Chapter 146 — Part 1

After meeting with Lenia’s parents, Baron and Baroness Blaster Blast, and receiving some souvenirs from them, I returned to my lodging.

Lenia continued to stay with her parents at their place. She likely won’t be back until near the curfew time.

By this time, I think she must be getting thoroughly questioned again by her parents about her impressions of me.

The souvenirs I received came from a famous confectioner in the capital, but since Selina and Dramina were still suffering from both heartburn and lethargy, they likely didn’t have an appetite yet. Well, it won’t expire for a few more days, so they should still be able to eat it when they are feeling better.

As I returned to my lodgings with the souvenirs in a box and carefully wrapped held in one hand, I noticed that there were several students standing around here and there near my room.

Among them were my close friends, Zenon, who had red hair and a large build, Berk, who was slender with golden curly hair, and the virtuous but airheaded Joshua.

Zenon and the others seemed to have been taken aback by how much I had rampaged during the Magic Tournament, but after a few days passed, they went back to treating me the same as before. I am really, really grateful for that.

The rest of the students besides them had looked at me in fearful awe, but by now they were more curious than scared.

Huh? My confusion must have shown on my face, because a slightly excited Berk called out to me.

「Hey, hey, Dran, where have you been?」

「I went out a bit together with Lenia. Selina and Dramina weren’t feeling well, so I had them rest for today」

「Heeey, now matter where you go, you always have some girl by your side, damn it!」

Berk’s tone of voice was pretty rough, but it was a good indication of how excited he was.

「It’s just thanks to my normal routine. So, why are people gathering outside my room? Did Selina and Dramina do something, or did something perhaps happen to them?」

If it was the latter, then this was a situation that I couldn’t overlook, but Selina or Dramina haven’t contacted me via telekinesis yet, and I wasn’t sensing any suspicious presences either.

Although they weren’t feeling well, there aren’t very many people who are strong enough to do something to them, so it is very unlikely that anything dangerous has happened to them.

The one who answered my question wasn’t Zenon or Berk, but the ever cheerful Joshua.

「You had guests while you were gone. It’s those dragon girls who sometimes accompanied you in Galois before.

Right now, the ladies in your room are greeting them, but with all of those beauties gathered together in one place like that, and since they were only spotted during the Magic Festival, it’s only a given that everyone is curious 」

「Fumu, if it’s dragon girls, then it must be Vaje and Liu Yu, and… Ryu Kitsu, I guess」

In Ryoukichi’s case, if told to do so, she can go by her pseudonym Ryu Kitsu, instead of her real name.

And seeing how everyone here was still sane, Ryoukichi must have cast a spell on herself to keep people from witnessing her true face.

It’s almost time for us to leave the capital, so maybe they were here to say goodbye to us? Ryoukichi and the others would probably be staying here longer.

「In that case, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Sorry, but could you all let me through? Look, neither myself nor my guests are some kind of spectacle, so return to your rooms, everyone」

My classmates, like Zenon, Berk and Joshua, are one thing, but I have no interest in being a spectacle for students I have no relation to at all. I called out to all the onlookers with a bit of pressure, and then opened the door to my room.

「I’m home. I’m back」

Now then, just how much have Selina and Dramina recovered by now?

When I entered the room, I saw Ryoukichi, Vaje and Liu Yu sitting on the chairs around the round table, while Selina and Dramina were awake and entertaining the guests.

Fumu, both Selina and Dramina’s complexions were already mostly back to normal. It looks like the amount they had overeaten was finally digested.

「Hello, Dran. Sorry to intrude」

「Excuse our intrusion」

「H-How do you do?」

Standing up from her chair, Ryoukichi greeted me with a smile overflowing with affection, followed by Liu Yu and Vaje also standing and saying their own greetings.

Having benefited from our previous conversation, Vaje isn’t in a cold sweat or trembling in front of me anymore. Fumu, I’m glad I was able to confirm the results of that so quickly.

「Selina, Dramina, are you okay to be awake already? Also, I have this souvenir I received from Lenia’s parents」

On top of the round table, there were white porcelain cups filled with enough black tea for everyone, served with even more sweets to go with it, which are usually handmade by Selina and Dramina

Selina took the wrapping that I held out, and with most of the color returned to her face, she smiled.

If their condition was actually bad, then Ryoukichi and the others would have been concerned and not stayed here, so it’s safe to assume that they are already recovered.

「We showed you something quite shameful, but I’m alright now」

「Fumu, Dramina, are you fine now too?」

In response to my question, Dramina’s face flushed with embarrassment as a smile rose to her face, which was the epitome of elegance. It was rare for Dramina to blush and turn this red.

No matter how much Diadora provoked her, and no matter how much I am willing to spoil her, the fact that she had sucked so much blood while completely forgetting to do so in moderation was so embarrassing for her, she would probably crawl into a hole and hide if there was one nearby.

「Yes, I ended up drinking so much blood, I won’t feel like drinking any more for a while, but I’m calmer now. What kind of people were Lenia’s parents?」

While I was talking with Dramina, we sat down in the chairs prepared by Selina. The seating order was, starting from my right, Selina, Vaje, Ryoukichi, Liu Yu, and Dramina. Since this was a round table, they went all the way around the table, making Dramina the one to sit on my left side.

Ryoukichi, who contained excellent breath abilities, had brewed a cup of black tea, which may or may not have been done in cooperation with Selina, and presented it to me. If I tell Ryoukichi thank you, then I’m sure she’ll answer with a deeper smile. Fumun, this is so pleasant.

「They were very wonderful people. They were able to raise Lenia without her evil nature expanding any bigger, so it makes sense. And thanks to her conversation with her uncle, Lenia was able to realize her own love for her parents, so I’m sure they’ll all continue to get along well from now on」

As the father of her soul, I was glad, from the bottom of my heart, that Lenia’s parents in this life were those two.

I must have been making quite a calm face, because not only Dramina who asked the question, but also Selina and Liu Yu looked calmer too.

「So then Ryoukichi, Liu Yu, and Vaje, did something happen today? Have the talks with the kingdom settled down?」

From my point of view, I am completely familiar with this, but from the point of view of the upper class of this kingdom, we are in the midst of diplomatic negotiations with a superpower that has no precedent in history.

Furthermore, the other kingdom’s leader and his daughter were the highest ranking negotiation partners to ever come to the capital, so the negotiations will definitely not end so easily.

For now, both sides were setting up a window, through which it would be for the best if they simply talked about plans for more negotiations in the future. Well, I don’t know anything about politics though.

「We will be continuing talks with His Majesty and the Crown Prince for a while longer. That’s why we probably won’t have a chance to see you off when you all return to Galois, so I came here with Liu Yu and Vaje to say goodbye early」

「Is that so, how considerate. Thank you. Fumu, I know Ryoukichi and Liu Yu will be staying here in the capital, but what will you do, Vaje?

You aren’t a subject of the Dragon Imperial Palace. When do you plan on returning to the Mores Mountains?」


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