I was once a hollow saint – chapter 10

I slowly regained consciousness and opened my eyelids. I rolled over and took a peek at the clock, only to find the date had already changed.

「Eh, it’s already this late!?」

I leaped out of bed in panic.

It seems like I had fallen asleep while reminiscing about my past with Felix. Having dreamed of the day we met made me feel nostalgic.

(Many things happened after that, and he stuck close to me. I also remember catering to his every whim just because he was so cute..)

I was quite busy back then, but I couldn’t turn down Felix’s request and even ended up teaching him magic. I also wanted to save him from that place since he was in a weak position.

Despite his frail body, Felix had plenty of magic power, and he was overflowing with talent. He grew up faster than anyone else.

(And that curse—it hurts so much that it gave me a high fever. Fortunately, it was all a dream… I don’t want to go through that again.)

At that time, I transferred Felix’s curse to my abdomen, since that part of me would be covered with my clothes.

I also remember being worried that my looks might prevent me from marrying. Not to mention that I lacked the ability to pass on the magic I had absorbed to others.

In the end, I died at the young age of twenty-two, two years after that. All of my concerns were baseless.

「Uhh… I should get ready for bed and sleep again.」

I’m still drowsy from the accumulating exhaustion after the journey. My stamina is low since I haven’t been getting enough nutrition or sleep.

Now that I’ve finally escaped from the days of hell in Fallon Temple, I want to take it easy for a while.

But for the sake of my cute former disciple and this country, I should also contribute whatever I can.

(Even though my magical power is still limited, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience under my belt. I’m sure there’s something I can do.)

I’ll ask for permission to investigate at breakfast tomorrow. about this country, and my changing amount of magic power.

With that in mind, I dash to the restroom.


「What’s with that noisy woman!!!」

「…She’s not the only one noisy here, you know」

My close assistant, Byron, had his loud voice echoing across the study room late at night. His body was slightly trembling from his irritation about her.

「I wouldn’t have minded Your Majesty being nice to her in front of the servants , but she just kept going and going and going…! It’s nothing but a bother to have a powerless, talkative saint 」

「She traveled to an unfamiliar land alone. I’m sure she’s anxious.」

As Byron said, “Tiana Everett” was surprisingly talkative. And she asked me a slew of irrelevant, trivial questions.

(Though I wasn’t expecting her to ask me about my health.)

However, I didn’t have anything to say, so it was perfect for me that she was the one who started the discussion with the eyes surrounding us.

Though there should be limits to that, too.

But I’ll admit that her gaze while she joyfully listened to me was unlike the other noble ladies’. That’s why I didn’t feel too bad.

「Your Majesty, you’re too kind! Remember, she’s from the kingdom!」

「That’s not it.」

I have no plans to treat her differently. Still, I can’t get the image of her softly sobbing during the meal out of my head.

「..Why… I’m sorry.」

I also noticed how rough her hand was when she wiped her tears. Even if she is a precious saint, her scratched hands are no different from those of a servant doing housework.

It’s clear that she wasn’t treated well, to the point that she was offered to the ‘Cursed Land’.

「It seemed to me that Tiana-sama had hardly ever been outside of the temple. She ate an ordinary fruit with great joy and relish… And she would have nightmares and cry every night. She must have been in a difficult environment in Fallon Kingdom.」

And the maid who accompanied her said so with tears.


On top of that, she was nearly killed on her way to our country. There’s no doubt that the Fallon Kingdom did that.

「The Fallon Kingdom is insane! This is unforgivable. This should be reported to the national….

「We have no proof that they did it. We can’t hold it against them.」

The captured men are all under a spell, and they won’t speak no matter what we do.

(Tiana must’ve really been discarded as a pawn.)

I never thought that the kingdom would go this far. Given that they will resort to any means possible, we should be even more vigilant.

I had my hands full with my own country’s problems, yet troubles kept coming to find me. I let out a sigh.

「Could that saint really have used magic?」

「…Who knows.」

There are reports that she was the one who defeated all the men who attacked the entourage and treated the injured with magic.

「Saint Tiana-sama is truly a wonderful person! Our country is safe in her hands!」

Tiana was praised by all of the knights who had just visited the study room. If she is as powerful as they claimed she was, the kingdom would never give her up.

And it was a fact that she couldn’t use magic at all.

(Did she hide her powers all this time?)

I can’t believe anyone would hide their magic powers to the point of being labeled ‘incompetent’ and receiving such treatment.

All the contracts with Tiana have already been signed. I can’t make her work as a saint now. For the time being, I should keep an eye on her.

「Tiana-sama is a very nice person. I’m sure she’ll be the people’s favorite queen.」

My feelings about having a minimal relationship with her haven’t changed. I still should treat her well since it will be a problem if she runs away.

「Rather than that, did the Nightly Lake really get purified?」

「Yes. We have received the result of the investigation. It has been completely restored to its original state.」

Nightly Lake is the first place to get infected with the ‘curse’ in our country. It turned black and muddy, spawning miasma and a swarm of monsters that slaughtered animals and plants.

However, a few days ago, the lake, which had not improved despite our efforts, was suddenly purified in its entirety and restored to its original beauty.

It’s nothing less than a miracle.

(Just what is going on?)

「The people believe that it’s because the saint came. Meanwhile, that said incompetent saint was about to be killed at the time.」

Byron said that as if he was about to spit. He didn’t like the fact that she took all the credit.

「Continue the investigation of the lake.」


There are four other cursed areas in the empire.

The purification of Nightly Lake might serve as a chance to save other areas.

I must protect this country, which Else loved so much.

「…Because the saint came, huh. If that’s really the case, then she can go ahead and be the Great Saint.」

I mutter to myself, followed by a self-deprecating laugh.

…At this time, I have no way of knowing if Tiana Everett is truly involved.


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I Was Once a Hollow Saint

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