The Demons’ Domain – Part 03



Translator: Kell

“You want the Knights Templar to obey a witch?” said a stern-looking old man with a meticulously trimmed white beard.

Zero only called for the captain, Gemma, but two additional people showed up; her attendant and the vice captain, the old man.

A staunch follower of the Church, the old man—why he was not the captain, I had no idea—did not even try to hide his disdain for witches and Beastfallen.

He pushed Gemma to the back and looked down at us from his saddle. He was a mass of spite and enmity to say the least.

He had not even introduced himself to us yet. I wanted to call him out for his lack of manners, but the same could be said about us.

“I did not ask you to obey me, young one,” Zero said as she took a bite of a huge loaf of bread. She was sitting sloppily on the carriage’s driver seat, her legs dangling in the air.

You had dried meat just now. How big is your stomach?

Part of the reason why the second-in-command stubbornly refused to get off his horse was probably because Zero not only did not stand up to greet him, but she also didn’t stop eating.

The witch didn’t show proper manners, so the knight refused to show any either. Since the vice captain stayed on his horse, Gemma could not dismount either. She stirred restlesssly on her saddle.

Hierarchy sure is a pain the ass.

Zero tried to speak, but only incomprehensible blabbering came out of her mouth.

“Shut your mouth,” the old man rebuked. “Swallow before you speak.”

Zero did as she was told and closed her mouth, busying herself with chewing the bread.

The old man, veins popping on his wrinkled forehead, waited patiently for Zero to swallow the bread with the help of water.

But a few seconds later, Zero tried to take another bite of bread. The old man finally jumped off his horse, grabbed the bread from Zero, and threw it at me. I caught it, wrapped it in a cloth, and placed it on the driver’s seat.

For a while, the vice captain glared at Zero. “Are you mocking us?”

He seemed like a master of intimidation. Any normal person would have shrunk back. But intimidation did not work on Zero.

“Not as much as you,” the witch said.

Her casual attitude pushed the old man’s patience to its limit. He reached for the sword at his waist. I pulled my sword halfway off its sheath in response.

“Vice Captain, please sheath your sword,” Gemma said. “We’re here to talk to the witch.”

The vice captain clicked his tongue. “Talk to a witch?” he spat.

“I understand how you feel. But Commander Eudwright trusts her. Can’t you please at least listen to what she has to say?”

He didn’t look like the type to listen to a young girl, but the mention of the commander’s name seemed effective. The old man lowered his hand away from his sword.

Zero finally opened her mouth. “If you are willing to listen, then I will be happy to talk. In case you have forgotten, I am here as your escort.”

“Of course.” Gemma nodded and jumped down from her horse. “As the captain, I apologize for the vice captain’s rudeness. I would very much appreciate your advice.”

“First, the demon that created these green archways knows that we are heading north through this road. The archways were made for us.”

Gemma and her companions stirred. The knights who participated in the siege of Wenias had all been attacked by demons. Recalling the horrifying incident, they couldn’t help but be extremely cautious of a demon ambush.

“Then let’s take a detour and find another way,” Gemma said. “The road will be worse, but we can manage.”

“Do not be hasty, Captain. It is not that simple. Demons are beings bound by contracts, and there is a strict hierarchy among them. Lesser demons can never meddle in the affair of high-ranking demons. Moreover, this archway is the demon’s way of claiming territory.”

“So the lesser demons can’t lay a hand on us if we pass through this archway?”

“Very perceptive. That is correct. The fact that the demon could claim this area means there are no higher-ranking demons in this vicinity. However, if we deviate from the road and proceed through the forest, we will not know where and how the demons will appear.”

The old man sneered. “Do you expect us to believe such drivel? You claim to protect us, but you’re probably leading us to a trap.”

Zero shrugged. “There is no merit in doing that.”

“You’ll be one step closer to destroying the world,” the old man said. “Do you think I haven’t noticed? You look just like the witch who declared the destruction of the world and sicked demons at us!” He turned to the captain. “Gemma. It’s not too late. If we really need the witch’s power, we can use an anti-demon chain to enslave her.”

Did he just say chain?

“Watch your tongue, old man,” I growled. For once, I was furious. If Zero granted me permission, I would bite the geezer’s throat right this instant.

“I dare you to say that again. I’ll cut off both your hands and feet, put a chain around your neck, and drag you around like a dog!”

“Stop, Mercenary,” Zero said. “I do not mind.”

“Well, I do!”

The old man wore a smug look. “You finally revealed your true nature, embodiment of depravity. Possessed Beastfallen killed many of our comrades that night. You might even turn into one of them any moment! In fact, who can prove that you are not a demon now? That witch?”

“That is enough, Vice Captain Leyland!” Gemma barked.

The old man gave a start and shut his mouth. Although, his attitude seemed to say “How dare you tell me to shut up, little girl.” He wasn’t worried that he pissed off the captain.

Gemma looked the seething vice captain straight in the eye. “Commander Eudwright himself agreed to the witch’s company. Why are you complaining about it now? If you’re that scared of the witch, you can go back to Wenias right now and appeal directly to the Commander. I will not stop you.”

Uh, oh. She actually told him to go back.

Even I, an outsider, was shocked by her words. The person the words were directed to probably felt worse. As expected, Leyland turned pale in rage.

“Turn back? You want me to turn back?! How dare you talk to me like that, little girl! Do you think you alone can lead this troop? Get off your high horse!”

“You’re the one who needs to get off his high horse. I may just be a girl, but the Commander appointed me as captain. Know your place, Vice Captain.”

“Why, you…!”

