High School Hack and Slash Chapter 87 Part 1

Thy Choice

『… Zero …!』

「Guillotine cutter!」

From Mai’s hand, a spinning magic imbued with decapitation intent was released.

Body fluids gushed out from the neck, which was cut deeply along with the reverse scale.

The SPGP barrier, which under normal circumstances would automatically be deployed in reaction to offensive intent, had disappeared from Yamata no Orochi, which was in the state of extreme blissful drunkenness.

「Sei, yes!」




Even if it wasn’t accompanied by overkill destruction, the reverse scales were smashed in a single strike by the weapons that were swung down at the same time.

The heads of Orochi, having their acute sensory organs crushed, were reaped of their lives at the same time as they twitched with a start.

Unlike these girls who unleashed a full power swing, Seiichi, who was leaning over by its throat, quietly pierced that single scale.

There was no need for more power than necessary.

What was needed was not power, but only precision and timing.

As far as Seiichi was concerned, it was such a natural conclusion that he didn’t find the need to go to the trouble of telling the other members.

With his right hand put on the hilt of the magic sword he held in his left hand, he pulled out the blade while twisting it.

『Did we, do it?』

『Haa, haa… It’s not moving, is it?』

『… ah.』

『We did it!』

『Ptui, ptui… Geez, that sucks!』

『Seiichi-san. Please confirm the situation.』

Seiichi, letting out a deep sigh, stood up and looked around the cave.

The eight heads were limply drained of strength, and none of them raised even a stir with their heads remaining hanging down.

There was no signal from the『Yorishiro Doll (Spy Bot)』 that notifies him of an emergency, either.

「Looks like we did it…」

『Ah… ah, aah…』

A scraping voice came from the Yorishiro Doll (Spy Bot) fitted in Nodoka’s chest.

◇ ◇ ◇

「No… I mean, it turned over… It’s because it turned over….」

The moment the count turned to zero.

It was just a coincidence (Irregular) that the head of Orochi, which was dozing in the drunkenness of the alcohol, turned over.

It was just an inevitable, fatal coincidence (Irregular).

The head of Orochi, which was slowly raising its sickle head, glared at Nodoka, who had become jelly-legged and plopped down on the floor.

The massive pressure that made her unable to even breathe.

The conviction of predation that made it impossible to even lose consciousness.

Nodoka, who was falling on her rear in the water, was incontinent without realizing it.

The area around Orochi appearing to be distorting was a sign that it was activating the original power of this transcendent-class (Overrule rank) boss monster.

「… Hii …」

It was neither a breath nor a scream, just the sound of air leaking from the back of her throat.

As if a wall was falling down toward her, the jaws of Orochi descended over Nodoka’s head.


*Crack!* As if it had been run over by a truck from right next to its face, Orochi’s head was sent flying.

That sound was the sound of the shattering of the thin arm that struck it.

What landed in front of Nodoka with a thud was a yaksha, whose right arm was broken and crooked in a strange way.

A look of rage was etched on the face, which was covered with the black hair that danced in the air.

That authority (power) was one which was said to draw out the greatest power among the classes in the『Seven Deadly Sins』 system, 『Wrath』.

The seething of the raging violence easily led the Karma to a rampage (Overload).

The reason why『Wrath』 class was becoming vacant was because its class holders were disappearing like fireworks.

The left fist, groaning as its bones were creaking, was driven into the lower jaw of the arching back Orochi.

The root of the shattered fist was thrust into the『reverse scale』, which had increased in strength due to the restoration of the SPGP barrier.

In front of the girl, whose uniform was dyed bright red, right hand was dangling and left arm had scattered all the way to the elbow, the head of Orochi fell down with a splat.

「… Ah… Ah… Onee, sama?」

「Phew, ugh.」

*Gush* Raising a sound like that of boiling water, the missing left arm was restored.

Forcefully extending the right arm with a snap, she finished the mending.

It was the authority of『Gluttony』 that allowed the flesh to regenerate with the surplus energy that had been predated.

「Are you, all right?」

「… Ahh.」

Crouching down to Nodoka, who remained falling on her rear and was looking up at her in a daze, Shizuka floated a bitter smile.

As someone who had seen the way Touma had been treated, it was a very familiar look to Shizuka.

「… Am I, scary?」

「That’s, not the case at all… Onee-sama!」

Still in the unsightly state of being jelly-legged and weak in the knees, Nodoka dove straight into Shizuka’s chest.

「For saving me…. For keeping your promise… Thank you, very much.」

The remains of Yamata no Orochi, which had ceased its life activity, were slowly giving rise to a faint phosphorescence.

It was produced not only by the eight heads, but also by the water mirror covering the entire cave.

The vermilion-colored series of torii were shattering, and the shimenawa were unraveling.

And then, with a crack, the barrier shattered.

◇ ◇ ◇


The first to rush over to the scene was Shizuka, whose uniform was dyed vermilion.

The megalith in the center of the subterranean cave, which was so large that one couldn’t help but look up at it, was split into eight pieces, like blooming flower petals.

Between those shattered and fallen rocks, Touma was lying face down.

The enclosed spirit stone, which had switched its host from Yamata no Orochi to the stall spirit and from the stall spirit to Touma, was shattering along with its divine core.

It was a lost magialogy system where in the original plan, it was built to seal and extinguish the transcendent-class boss monster through perpetual months and years.

The miasma that had been stored in the barrier reached a critical level and triggered an implosion phenomenon in accordance with the arts formula.

Everything went according to plan, and along with the spirit stone of the『Himorogi』, it was extinguishing the host.

「That’s why, you should have left it alone….」

「Huh, hey, Touma-kun. It’s not funny, so answer me at once!」

Mai, who had a change in her complexion, rushed over to Shizuka, who was putting his head in her lap as if to hug him.

The face of Touma, who did not even twitch, was that of a death mask, which was bereft of expression as usual.

「… Looks like he’s sleeping.」

「Don’t scare the hell of out me like that!」

As Touma was unconsciously rubbing his cheek against Shizuka’s thighs, Mai was drained of strength.

Amidst the faint phosphorescence that was buoyantly dancing and radiating saturated miasma, Mirin and the others rushed over to them.

「Onee-sama, is Toma-sama alright?」

「Ahh. To, Toma-sama is….」

「Please pull yourself together.」

「Onee-samaa, Toma-samaa….」

Giving a sidelong glance to Touma, who was surrounded by the female members, Seiichi muttered to himself in front of the megalith of the shattered himorogi.

「This one is… Just, what in the world…?」

Nothing remained except for the rock pieces, which had broken and shattered in all directions.

However, right above the wreckage where rock pieces were scattered about, a large ball of light was floating.

It was different from the drifting and dancing phosphorescent light stemming from the remains of Yamata no Orochi and the subterranean spring.

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