308 -【ISCX-317 Antlion】



Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thor’s Stone

“I see.”

The offer presented to us was about 12 million Enels. For a medium-class ship, the price was rather reasonable. In fact, it could be considered to be fairly cheap.

“This is the price of the base model, right?”

“Indeed. It’s what you mercenaries call a 『Base』 or 『Vanilla』 variant.”

In other words, customizing the ship will incur additional fees. The so-called 『Base』 or 『Vanilla』 variant was the standard unmodified ship model offered by ship makers. Usually, buyers would replace the stock generators with more powerful ones, replace or add shields, armor, and armaments, as well as arrange stuff like the life support system, medical pods, and other interior amenities. Replacing the power generator and armor was particularly expensive.

“Even so, the generator provided is a high-output military-grade product, and both the Gravity Jammers and capacitors are exclusive equipment, so I think this is still a good deal.”

“Right…… Especially that generator. According to this, it has higher performance than most other high-output generators on the market…… Or rather, isn’t this actually the latest type developed for use by military corvettes?”

“That is indeed the case. Furthermore, Captain Hiro has been allowed permission to purchase and sell military equipment, so we will have no trouble providing him with those.”

“I’ve been given permission to purchase and sell military equipment? Well, I suppose it ain’t that much of a surprise.”

Perhaps the license came included with the Gold Star award. Or maybe Commander Serena pulled some strings when I said I wanted to purchase military combat bots back then? Either way, I’m glad I’ll be able to freely purchase military equipment from now on.

Usually, military-grade equipment had higher performance specs compared to similar products out on the market. And even if the performance was more or less similar, they were still generally more reliable in the long run. However, they do tend to make use of older model equipment often, so there’s a tendency to draw a losing hand from time to time. I gotta remember to pay attention when dealing with them.

If I went all giddy and recklessly purchased military equipment, I might suddenly end up with decades-old tech. Well, they might be old, but they were tough and reliable, so there’s that too.

“We can prepare genuine Imperial Military equipment for you, sir. Armor, weapons. You name it, we’ll provide it.”

“Wow, you sure have some serious connections.”

“It’s Ideal after all.”

The mechanic sisters displayed bitter smiles. Ideal Starway was the Empire’s premier ship-maker and was the wholesaler of many ships used by the Imperial Military. It goes without saying that they had solid connections with armor, weapons, and other gear manufacturers as well. They probably had direct lines to the bosses of said companies.

“Alright then, shall we purchase as much as our budget can afford?”

“Fine with me, but are you sure we can earn back the expense?”

“You’d have better chances of survival in battle if you have good equipment. That in itself is already profitable.”

“Is that so……? Well, I suppose you’re right.”

You’d get to save more in the long run if you purchased a high-performance starship with high survivability rather than using a cheap ship that gets wrecked every time. And Elma’s ship getting shot down because we tried to save money is definitely a no-go. Getting shot down after doing one’s very best was one thing, but I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I lost Elma just because I was too stingy.

“By the way, what’s the name of the ship?”

“Its development code is 【ISCX-317 Antlion】.”

“Antlion…… An antlion huh. Makes sense.”

“Oh, you’re familiar with the creature?”

Mr. Autumn displayed a surprised expression after seeing my reaction. Of course, I knew a thing or two about antlions. Why is he so……? Oh, right. People who were born and raised in colonies usually weren’t familiar with bugs, and even among those born in planetary colonies, there weren’t many who knew about them. That’s because the biodiversity on terraformed planets was pretty limited. In the first place, I’m not sure how known the antlion was in this world, but judging from Mr. Autumn’s reaction, I guess it’s pretty rare.

“It’s an insect that creates a funnel-shaped hole on the ground to trap and eat other insects. Well, its appearance isn’t all that pretty to look at, but it does look graceful in a sense when it emerges and flies off.”

But I don’t really remember the antlion being all that good at flying though. Was I overdoing it?

“You really are quite familiar with it. Do you perhaps have an interest in biological sciences?”

“I just happened to know a thing or two about it. So, the Antlion huh. The name doesn’t sound bad at all. What do you think, guys?”

“Let’s see. Sure, we can keep the name Antlion for the ship. What are we gonna get for the armaments, assuming the armor and thrusters will be the highest military-grade level?”

