Chapter 143: Among them, part 7



Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

Barbatos had brought thirty-or-so men who looked like mages with him.

「Barbatos-sama…」, his former subordinate Rabi muttered before hiding behind my back.

「These supplies were amassed for the citizens’ use! What use could you have for them?」

Dismounting from his horse, he walked in our direction with his eyebrows raised.

「Hm? This magic…」, he said when he noticed Rabi’s force field.

So he had thought it to be magic too.

The baron raised his chin, and one of his mages stepped forward. He flipped to a page of his unusually thick tome and uttered some sort of incantation. A magic circle materialised beneath his feet, and Rabi’s force field shattered into nothingness.

「Who was it? Who made you do this!?」

Before any of his soldiers could answer, I raised a hand to stop them.

「I found it a huge waste for these goods to be left rotting here, so I was in the middle of transporting them to a place where they would be put to good use.」

「And who are you? Prostrate yourself before me. Get down on your knees, and lower your head!」

I ignored his order, of course.

「I am a special platoon commander, the one in charge of training the troops in this village.」

「Is there a screw loose in your head?」, spat the baron.

Continuing to hide behind me as she always did, Rabi shrank further. The soldiers who had been hard at work inside the warehouse came outside when they heard the commotion. They must have recognised the baron, for the way they glared at him would make anyone think that they were sworn enemies.

「How dare you look at me like that? All of you are nothing but apes who can wield a sword!」

Seeing that Barbatos’s subordinates were getting riled up as well, I leapt into the space between both parties.

「I’ll handle it. Please get back to work.」

The atmosphere relaxed a little, and the troops started heading back into the warehouse.

「Have you shit-for-brains forgotten that I’m in charge!? Return to your posts immediately!」

That stopped them in their tracks.

「Our posts? Well, that’s exactly where we’re going.」

「That’s a lot of talk for a criminal plotting to commit high treason!」

「You think you’re in charge? Get real.」

「I suppose we should be grateful that you gave us a rice bowl, but none of us enlisted just to fight a war.」

The baron’s eyes narrowed.

「Everyone is already aware of your intentions. But are you aware that they know?」, I said, producing an envelope.

Inside the envelope was the letter he had written to the Guild Master of Welger & Co. — the one that detailed exactly how he intended to stage a revolt.

「What intentions? What’s that?」

「It’s the letter you sent in secret to the Master at Welger & Co. Your men are already aware of its contents.」

「Aware? Of what? It’s true that the Master is a close acquaintance of mine. But what’s wrong with writing a letter to a friend? Nothing! And aside from that, where did you get that from!?」

Fake it till you make it, huh, Barbatos?

「Ensure that not a single box is moved!」, shrieked the baron.

The soldiers acknowledged the order and resumed what they were doing earlier. Seeing Rabi still cowering behind my back, I patted her head.

「It’s okay. I’ll protect you if anything happens. Give it your all.」


She gave me a big nod and activated her skill again.

「‘Force field’!」

The translucent barrier appeared once again, encapsulating both the warehouse and the magic circle. Noticing Rabi, her former master stared at her.

「So it was you…! I believed you had just deserted after your failure, but you’re here to cause me even more trouble! The nerve of you — a useless, insignificant small fry — to bite back at me!」

「Indeed… I deserted after failing to protect her」, replied the mage. 「But what’s wrong is wrong…!」

Even though her voice was softer than most, it amply expressed her rebelliousness. But seeing the baron’s cobra-like gaze, she retreated again.

「I took care of you for so long, and that’s what you have to say to me!? Know your place, peasant! Or do you not know shame?」

Barbatos looked as if he was about to explode with fury. What a prideful man, I thought. I guess I can’t fault him, though — such a reaction is only natural when those you perceive to be below you reverse their roles.

「It doesn’t matter what you say… because there’s someone I want to help…!」

「With what? That wall of yours that’s barely stronger than a membrane? Don’t make me laugh!」

Despite all her bravado, she was still fourteen at the end of the day. Faced with the pressure exerted by her former master, Rabi trembled and began to weep. I shifted my gaze from her to Barbatos.

「She can only defend — that is true. She may not have the most versatile skill set, but she can still be put to good use at times. Like now, for example.」

「Be silent! Once the barrier is shattered, I will have all of you executed first!」

「As you wish.」

The baron gnashed his teeth, while I channeled some killing intent into my next line.

「And what exactly did you do for Rabi? You say you took care of her? You think giving her a roof over her head, clothes to wear and food to eat can be considered ‘taking care’ of a person? Now that’s a good one!」

I’m not exactly sure what happened, but Barbatos and his men stumbled backwards a few steps and fell on their rear ends.

Perhaps it was the wind?



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