Chapter 55: The Maid of Star Supremacy

About an hour after Kinu and I returned to the inn, the other three returned as well.

「Shinku, how is the Deformed Giant Axe? Do you think you can use it?」

「Yes. I haven’t fully mastered it yet, but I have gotten a feel for it. I would like to serve as the vanguard for tomorrow’s match.」

「Bro, Shinku-neesan is amazing! I don’t even understand how she recomposes the weapon!」

「The transformation itself is not that difficult. It’s just a matter of recomposing it in a flow without thinking about it in your mind.

However, it takes time to transform the weapon, so I am still worried about the defense during that gap.

Nevertheless, it’s a great weapon in terms of offensive and defensive power.

Thank you very much for winning the auction bid, Aun-sama.」

「I see! In that case, you shall be the vanguard in tomorrow’s match.」

「Please leave it to me!」

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

We arrived at the arena early the next morning. Today’s first match will be the quarterfinals of the 3rd round between Star Supremacy and the opposing clan Crescent Moon.

“Crescent Moon” is the 4th ranked clan.

I feel like we’ve finally come face to face with a formidable enemy.

The bet multiplier is 1.5x for Star Supremacy.

Does 1.5x against the 4th rank means they are expecting us to win?

「Shinku, it seems like you were with the weapon all night long after dinner last night…Did you get enough sleep?」

「Yes, I am in perfect physical condition. The speed at which I can transform my weapon with one hand has increased, so I hope I can demonstrate it in today’s match.」

「Alright, I’m looking forward to it. It’s about time.」

As a staff member entered the waiting room to announce the start of the match, we left for the match venue with Shinku leading the way.

The atmosphere of the venue was different from yesterday. A lot of voices were cheering us on.

“Overwhelming wins in two consecutive matches” was the hot topic recently, it seems.

Right then, unexpectedly, the management committee could be heard on the mic.

『Everyone, thank you for waitinggggg! ! From today’s match onwards, there will be live commentary!! I, Michael, will be the host and commentator!! Nice to meet you all!!』

「They’re including a live commentary, huh… Hmm, I suppose that from here on out, the matches will be ones where the general public won’t have a clue what’s going on… which means Michael is strong enough to keep up with the match on commentary…」

『Get ready! Today’s matches will be the quarter finals of all 8 clans. The first match is [Star Supremacy] VS [Crescent Moon].

Star Supremacy, who has already appeared at the venue, is a clan that was only established this year, but they were honored for their achievement of repelling an S-rank magic beast, Dragon, that appeared in Recuria with just 3 members, and they were specially allowed to participate.!!

Their true ability is unknown!! It’s so unconventional that a vanguard defeats all the opponents in two matches in a row!!

Moreover! All the members are uniformed in what is called kimono, and it is also the clan that has attracted the most attention in terms of fashion at this tournament!!

I’m looking forward to seeing just how high this clan can goooooo!!』

Yeah, he’s a pretty good emcee! Michael must surely have a lot of fans.

It seems that he will be a fair commentator without caring if you are a demi-human or a beastfolk.

『The next to enter is Rank 4, Crescent Moon!

Last year, they unfortunately lost in the semi-finals, but their strength is the real deal!

They are an elite team composed of 4 S-class adventurers and 1 A-class adventurer!

In particular, General Mick is a magic swordsman who wields a magic water sword! He is one of the most respected S-class adventurers!』

「I shall be off now, Aun-sama.」

「Yeah! Show em’ what you can do!」

After that, Shinku walked towards the center of the ring. The opponent’s vanguard was a man called Dodaido. He seems like a heavy warrior wielding a bastard sword.

「Glad to make your acquaintance.」

「Same here. We are not underestimating you guys. The abilities of your previous two players were the real deal. I will be giving everything I have!」

The two then moved to their starting positions, and the gong rang to signal the start of the match.

First, Shinku took out the Deformed Giant Ax【Raging Tiger Majesty】from her magic bag and charged straight while attacking with Iron Bullet magic.

As Dodaido dodged Shinku’s magic with a side step, Shinku swung down her giant ax. Dodaido swung up his bastard sword and locked the giant ax in place.

If he can compete with Shinku’s strength, then his strength seems to be quite high. However, Shinku gradually pushed harder, and Dodaido jumped back to gain distance.

Shinku immediately advanced and launched a horizontal sweeping attack with her giant ax.

Dodaido immediately defended himself, but it seems that he took quite a bit of damage.

『Woooo!! High-level offense and defense from the start!! Both of them seem to have very high strength stats! Furthermore, participant Shinku uses magic. She seems like a troublesome opponent to deal with!』

「Not bad.」

「Ouch… I’m still an S-rank adventurer, you know? Normally, it wouldn’t be one-sided like this. Who are you, young lady?」

「I am the maid of Star Supremacy. Moreover, I am also an S-rank adventurer.」

「I suppose the world is vast! Even so, I can’t lose. Let’s go!」

Saying that, Dodaido abandoned defense and rushed to settle the match quickly with a large overhead swing.

Seeing this, Shinku transformed her giant ax into a shield and held it up. It seems she had been waiting for this overhead swing.

The transformation speed was fast. It took less than a second to complete the transformation.

Dodaido was astonished at the transformation, but he could no longer draw back the bastard sword that had been swung down.

Shinku timed her shield against the bastard sword that was swung down, and dealt damage and shock to Dodaido with Guard Impact skill, bouncing his arms up.

Then she transformed the shield back into a giant ax once again and launched a horizontal sweeping attack towards his defenseless abdomen.

『Whaaa!? What’s with that weapon!! It suddenly transformed into a shield and repelled Dodaido’s attack! And then, without a moment’s delay, it turned into a huge ax and cut Dodaido’s stomach wide!!!』

Even the plate mail armor couldn’t withstand Shinku’s attack. A large amount of blood spurted out from Dodaido’s abdomen.

Then, he slowly fell face down on the ground, and the first match came to an end.

『The match is decided! ! [Star Supremacy] Shinku’s victory!!!!』


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  1. IsinN

    Kira. Kira. Watashi wa Star.

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