Chapter 384 Part 2

「I’m home—! I’m bringing a customer with me~」


I put my hand on the girl’s hand, which felt very cold from waiting to get a customer, and we started walking shoulder to shoulder.

Unlike what I had expected, her house was just around the corner. It was only a five-minute walk away from the central square.


「My my, is that so? Welcome~ Thank you very much for choosing our daughter.」


The house has a lived-in feel like a large family living in a not-so-large and not-so-fancy house. There are a few everyday items here and there, and the plump lady who comes out of the kitchen seems to be her mother.


「There is a shower in the back, so you can wash your body over there. Show him the way, sweetie.」


She told me and then handed a bath towel to a small boy who was playing with a golem carriage toy on the floor in the living room.

I walk down the narrow hallway to the bathroom behind the boy, who is about half my height, holding the bath towel with both hands.


「Pardon my intrusion.」


I met an elderly couple on the way, and after greeting each other, I passed by them while lowering my body. They don’t introduce themselves, but they are probably the girl’s grandparents.


「Eat your dinner after the play, alright?」


The mother’s voice echoes from behind, followed by the girl’s reply, 『okay, but save some of the side dishes for me, okay?』.

It’s just my imagination, but I can see how the little brother would eat everything and leave nothing for her.


(This feels just like when you’re staying over at your relatives.)


The bathroom is a completely regular bathroom you can find in any house. There are no marble columns, carvings, or shiny board walls.

We don’t play in the bathroom, so after washing off the sweat and dirt in the shower, I went straight to the changing room. There, as I wash myself, I think.


(Even this towel has a quaint feeling to it, it’s nice.)


In brothels, the most common type of towel is a plain, single-colored one with a logo on it, but the bath towel I am using now has a cute animal design. This makes me feel like there’s a sense of daily life here too.

When I return to the living room after putting on my clothes, the girl replaces me to go to the bathroom. Then I was made to sit on the sofa, flanked on both sides by the mother and little brother.


「My daughter is very good at playing on top, you know? Everyone especially likes it when she pulls back just until the very edge before swallowing them with great force.」


The Auntie appealed her daughter’s good points to me, which I guess was a form of bonding before the play. 


「The previous customer said big sis is happy when the back of her belly button is rubbed. I hope you do that for her, mister.」


Even her little brother told me her good points, in a different way. The Auntie glared at him with one finger in front of her lips, so I guess it’s true that that’s her weak spot.

In the meantime, her daughter, who had showered appeared with a bath towel wrapped around her body. Then I linked my arms with her like a lover, as one would do in a brothel, and headed upstairs to her room, as the wooden stairs squeaked with each step.


(It’s a study room if you ever see one.)


A desk, a bookshelf, posters on the wall, and stuffed animals. It has the feeling of 『a girl’s room of your female classmate』.

As recommended, I lay on my back on the bed, which was soaked with her smell, and she performed the 『get on top and give a nice long stroke』 technique that her mother had told me earlier.


「How is it? It’s a technique I inherited directly from my mom.」


The girl said confidently. Apparently, this technique is a 『secret passed down from generation to generation』 in the female lineage of this family.

However, it’s bugging me a little when she said 『Mom』. She has a strong resemblance to her mother, so now her image overlaps with her mother in my mind.


(I’m sure that Auntie was just as pretty as this girl when she was young.)


Now there’s an extra presence under her chin and around her belly that almost made me call her 『Admiral』. That’s why when she said that, I can feel my excitement almost subside.


「Ahn! Iyaa~!」


Sensing that it would be bad if I kept getting distracted by thinking of the mother-daughter like this, I grabbed the girl’s waist from both sides and shook my hips to stimulate the backside of her navel.

Immediately, the girl’s chin is raised and any meaning is gone from her voice.


(Oh? Bingo!)


It seems the information from her brother was correct as her reaction was quite intense.


(No, no, no. I already know that you’re weak here.)


I don’t know if it’s because she was frustrated or conscious of trying to be hospitable, but the girl swung her hips in an attempt to regain the initiative. But I easily crushed her attempts by once again rubbing the backside of her navel.


「It felt very good. Here’s a tip for you.」


We played for about an hour and the result was I came once and she came five times. Though I said that, the quality of her play was not that of an amateur.

