Chapter 151

As if all sound and time had stopped, the hall went silent, brought about by Ryoukichi’s words.

In front of the Ancient Celestial Dragon, Ryoukich had just proudly confessed her love, without any embarrassment or shame.

Dragon did not seem surprised, since Ryoukichi has always shown friendliness toward him since she was young, but for the other Dragon Emperors, Ryoukichi’s statement was unexpected, something that they couldn’t have even dreamed of. Their eyes went wide, and it seemed like their hearts would pop right out of their jaw dropped mouths. They were so surprised, they forgot to breathe, and for a long moment, none of them could utter a single word.

Ryoukichi is one of the strongest Water Dragon Emperors in history, but that wasn’t all. She was also among the most beautiful out of all types of dragons on this planet, universally praised as a peerlessly beautiful female dragon.

When Ryoukichi had gotten married to her now late husband, numerous male dragons let out cries of sorrow and grief, causing the whole planet to echo with the sound of the howling, lovesick dragons.

And now, that same Ryoukichi had just professed her love, without any hesitation in front of the eyes and ears of others.

It wouldn’t be strange if dragons throughout the world once again rose up in a chorus of howls. However, although Ryoukichi had given her confession of love, the one she had given it to was Dragon.

Out of all the dragons living on this world, there is no one who is — for lack of a better word — worthy for Dragon, to be able to confess their love like that.

Any and every dragon would agree with that, even if Ryoukichi is undoubtedly the strongest and most beautiful in all the world.

That is how out of reach the Ancient Celestial Dragon is. The only thing he could do was show a slightly troubled face, and smile a little bittersweetly at the overly playful Ryoukichi.

「Ryoukichi, I’m surprised, astonished even, that you would say those words here in this place」

「Fresh surprises and stimulation is necessary for a joyful life. I’m glad I was able to surprise you」

Ryoukichi answered him with a big grin, and no matter how accustomed she is to Dragon, this could be indication of her good character.

「But if Liu Yu were to hear it, wouldn’t she say, “Not again, mother!” and get mad at you?」

「That child is a little too serious. She should learn how to relax sometimes, like I do, and I plan on being a role model for her」

Ryoukichi was probably half serious, and the other half was just her enjoying her banter with Dragon.

「A role model, huh? That’s easier said than done. It’s as you say, Liu Yu is too serious.

Even if she learns to relax in moderation like you, her mother, it will probably take quite some time before she learns how to tease people. That’s not necessarily something that she has to learn」

「You are exactly right. There is no need for a child to copy everything their parent does. Liu Yu is Liu Yu, and I am me.

However, I will teach her what she needs to know as a Water Dragon Emperor, of course」

The Water Dragon Emperor is a position of social status, an official post, to say the least.

That is why it is natural for the next generation to succeed their predecessors, so Dragon has no particular reason to object.

Although Dragon did not interject, Conquester and the others finally recovered from their shock, and crowded around Ryoukichi, demanding answers while keeping their emotions and voice volume in check, since they were still in front of Dragon.

The first to speak out was Kourin, with his catfish-like beard. While sneaking glances at Dragon all the while, high temperature sparks spilled out of his open mouth, and it was easy to see his inner turmoil.

「Ryo-Ryoukichi, do you even understand what you just said!? Of course, I know I’ve suggested that you should find a new husband many times!

This is because I was hoping you would find someone to help you, someone to stay by your side and shoulder the burden of the responsibilities of being the Water Dragon Emperor」

「Yes, of course, I understood your intentions and concern, Kourin」

「That is good, that is very good! The fact that you are now willing to look for a new husband, I am completely happy to hear that.

But, but, but, I never thought, that the one you’d want as your partner, could possibly be Lord Dragon!!」

Kourin’s deep voice was close to screaming, and accurately expressed the feelings of the other four people in the room.

Ryoukichi, who has not wanted a new partner to this day, would once again walk the path of love. Whether it was for her own feelings, or if she was just looking for someone to continue the line of the Water Dragon Emperor with, no matter which way you look at it, it was something to welcome with open arms.

But as a prerequisite, the Water Dragon Emperor’s partner should have the right personality and hold enough strength to be worthy of her. But if the object of her affections is Dragon, then those prerequisites have to be completely flipped around.

Even Ryoukichi is far too insufficient to be suitable as Dragon’s partner.

Putting aside personality, the difference in power between Ryoukichi and Dragon isn’t just like a drop of water against the universe, it’s far bigger than that.

Thinking of it like that, Ryoukichi’s statement can be described as reckless and outrageous.

Just like Kourin, who was half outraged, even Fuka couldn’t help but speak out as well.

「Lady Ryoukichi, it is as Lord Kourin says. You aren’t just the Water Dragon Emperor, but also a leader in strength among all the Emperors in history. There is no competition to your beauty, even I would not deny that fact.

But for you to confess your love to Dragon, the Ancient Celestial Dragon, that’s a different story」

Even Fuka, who adores Ryoukichi like an older sister, couldn’t help but chastise her. For the dragons of earth, a confession of love to Dragon is outrageous and unbelievable, something that should be naturally rejected.

Engulzard and Gorberum nodded their heads up and down like broken toys, showing that they agreed completely with Kourin and Fuka’s opinions.

「My, you’re all full of objections, aren’t you? I haven’t been chided and rebuked this much since I was a small child. That said, I know that what Kourin and Fuka are saying is justified.

If I were in a different position, there’s a good chance I would say something similar. But I already love Dragon.

There’s nothing I can do but bow my head and ask my late husband for forgiveness, but the flame of love has already been lit, and it won’t easily go away, you know?」

Without shrinking from their piercing gazes, Ryoukichi showed them a charming smile. Maybe she was thick skinned, or just courageous. Either way, she was acting out of the ordinary.

But no matter how much they chided her, she was as immovable as a tree, so Kourin, Fuka and the others could only sigh in exasperation.

Although there isn’t a more reliable ally than her, when her opinions and viewpoints differ from theirs, she can easily become a formidable enemy, and they know that all too well.

If it comes to that, then the only one who can match Ryoukichi in age, achievements, abilities, and spiritual power, is Conquester.

The other four in the room were looking toward Conquester, begging for him to help, but he just shrugged, and then glanced at both Ryoukichi’s and Dragon’s faces before speaking.

「How long has it been since I last heard a conversation as bad for the heart as today? Lord Dragon, I want to ask you a few questions, if that is alright?」

「I don’t mind. There’s no question that I’d be troubled to answer… none at all」


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