340. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [111]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

340. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [111]

(“Phantom spirit” is the general term used for monsters that rampaged in this world long ago, right?)

About two months ago, I had a conversation with one of the Thirteen Knights of the Oracle, Fu Rudras, in the library of the Holy Ronelia Empire.

According to him, some countries secretly captured phantom beasts and hid them to be used as military force.

And now, the Black Organization seems to be enthusiastic about recovering the phantom spirits. They have been sent their underlings many times so far to recapture Fafnir which is sealed within Ria.

(But what does he mean by the 100 Million Year Sakura is a phantom spirit? Is it possible that…the huge sakura tree that reaches the sky is Bacchus-san’s soul dress itself!?)

「Bararara! You found out about it, huh!」

Bacchus-san laughed without particularly denying it.

「But even if you say “recover”, just how do you intend to do that? Are you perhaps thinking of… going head-to-head with the “strongest swordsman in the world”?」

With a ferocious smile, Bacchus-san released a spine chilling killing intent.



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