“Isn’t the loadout of two seeker missile pods, two Class II laser cannons, and one Class III laser cannon fine already?”

“It’s a pretty stable loadout.”

The combination of powerful military-grade Class III and Class II lasers and seeker missile pods capable of wide-area suppression and covering fire was pretty solid.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to deliberately choose uncommon equipment just because.”

“That does sound pretty convincing, especially since we have Hiro here who’s a perfect example. I mean, shard cannons and anti-ship reaction torpedoes? Talk about over the top.”

“I’ll have you know that my final loadout was the result of extensive research and planning to achieve the most suitable equipment combination for my ship.”

Elma just shrugged her shoulders in response. Shard cannons that had a short effective range but raw punching power and anti-ship reactive torpedoes which were relatively slow, making it hard to get hits with them, were loaded on Krishna mainly due to the characteristics of the ship itself. While you definitely could choose to replace the shot-cannons with medium-caliber laser cannons and the torpedo tubes with seeker missile pods, that would drastically reduce Krishna’s effectiveness against large-class ships. The four heavy laser cannons were more than enough to deal with most small and medium-class ships.

“Well, if we find that this standard loadout configuration isn’t that effective later, we can always just customize it again. Anyway, the design concept of this starship isn’t particularly geared toward high-speed combat in the first place.”

“If anything, it’s more of a combat support ship. It’s not a ship meant to zip around the frontlines and fight directly, so it’s not necessary to be so particular about its firepower, right?”

“Mm. But I think it’s better to equip a Class III slot with a more high-powered weapon instead of a standard laser cannon because of the large-capacity capacitors. Something that would allow it to deal with other medium-class ships from long range. Doing so will increase its combat effectiveness significantly. How about it?”

“Yeah, that’s certainly a good idea.”

Elma’s suggestion was pretty good. The only way to quickly bring down a medium-class ship with Krishna’s equipment was to hit them with the shot-cannons or an anti-ship reactive torpedo, and both of those methods can be regarded as overkill, especially the torpedo. Black Lotus’ firepower allows it to easily bring down medium-sized ships, but it’s mostly up to luck whether or not those ships would end up within its range in the first place. Not to mention shooting them with the EML was still overkill. So it would be really useful to give the new ship enough means to bring down other medium-class ships from a reasonable distance.

“Two seeker missile pods and two military-grade Class II high-power laser cannons are sufficient for defense against small-class ships. I’m thinking of equipping it with a plasma cannon. What do you think, Hiro?”

“A plasma cannon’s not bad, but can you really get consistent hits with that thing?”

The plasma cannon certainly packed a powerful punch, but its projectile speed was relatively slow, making it hard to hit stuff with it. Even sufficiently mobile medium-class ships would be a challenge, and only large-class ships were somewhat easier targets. As for small-class ships, it would be nigh impossible to hit them unless you get super-close and personal.

“I can always practice. On the other hand, if you want it to specialize in dealing with small-class ships, I think a laser beam emitter would be nice.”

“That thing certainly has range and is hard to avoid, but both energy and heat management will be troublesome……”

“Well, I don’t mind it. I used it in the Swan too.”

The laser beam emitter is a type of laser cannon that’s commonly known in SOL as the ‘gerobi’ (vomit beam). Generally, most laser cannons are a type of pulse laser cannon which irradiates targets with a powerful light beam in short bursts, causing the target’s surface to spontaneously evaporate, leading to explosions and major damage. That’s how the weapon works. At least, that’s the way I understand how they worked. Different explanations might be offered if I asked either the mechanic sisters or Mei.

Compared to the pulse laser, the laser beam emitter irradiates targets with a continuous stream of lower intensity laser that leads to burning, melting, and in some cases, completely liquefying them.

When it comes to plain firepower, a standard pulse laser cannon trumps over it, but the troublesome point of the laser beam emitter was that energy shields can’t completely defend against them. I’m not clear about the exact theory behind it, but in SOL, about 30% of the attack output goes through the shields and directly damages the armor and hull.

This was a very troublesome yet convenient characteristic that allowed it to deliver fatal damage to fast but thinly armored targets. It was extremely difficult to avoid since the beam shoots out at light speed, and scenes of ships getting done in by gerobi from range were not a rare sight back in SOL. It also made short work of pirate ships which had abysmally weak energy shields and thin armor. It’s also suited for intercepting relatively slower flying projectiles such as seeker missiles and torpedoes – though I’m not sure if those can really be regarded as ‘flying’ out in space.

