High School Hack and Slash Chapter 72×3 Part 1

Foolish Wise Men[Donquixote]

―― Labyrinth of Perforation Realm, 『YGGDRASILL』, Attached Branch Realm 『Yomotsu Hirasaka』 ――

――The『fourth』 stratum, 『charted』 domain――

「I can’t stand this, right….?」

Shoving his hands into his pockets, he tilted his head and glared at them with a slanted face.

Eiji was a『Grappler』, a second step class of the Fighter branching, but his fighting style was that of free-flowing.

He pummeled monsters with punches, kicks, and jabs.

The tonfa on his waist belt was both his weapon and shield.

「Your side attacked us first, but when things went bad, you ran away. Moreover, pushing your comrades away and using them as shield is the act of a lowlife, right….?」

It was by no means uncommon in the dungeon, but it was one of the most frowned upon acts, that was PKing.

Basically, in the dungeon, treating everyone but yourself as an enemy was the correct stance.

When a party encountered another party, it was normal for them to be wary of each other, even if it didn’t turn into a fight.

After all, if you annihilated the other side, let alone evidence, there wouldn’t even be recollection of the event.

The plundering of crystals and rare items as well as the acquisition of EXP through murder, depending on the prey, it could be more efficient and sweeter than monsters.

It was no wonder that the girls, having gotten a taste for it once, would attempt such a thing again.

However, one ought to never forget.

The primitive rule of if you hit someone, be it a monster or a person, they would hit you back.

「That scared the hell out of me, geez.」

「Spare me from such a surprise attack.」

Dusting off his uniform, there was Byakuya the『Swindler』, a second step of the Officer branching.

Looking up at the ceiling while pressing his hand on his forehead, there was Shou the『Assassin』, a second step class of the thief branching.

They were the party known as the threediots trio in the first year third group.

「Wha… What is it, what’s wrong with that?!」

「For three guys to hound girls, you guys are the worst.」

The safety area located at the end of descending the realm gate upon defeating the realm gate guardian (Gatekeeper).

The girl party members who had ambushed them there were yapping and yapping, snapping back at them.

After exhausting their stamina and SP in the boss battle, they would naturally become relaxed as they reached the safety area.

If they had gotten a rare item from the boss drop, they would be a prey of two-fold sweetness.

However, these threediots had already surpassed the level where they would have a hard time with the third stratum’s guardian of the realm gate.

Speaking of what such guys were doing there, they were in the middle of a boss hunting round.

The respawn time for subjugated bosses was fixed for each stratum.

Boss-hunting parties aiming for rare drops from the bosses would have their Officers record the coordinates of multiple realm gates, and repeatedly log in and out of Rashomon at the right time for the bosses to emerge.

However, in the case they were faced with multiple bosses, they would need items to escape from the dungeon.

The『Return Pearl』 sold in the purchasing department was disposable at the cost of 100,000 sen per shot, making it an expensive item for a first year to use regularly.

「Amane, Amane…. wake up!」

「…. Ugh.」

A kneeling girl was shaking the body of a boy who collapsed on the floor of the dungeon.

The girls’ party was formed between fellow classmates from the first year northwest group.

With one boy and four girls, at first glance, it looked like a harem party.

But in reality, it was a power-harassment party, with the girls pushing the boy around as a baggage handler.

If you were to ask who was the most powerful person in the party, the answer would be the boy, Amane, who had had a class change to『Spirit User (Shaman)』, a second step class of the Arts User branching.

However, even though it was a class of the Arts User branching that boasted overwhelming firepower in the dungeon, outside of the dungeon where he couldn’t use skills, he wound up turning into an ordinary person, as it had the lowest physical stats correction amongst all classes.

It couldn’t allow him to overturn the power balance in human relationships and the school caste in the classroom.

Being a shy and timid guy he was from the beginning, he was unable to deal with the unreasonable and emotional abuse from the party’s girls.

Except for the one person he was set up with.

「It’s not our fault, it’s that guy’s fault.」

「That’s right! We tried to stop him, but that guy started to attack you guys.」

「We were just following his lead. If you’re going to blame someone, blame him.」

「You, you guys….!」

Of the impromptu PK members, three girls tried to escape as they saw that they were at a disadvantage, leaving behind Erika and Amane, who were pushed out as decoys.

Though, all of them were in the state of being stunned due to a skill thrown by Eiji.

