260. Country of Sakura, Cherin and Seven Holy Swords [31]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

260. Country of Sakura, Cherin and Seven Holy Swords [31]

Looking at a picture of Rose when she was three years old,

「Uwaa, so cute… She looks like a doll!」

Ria’s eyes sparkled.

「Fufu, so she already had the dignified air since this age itself.」

「She’s so cute and so cool.」

「She’s an incredible beauty though…!」

The president and senpais also expressed their honest impressions.

(She is certainly very cute.)

The picture of Rose smiling in front of a birthday cake with three candles lit up was extremely cute

「Barabara! That’s right, that’s right! Rose has been a really cute girl since she was little. She is the apple of my eye!」

Bacchus-san looked extremely happy hearing his granddaughter being praised.

Apparently, he also has a severe case of doting like His Majesty Gris and Rodis-san.

「By the way, Bacchus-san, do you have any other picture?」

Ria said, expectantly.

「Oh, I see! You want to see it, huh! Since the guest is asking, I can’t refuse. I’ll make a special showing just for today!」

In good spirits, he slowly turned to the next page, being very careful not to tear it.

There was a picture of Rose, dressed in a beautiful sakura-colored kimono and biting into a delicious-looking toffee apple.

She looks to be eight years old in this picture. And looks more mature than in the previous picture.

「This is the one from when we went to Ringard Imperial Kingdom a few years ago. I think it was called the… “Merchant Town” Drestia? There was a festival called “Daido Commercial Festival” going on around the time we arrived, and it was very crowded.」

Bacchus-san explained with a hint of nostalgia.

Around April last year, I went to the Daido Commercial Festival together with Ria and Rose.

(Speaking of which, at that time… I remember Rose saying, “I’ve been here with my grandfather a long time ago”.)

When I recalled the conversation from about a year ago, Bacchus-san turned the page again.

「Next is… Oh, how nostalgic! This is when Rose was four years old, and she was feeling down after wetting her bed!」

It was a picture of Rose’s tiny back who looked at the children’s futon hung on a clothesline.

If you look closer, there was a small “puddle” in the dried up futon.

「She said “I’m not afraid of ghosts!”. So I read her my “special ghost story” late at night. And the result is as you can see. I remember very well that she murmured “I failed” frustratedly!」

Bacchus-san happily spoke about Rose’s childhood stories.

Apparently, she has been weak to horror-related things since she was a child.

While we were looking at Rose’s picture, the living room door rattled open and she came in holding a number of teacups on a tray.

「I’m sorry, everyone. I was a little… late!」

The old album in Bacchus-san’s hand, the photos on it, and us looking at it.

One by one her mind processed the information, and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Turning red to her ears,

「W-W-W-What are you doing?!!」

She shouted loudly.



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