Chapter 74: Company retreat, part 5



Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

「Lyla, surely there are some necromancy spells practised by the demons. Teach me how to use one.」

She replied without asking what I intended to do.

「Such spells do exist, but they extend into the realm of forbidden magic.」

「I know nothing of the demon realm’s rules, but at any rate, this isn’t the demon realm.」

「Well, they’re forbidden because of the immense toll they take on the user. In short… they involve a transfer of the user’s life force, I suppose? In terms of complexity, they are doubtlessly equivalent to regular first-order spells.」

「I don’t care how unreasonable it sounds, I’m going to wake Dee up.」

Lyla then taught me the theory behind one of the necromancy spells, including the magic circle required and the various steps to be taken.

「I can’t bear to think of what will happen if this ends in failure… even I have only cast this spell once, when I was very young. Even though I succeeded back then…」, said Lyla, looking at me with grave concern.

「At least we’ll have tried. It would be a great shame to just leave her corpse to rot.」

Under Lyla’s guidance, I drew two magic circles. Letting Dee’s body rest on one of them, I stood on the other. The instant I began casting the spell, I was overwhelmed by a blinding white light that infiltrated every corner of my vision.

I then felt the sensation of blacking out.

When I came to, I was facing the ceiling of our resort.

「Oh, I’m alive.」

It was as if my body had been glued to the bed. Unable to move, it felt like my muscles had atrophied. Even moving a single finger took all of my strength.

「Hey, that’s my line」, said Dee as she looked down at me.

「…I succeeded?」

「Lylael-sama told me everything, little gremlin.」

She stuck her nose up in the air, imitating a displeased expression.

「In order to save me, you learnt and successfully executed a necromancy spell… the affinity you have for magic is ridiculous.」

As far as human magic was concerned, I had not been able to go further than casting intermediate spells. Perhaps demon magic was a better fit for me after all.

「I don’t know what happens when you fail, but… how could you do something so stupid…」

「You’re mine, remember? What becomes of your life is up to me.」

「Hey, quit acting cool right off the bat…」, grumbled Dee as she pecked me on the cheek.

It was a pleasantly cool feeling.

「…Does it hurt?」

Dee shook her head.

「My senses feel somewhat duller now. Take responsibility for what you did to my body, okay?」, she teased as she climbed into the bed with me. 「Ufufu. You’re completely defenseless today, Roland-sama.」

「The necromancy spell has certainly worked.」

She bit me gently.

「Not only am I a vampire, but I’m also a zombie now.」

She seemingly no longer thirsted for blood. On the other hand, her bloodsucking spear is summoned through a summoning spell, which she probably could still use.

「I may physically be like a zombie, but ability-wise, I’m still the old Dee.」

「That sounds convenient. You can now do whatever you want in broad daylight.」

「Sheesh. It’s necrophilia to do anything lewd with me. Just saying, you know?」

「I’m not interested in that whatsoever.」

「It’s okay, my technique might just awaken something in you. Well, not today, though. There’s this gaping hole in my chest, after all.」

「You should try stuffing it with your hopes and dreams.」

「Geez, Roland-sama ♡ Maybe having more holes is a good thing…?」

I was an empty canvas for Dee’s artistic muse. Amidst the sound of her kisses, I soon heard the sound of rumbling thunder, for Lyla was standing in the doorway shaking her fist.

「I heard voices coming from here, so I rushed back…!」

Swallowing her own saliva hurriedly, Dee scrambled out of my bed.

「I just remembered I had something to do…」

Since Lyla was blocking the door, she clambered out a window and bailed.

「Can’t take my damn eyes off you for a second.」

「How long was I asleep?」

「An entire day. It was no doubt a success, but I have no idea how much ‘recoil’ you sustained. Although looking at you now, you’re almost unaffected.」

She sat beside me, stroking my hair. All of a sudden, tears welled up in her eyes.

「I was so worried…」


Lyla sniffled a little. I didn’t know that it would be this irritating to be unable to move a muscle. Thankfully, Lyla and Dee had explained to my colleagues that I was trying to sleep off a cold.

「I kissed you a lot while you were sleeping.」


「You didn’t respond at all, though. I was really sad.」


「I was hoping that you’d wake up for so long…」

「I see. I’ve kept you waiting, then.」

Lyla, whose face was puffy from crying, slowly came even closer and closed her eyes.

「Can’t we do this later, chief…? It’s not very nice to go in uninvited…」

「That can be said for us too.」

Hearing female voices, Lyla rapidly sat upright. Although she cleared her throat, her face was still red.

「Warawa-san, is Roland-san feeling better?」

Milia and Iris poked their heads through the doorway.

「Y-Yeah. He’s awake, at least.」

「That’s great」, said Iris, smiling.

「We’ll be here until tomorrow afternoon, so please take your time to rest. We still have a few days of break left, so it’s fine if you stay here, although it will be at your own expense.」


「Aren’t you tired, Warawa-san? Shall I look after him instead?」

「I’m fine. You’re the ones on holiday — it would be a shame if you returned without even enjoying the seaside.」


Iris tugged on Milia’s collar.

「Can’t you read the atmosphere?」

「F-Fine… but between Roland-san and the sea…」

「Control yourself.」

「Didn’t you buy a really snazzy swimsuit, chief~?」

「You… saw me?」

As the branch chief turned red, Milia vividly described it by making various gestures.

「Li-i-ke this! Every man on the beach will get a nosebleed, that’s how se –」

Hurriedly shoving Milia outside, Iris slammed the door behind them.

「I decided to take the plunge, but… is it really that excessive…?」

「Eh… it suits you, though…?」

「What kind of reaction is that…!? Fine, I’ll get another one…!」

Their voices quickly receded into the distance. Once they were out of earshot, Lyla chuckled.

I only noticed now that various fruits, flowers and nourishing ethers had been carefully arranged around my bed.

「All these came from the employees.」

「Guess I made them worry.」

「Everyone was saying that you’re always a big help to them. They really respect you, don’t they?」

I stared at the ceiling, pondering that last statement. Somewhere along the way, I fell into another deep sleep.

At Roland’s house —

「Why isn’t anyone coming home…?」

Rodje had been waiting all this time for our return.

「Where could they have gone? Could she have… eloped with that human…!? No, it’s not possible. Lylael-sama would never do that with that guy…」

She frowned.

「Lylael-sama is in mortal danger –!? That’s what my sixth sense is telling me…」

This was about a day after my encounter with Linus.

「Lylael-sama…! I, Rodje Sandsong will protect you even if it costs me my life! I will prove my loyalty to the end!」

Getting on her feet, she headed into town to look for clues to our ‘disappearance’.



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