That’s why I put quite the amount of coins reasonable enough for the quality of her play on the desk beside her bed when she’s still out of breath.


「Eh? You’re giving me this much!? Thank you very much!」


But still, the girl was happy when she saw that with sparkling eyes.


(Ah, that’s right, I unconsciously gave her a tip based on the usual market price. It’s completely on me here.)


The reason why it’s surprisingly easy on the wallet is not only because it’s a 『low-cost Street Girl service』, but also because 『it’s this city』.

According to my knowledge as a member of the merchant guild, this city is one of the poorest in the Kingdom, even though it’s famous for its ale. In other words, a tip at the market price in the royal capital must be worth a lot of money here.


(Certainly, the price of the meal I had earlier was also very cheap.)


It’s less than half the price of similar food stalls in the royal capital. The price of a meal in this city is also an indication of the income of the people here.


(If that’s the case, I wonder if poverty is the reason why Street Girls has become mainstream in this city.)


People in this town, who lack financial power, must want to keep the cost of play low. And if the cost of Street Girls service is one-tenth that of a normal brothel, it’s likely that more people will stick to Street Girls service as a way to play.


『It doesn’t matter how it tastes, as long as it can fill my belly.』


In other words, this is still a place where quantity is more important than quality, where a large slice of bread is more sought after than a single slice of cake. 


(I see now.)


With satisfaction after solving this mystery, I came down the squeaky wooden stairs and for some reason, the Auntie and the brother who were in the living room, praised my play. 


「To think you could one-sidedly make her climax five times in such a short time. If only I was a little younger, I would like to try to be your play partner.」


Even though the exterior of the house is made of stone, the upstairs floor is made of wood, so apparently the whole family could hear us on the floor below.


(She said her daughter is quite famous around here, didn’t she?)


It’s true that I have confidence in my abilities as Dr. Slime. However, the technique I used this time is a level of technique you can find anywhere in the royal capital.

If she really meant those words, and not just flattery, I can’t imagine what would happen if the girl went to the royal capital. She might have fainted into a seizure every time.


(Then, does this mean that the men in this town are not that skilled? I feel bad for the men, but this could be a great selling point for this city.)


If she, who’s an amateur to me, is regarded as one of the skilled ones around here, then the male customers, who are also said to be skilled, should be in the realm of amateurs as well.

If that’s the case, then even an average person in the royal capital might become a force to be reckoned with here.


(Maybe I’ll inform everyone of this place.)


And there should be some fellow brothel-goers who would even risk going to a trip to this city just to experience the feeling of being matchless here.


「No, well… it was a close battle.」


After nodding my head in my mind, I let the Aunty and the brother know how good her daughter was and left the warmth of the house where three generations lived together.


(Now then, my stamina can last for another play, so I want to try the slightly older ones this time.)


Thinking that I needed to test my hypothesis, I went back to the central square. There, I immediately called out to the 『Onee-san who just returned from her work』.

This time, I wanted to play at the inn where I was staying, but she refused. I guess it is scary to enter the territory of a stranger who came from outside the city.


「Okay, let’s play at your place, then.」


I decided to concede and we headed for her house immediately.

Just like the girl before, when I entered her house, which wasn’t that far from the central square, I found out that it was also a house where three generations were living together.

This might also be because of economic reasons.


(Hmm… how should I put this…)


It was already a little more than an hour after I entered Onee-san’s house, I already left the house and currently walking down the narrow street to the central square.


(It was like the schoolgirl earlier minus the youth, but with more experience.)


That was my impression of the taste of the working Onee-san.

However, even though her skills were superior, it was still a homey-like taste overall. It’s still not the taste of the professionals in the royal capital.




“Should I try with another one?” As I was thinking about this, I felt a gaze on me.

I looked up and saw in the shadow of a building created by the light of a lamp, was a woman with half of her body hidden in the shadow.


(That must be the dangerous type the innkeeper had warned me.)


The woman is in her mid-twenties, dressed in flashy, revealing clothes, and the ends of her thin lips curve slightly upward as her eyes meet mine.

She probably wants me to come to her because just stands there and doesn’t take her gaze off of my eyes.


(Let’s just stay away from danger.)


I don’t even have to be a wise man to make this decision. So I picked up my pace and headed for the inn on the other side of the central square.

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