relationship」
Am I wrong? He questioned me while tilting his head. I could not help but fall silent. I had thought that this man was really easy to infer what his thoughts were. However, it seemed that this man can also read my mind very easily as well.
Middle person in their relationship. He was not wrong. Initially, I had wanted to make at least a starting point for them. However, currently, I could not help but support Ms. Marie and want her to do her best.
——Because I could not help it.
「Edi, please think about it. If you had not gone into the magical school, not gone to boarding school, and stayed at the Lancent estate the whole time. Then, that time, I would have surely struggled and did my best, the same as Ms. Marie」
That is why I cannot help but support her. I argued. The man blinked his morning glow colored eyes. His gesture seemed to convey that he had been told something he did not imagine even. Involuntarily, I leaned forward and continued.
「Because am I not right? I, um……had become engaged with you since I had received this wound on my back. However, if I had not received this wound on my back, and had only been of a relationship of a childhood friend with you. Then, surely I would have struggled to think of ways to stand beside you」
Looking at Ms. Marie like that, I thought so many times. I definitely could not say that the incident where I had been wounded on my back had been fortunate. However, nonetheless, undoubtedly it had become one of the threads me and the man’s relationship. If I had not been injured, I could not have easily been engaged with this man. Even if we were childhood friends, my partner was the royal head magician that had one of the most powers in history.
Yet, the man fell silent upon hearing my words for a while. Then, he reached out his hand to my cheeks and smiled in a rare way that make him look troubled.
「That is my line. Surely, I would have struggled much much more than you to gain you」
「You are wrong. I would have definitely gone through more struggle than you」
「No, I would have」
「No, it would have been me」
「Don’t let me repeat myself so many times. If I say it was me, it is me」
We repeated this argument of me, me, over and over again. Then, we burst out laughing at the same time. After this, we leaned forward, and kissed lightly, in a way that simply touched. I felt a soft warm sensation. I saw the white beauty near me. Even though it was a usual thing, as expected, I still got bashful.
I thoroughly knew that there was no use in talking about what “would” have happened, “if”. The incident in the past was something that I definitely could not deny. It was a proper past. That was why I was living in these current circumstances. I wonder when I had changed. To appreciate the incident, and how it had shaped my current circumstances. I only needed to be able to love and appreciate the happiness I currently had.
The man rubbed my cheek. Then he lifted the strand of hair that was hanging at the side of my face. Then, he kissed at that part of my face. He lifted his face. We locked eyes, and by reflex, I sat upright in a proper posture. The man gazed at me intently.
「Give me your hand. Your left hand」
His words that did not accept any denial was very sudden. I could not refuse and simply nodded. Then I raised my left hand in front of the man. On the ring finger of my left hand was a silver wedding band that was matching with the man. The man wrapped this ring and my whole left hand with both his hands.
I wondered while tilting my head, what was he about to do? While I thought so, the man moved his thin lips. His mouth said something in magical tongue that a commoner would not understand. His words reverberated as if it was a beautiful poem. Unintentionally, I listened to his voice. While I did so, a morning glow colored light started glowing through the spaces between the man’s fingers that was wrapping my hand. I could not help but widen my eyes. The man released my hand. I felt a little sad that his warmth was gone. While thinking so, I raised my left hand in front of me.
「What is this……? 」
I dumbfoundedly murmured. My eyes were fixed on the silver wedding band that I wore on my ring finger on my left hand. No, perhaps I could not describe it as just a mere 『silver wedding band』. This was because the ring that was once a simple silver wedding band had a morning glow colored stone embedded in it now. Receiving the light of the room’s lamp, it gleamed like a gemstone of the finest kind. Even though I was not a magician, I understood that the stone was a magical sphere.
I looked intently at the magical sphere. Gazing at me, the man opened his mouth and started talking plainly.
「The bracelet had been broken. This is the replacement」
He had said it so easily. However, surely this would not have been that easy to make. Oh yes, the man had been busy doing something these days until late at night. I had noticed him doing so. However, I did not think it would be something like this.
I rubbed the wedding band with my right hand. At its slick and smooth feeling, I could not help but smile. With such a look, it looked like it was an engagement ring instead of a wedding band. I knew that even if I complained to the man so, he would not comply. However, I did not mind. This was because I did not think, 「an engagement ring again at this stage, huh」. If it was an expression of the promise that the man had given to me, I was happy with anything he gave me. That was why I smiled. Then, I held his hand in mine and kissed the man’s hair.
「Thank you very much, Edi」
Then, once again, I kissed him, this time a little deeper. While the man wrapped his arm around my back, he used his other hand to turn off the room’s lamp. A blue moonlight filled the room. Then, I was carried by the man and brought to the bed.


After this, a few days passed. A lot……really, a lot had happened during my stay at the Schtorenvihein territory. Nonetheless, today was finally the day of return back to the capital.
If the man wanted to, it was possible to return by a teleportation magic. However, this proposal was rejected because there was concern that it might become burdensome for my pregnant body. Hence, we were to return to the capital by horse carriage, the same as how we had come to this territory.

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