On the flip side, it’s weak against ships with strong defenses against heat and lasers. It was weak to the point of nonrelevance. The opponents would go ‘The heck’s up with that peashooter, man?’ and proceed to kick your behind for a counter kill. It’s no exaggeration to say that it would be almost utterly useless against ships similar to the Lotus.

“It’s up to anti-ship reactive torpedoes and the EML of Black Lotus to deal with big targets, so you want to deal with the small fry huh……?”

“I think it’s also enough to deal with medium-class targets from long range. Small ships would be instantly roasted. The life support systems and fire extinguishing equipment of pirate ships are really poor, so they’d be incapacitated immediately if I roast them a bit.”

“If so, then how about getting a high-powered laser beam emitter used by Imperial Battleships for weapon interception? It’s compatible with standard hardpoints, so it can also be equipped on the Antlion.”

Mr. Autumn started promoting one of his wares again. The specs do look good, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get one. With that in mind, we proceeded with the price negotiations, including armor and thruster upgrades.



Novel Schedule

I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

Schedule will be reduced when the goal is reached

Balance: 0

Comments (6)

  1. Seven

    It really helps that Elma/Mei or basically any other characters are suggesting and thinking of other weapons that they can take advantage of in terms of building their ship. Can’t help but notice how the MC has been useless at that portion when buying a ship similar to what happened before purchasing the Black Lotus.
    The dude with extensive game knowledge and experience SOL is somehow clueless when it comes to weapon customization and what build is the ideal to maximize a starship to it’s fullest. I mean, he always goes for the default loadout anyway.
    The last time, Mei suggested what weapons should be equipped and now it’s Elma plus the Salesperson themself while Hiro is just like “isn’t it good enough?”

    1. 88898

      Your criteria wasn’t fair with Hiro. I like to point a few things out for that.
      1. His Krisana setting are “specialist setting” with 4 class 3 high powered laser cannon for ranged shooting and highly effective with enemy up to medium class. Shard Cannon with short range for Energy shield penetration that effective up to large class ship. Anti ship torpedo for OHKO large ship. His 3 weapon’s choice are focus for versatility. He can practically sink any type of ship without need to change anything at all, true, but it also need his specialized pilot skill.
      2. The 3 weapon’s choice above also suit with small ship settings that had advantages in speed and maneuvers, since his pilot style and experience in game was the dog fight and hit and run tactic. Laser and shard cannon are the staple for dog fight medium to close range and while it’s quite risky, shard cannon can practically sink any type of ship if he can get close enough and hit the important part of enemy ship, like cockpit or bridge, or generator. And for the Torpedo’s slow speed, it can be added by doing dive bomb like what he usually did.
      3. Elma and Mei “choose” the ship they want to pilot and weapon they wanted to use. He respects their decision. This kind of thing you leave it to the person who use them.
      4. Elma chose weapon setting in this case for specialized to hunt Medium and Small ship and do suppression if needed, while Mei calculated what she can do to help Hiro in combat and chose support suppression/bombardment that can fought medium and large ship plus enough power to protect itself from small and medium ship, which is the bane of mothership. Both have synergy with Krisana that can run across the battlefield and hit them anywhere. He didn’t have to change anything at all, so just approved what they think is alright.

      1. Cobs

        Yeah this guy is talking nonsense, mc chose the default load out because it’s the best “one size fits all”, Elma decided against it because she wanted to define her role as a support ship. For the black lotus mc initially just wanted a carrier, something to hold more loo and dock his ship, he wanted to save some money too because he didn’t have infinite money like he does now. It was Mei who went off on her own to arm the the ship to it’s teeth. He didn’t even expect the ship to fight, he was more focused on being able to run.

  2. RPGsus

    You should probably work with something similar to a rotation turret on the bottom of the ship as well, since about 80% of all ships mentioned have almost complete blind spots underneath.

    1. Not a Tree

      In this case I would say the rear is the problem, not the bottom. The rear has only various utilities while the front probably covers a large angle. Also, that place is already covered by a second jammer.

      1. Citizen27

        Being with kirshna and black lotus would certsainly help though

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