“Now, now. Calm down, you two.” A voice suddenly interrupted them. “We’re not in a tavern, and you’re not drunk. Let us be more constructive here, yes?” Gemma and the vice captain turned to the owner of the voice—the attendant pulling Gemma’s horse.

“If the honorable captain and vice captain of the Knights Templar act like this, the twin Gods of War will be appalled and bring in the God of Death.”

Relief immediately dawned on Gemma’s face.

The vice captain, however, still looked grim. “It is not your place to interfere, attendant.”

“Correction, Vice Captain,” Gemma said. “This man is a knight serving our family, and he was also my late father’s squire. He has a lot of experience on the battlefield and will be able to offer a more meaningful opinion than someone as inexperienced as myself.”

“Please. I’m not that special. I’m only a knight by name.” He took off his sun hat and ruffled his disheveled deep-blue hair.

The bow he was carrying painted him as an archer, but he had an awful stoop to his back, and his pale face made me wonder if he could really do his job as an attendant.

He wore the same hair ornament as Gemma, and his bangs were braided on the right side. I finally had a good look at his face.

He looked to be about thirty years old, maybe mid-thirties, perhaps even older. The point was, he was not young. He had an unshaven face, and his clothes were slightly dirty all over that he didn’t look like a captain’s attendant, but a servant in the kitchen.

Normally, the captain should be mindful about their attendant’s appearance.

Then suddenly, a scream rose to my throat, and I quickly covered my mouth.

Zero, Gemma, and the old man all noticed my strange reaction and shot me questioning looks.

“Is something wrong with Barcel?” Gemma asked.

“Uh, nothing. He just looks like someone I know from way back.”

It wasn’t just a resemblance. He was definitely the guy I knew.

Oh, crap.

If they found out that we were acquaintances, it would be a disaster for the both of us. Yet Barcel looked at me with a smile on his face.

“I’m glad you remember this humble attendant,” he said.

“You idiot!”

“I didn’t know you were acquainted with a Beastfallen, Barcel.” Gemma sounded surprised.

Barcel gave a small nod. “I only met him once on the battlefield a little over ten years ago.” He turned to me. “Isn’t that right, Sir Mercenary?”

After telling them that much, I could no longer insist he got the wrong person.

“Uh, yeah,” was all I could mutter, affirming my reunion with an old friend. Not that we were friends, of course.

“If you’ve met Barcel, then you’ve been on the same battlefield as my father.” Gemma regarded me with bright eyes.

I felt uncomfortable under her gaze. “I’m sure we’ve met at some point,” I said, “but I don’t really remember much of it. I don’t care much for this reunion. Let’s just decide which path to take.”

“You’re right.” Barcel flashed a cheerful smile. “But before we proceed, Vice Captain Leyland, allow us to apologize first. Your help is necessary in this expedition. The Captain is well aware of this as well. She just got a little heated up. It happens when you’re young. I’m sure you understand.”

“Barcel! I—”

“Please apologize, Captain. You are aware that you were appointed captain because Vice Captain Leyland is here to assist you, right?” He smiled.

Gemma bit her lower lip. “I apologize for going too far,” she said. “I need your help.”

“Apology accepted,” the old man replied.

They didn’t seem completely satisfied, but Barcel smiled as if things had been settled, and clapped his hands. He didn’t even care about the awkward atmosphere.

“That’s the vice captain for you. Very magnanimous. While you’re at it, I was wondering if you could listen to the opinions of this attendant. May I?”

The vice captain nodded reluctantly. Apparently, he was the type who could not refuse someone buttering up to him.

“Thank you,” Barcel said. “First of all, the detour. That means we’ll have to take awful routes, right? Like in the forest, or on a winding farm road. It would take much longer than using the main road. But we have just enough food for a round trip. Is that right, Captain?”

“Yes,” Gemma replied. “We don’t have any extra supplies.”

“Also, if we go into a forest, there’s a chance we’ll get lost. Highways, on the other hand, are made for armed troops. Watering holes and campsites are usually located along the road. We could follow the Lady Witch, but it’s still dangerous. Witches are not to be trusted, after all. If both options are dangerous, then I suggest we follow Captain Eudwright’s wishes.”

“I’ve heard enough!” The old man’s roar silenced Barcel.

Gemma regarded Zero with a firm look. “There are many people in the north waiting for help. We can’t afford to waste time. We will follow your advice, Lady Zero.” She turned to the old man. “I trust you are fine with this, Vice Captain?”

“They will welcome the wicked’s false salvation with joy,” the vice captain murmured.

The old man then mounted his horse and disappeared toward the column of troops, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. He had no intention of listening to Zero himself.

“What did he mean by that?” Zero asked to no one in particular.

“It’s a passage from a famous Church sermon. It means… Well, a snide remark against the captain, I suppose.”

“Are you sure about having a guy like that as vice captain?” I asked.

“Big units inevitably come with disputes. Let’s just make it work.” Barcel gave a friendly smile, but I couldn’t bring myself to smile back.

Gemma seemed to feel the same way. Sighing, she let her gaze wander on the ground. “I’m sorry, Barcel. I lost my temper. Thanks for interceding.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s my job to protect you.”


Status-wise, Gemma was in a higher position, but mentally, Barcel was superior. That would make Barcel the captain, essentially.

“I see dark clouds ahead,” I mumbled.

“Indeed,” Zero agreed. “But before we worry about what is ahead, we must first solve the problems before us. Since we do not know the name of the demon waiting for us, we will have to resort to stopgap measures.”

The downcast captain looked up. “That is more than enough,” she said. “I apologize for my incompetence. Please lend us your strength, Lady Witch.”



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