「Amane has nothing to do with it, right?! Even though it’s you guys who forcefully pulled him here.」

「To begin with, it’s his fault for missing the magic attack, isn’t it?!」

「Amane this, Amane that, as expected, Eri must’ve had feelings for that guy. You pretending like a nice girl like that is hella creepy.」

Ignoring Eiji and the others, they wound up starting to quarrel with each other.

「… Annoying. So annoying. The heck with these guys.」

「I can’t believe such a party managed to make it down to the fourth floor.」

「What to do now? Eiji?」

Next to Byakuya, who crossed his arms in exasperation, Shou, who was holding the dagger strapped at his waist, asked such a question.

「Well, we almost got killed, after all. So of course we’ll have to make them pay for it, right?」

Looking at the grin on Eiji’s face, the girls, who were groveling on the floor in an unsightly manner as all of their limbs were paralyzed, showed a frightened look on their faces.

「J, just why… N, not to us, to them.」

「They’ve got a pretty good face and all, so I’ll spare them after I dump two or three shots into them.」

Eiji, reaching out his hand giddily, held the girl with long, mesh-colored hair into his arms.

「Ah. We’re going with that kind of punishment, huh….」

「The boss’s rotation will be broken, duh.」

Both Byakuya, who floated a wide grin, and Shou, who let out a sigh and grumbled, also held the rest of the group girls who ran away.

「Wai, stop….」

「You rapist!」

「Don’t, touch me.」

「So you prefer to be roughed up, huh?」

Sitting down with a thud, Eiji held the long haired girl on his lap in a prone position.

As he rolled up her skirt, he swiftly pulled down her lime green panties.

「I’m not into those who say dirty words, after all… If you don’t want me to make you unable to open your mouth again, you get it.」


Having her ass rubbed, she was soundly smacked.

「You’re unexpectedly obedient, aren’t you? As a reward, I’m going to use something that’ll make you feel good.」

What he took out of his inner pocket was a『Goblin Aphrodisiac (Rape Drug)』, the favorite of the boys.

Scooping the mucus with his fingertips, he applied it to the groove between the closed crotch.

「Give me some of it too~, rather, you sure are well prepared. Eiji.」

「Even though you don’t even have anyone to use it on.」

「You guys are annoying.」

Holding the peeled buttocks in his arms, Eiji dug his middle finger into them and wriggled it around.

The buttocks, sporting red hand prints on them, were shaking bewitchingly.

「Be obedient, okay. You’re the foolish one to challenge us at such level, after all.」


Byakuya, with the imprint of his left eye shining faintly, thrust his hips into the girl’s crotch, which was spread open in an M-shape.

The flaccid, curly bob haired girl shivered with a thump, and her jaw arched back at the sensation of being suddenly pushed apart by a penis.

「Ah~, it’s the first pussy we’ve had in a while, right.」


「There, there. C’mon, stop moving about. It’s better to feel good than to feel pain, right?」

「No… Stop, hnn.」

Taking off her school uniform jacket and using it as an impromptu handcuff, Shou shoved his hand between the legs of the girl he was holding.

The girl was not yet as twisted by the academy that she would get wet from being raped, but her inner thighs were slippery with sweat from the strain and fear.

「Heck. Despite the gaudy makeup, you’ve got a cute face, don’t you?」

「H, huh? Stop screwing around.」

「Looks like you don’t know how to talk, huh. I’ll educate you, then.」

「… Don’t insert your fingers, without permission… Hnn.」

The limbs, which continued to be paralyzed due to the vast difference in level, remained motionless even when a penis was used in place of fingers.

With her upper body being held up, as her buttocks were penetrated from behind, her hair, which was put together on her shoulder, swayed softly.

「Heck. This pussy, it’s pretty tight, isn’t it?」

「Hnn, hnn… Hnn…」

Making the girl he made to grovel on the floor raise her buttocks up, Eiji mounted her, kneeling down and soundly slamming his hips into her rhythmically.

「I thought you were a bimbo, but quite the innocent one you are. Kukkukku.」

When he pulled his penis out of the female genitalia that he had forcibly screwed in, it reverted back to a closed crack of flesh in the blink of an eye.

Taking out a new bottle of『Goblin Aphrodisiac (Rape Drug)』 that he had been secretly storing for just such an occasion, he dabbed it liberally on his warped, bared glans.

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