Chapter 114: Zen’s Homecoming ②

~Zen’s point of view~

「Zen, let’s get back to the mission given by His Highness of the Arto Kingdom.」

「Yes. Right now, I have absolutely no contact with the top brass of the shogunate. However, I believe that this is something that should be discussed directly with the shogun-sama.」

The importance of this information is top class. Not only is it a war between nations, but the act of unilaterally declaring war from the Ibrudia Empire and invading with magic airships immediately afterward is not something that even the Bukyo kingdom can ignore.

The information that I possess as an active participant of the turmoil and the letter from His Highness Ruzark will be handled with caution even by the Bukyo Kingdom.

Regarding the mission given by His Highness Ruzark, I have to request Bukyo to make a statement in support of the Arto Kingdom at the Council of the Seven Sphin Nations and obtain a definite promise. So in regards to this matter, I would like to obtain the pledge directly from the Shogun.

「Hmm… I understand your plan. For generations, the four warrior families, including the Suigetsu family, have a history of receiving secret orders from the shogunate in times of emergencies, and have earned their trust. It is safe to say that this case is an “emergency”. I will get you the opportunity to speak with the Shogun.」

「Thank you very much! But we don’t have much time. Is it okay if I accompany you to the capital?」

「Hmm… alright then. We will leave for the capital first thing in the morning. We should arrive in 3 days on horseback.」

「Thank you very much, master.」

「From tomorrow onwards, it will be a battle of stamina. So go get some good rest today.」

「Understood, master.」

We arrived at Amanekyo, the capital of Bukyo, three days later in the evening as planned. A huge castle called Amane Castle towered in the innermost part of the city, and it seems that the Shogun lives in the Honmaru palace within.

My identity was checked at the castle gate, but my father, who was the head of the Suigetsu family, was easily let into the castle. It seems that the Suigetsu family has been entrusted with an important position in Bukyo more so than I thought.

From here on out, my father is supposed to get through meeting with the officials. The possibility of being able to have an audience with the Shogun on the same day is low, so anticipating that our stay in the capital will be for a few days, we split up so that I could arrange accommodation.

After securing an inn, I waited for two hours at a restaurant for my father. Just when the staff started shooting glances at me, my father entered the tatami room.

「Thank you for waiting, Zen. To start with, I have obtained the opportunity for you to see the Shogun tomorrow.」

「T-Thank you!」

「It seems that the top brass of the shogunate are also aware of the war between the Arto Kingdom and the Ibrudia Empire, and they would like to hear more from you as someone who was present in that turmoil.」

It seems that I underestimated the intelligence gathering capabilities of this country. Considering that I left the Arto Kingdom a few days after the war ended, and that I traveled as fast as possible during the journey, the Bukyo Kingdom must also possess a means of information transmission such as a communication magic tool.

Leaving that aside, the meeting is much earlier than I expected. It seems safe to assume that the top brass of the country also takes the invasion of the Ibrudia Empire seriously.

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When we arrived at Amane Castle the next day, a little before the appointed time, we were led to the Honmaru Palace. The Shogun, his aides, cabinet ministers, and council of elders were already in discussion. The person sitting on the upper seat is probably the Shogun-sama.

He looked as old as my father. His neat beard and sharp eyes caught my eye, and I could clearly see that his body had been trained even over his loose kimono. In addition, the man who was probably his close aide, had no openings in his defense even though he has a relaxed demeanor. These two were definitely stronger than me.

「It is an honor to meet you. My name is Suigetsu Zen. I have come here today to–」

「No need for that sort of greeting. I don’t like it.」

「I understand… In that case, let me begin with this.」

Saying that, I handed over Prince Ruzark’s letter. When the Shogun finished reading it, he muttered, “Hmm…” and handed the letter to his aide.

「Well, it’s more or less what I expected. It almost matched the information I had. And the parts that I was unclear about were also cleared up.」

「Which part was it…?」

「The fact that Emperor Ibrudia declared war. I didn’t understand why a man who sought peace so strongly changed. I never thought that he was brainwashed by demons.」

「Yes… In line with this, I would like to request for your help in defeating the demons together with the Arto Kingdom at the Council of the Seven Sphin Nations.」

「Zen, right? From your point of view, is prince Ruzark worthy of trust?」

「…To be honest, before the Ranking Battle, I hated the Arto Kingdom. A kingdom that discriminates against demi-humans and beastfolks, nobles who try to gain power even by enslaving others, and a royal family that tolerated such things… As a man born in Bukyo, it was almost comical to me.

But His Highness Ruzark was different. Together with the [Star Supremacy] clan, which took first place in the ranking battles this year, they improved the rotten parts of the Arto Kingdom.

In addition, his instructions and leadership after detecting that the Ibrudia Empire was about to invade were also excellent. In reality, it was [Star Supremacy] which suppressed the battlefield, but I believe that this was possible because of the preparations that were made even before the war began.」

「Hou… He has a broad horizon, has an eye for people, and is also popular with the people, huh… He sounds like an interesting man.」

「Yes. That’s why I can say with confidence that His Highness Ruzark is a trustworthy person.」

「Got it. I’m also curious about that clan with a name as bold as [Star Supremacy]….Are they strong?」

「Yes. It’s frustrating, but I have to admit that all five members who participated in the ranking battle were stronger than me. Especially the clan leader, who is also my friend – Aun’s strength was completely bottomless.」

「Gahahahaha!! I see! That’s good!! Very well! Tell Prince Luzark this. “I’ll cooperate, but you owe me one.”」

「I shall convey as such!」

Looking next to him, my father was smiling. I wonder if the reason why the conversation went so smoothly was because he was helping me out behind the scenes. I shall thank him again later.

However, I wasn’t able to ask about “Doumeki” or Aun’s grandfather, Daigoku-sama. It’s not that I couldn’t trust the Shogun, but there were too many people here. Considering Aun’s intention to keep it as confidential as possible, I decided that I shouldn’t ask about it now. Well, I still have a little time before I return to the Arto Kingdom. At this point I can only investigate rumors, but let’s find out as much as possible about Daigoku-sama.

Three days after that, I received a secret letter addressed to His Highness Ruzark from the Shogun. Relieved that I had successfully completed the request from His Highness, I left for Arto Kingdom again.


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