Immoral Sisters Chapter 4 Part 1

CHAPTER 4: The Raunchy Rhapsody

By the time everyone realized what was going on, it was already too late. It was only a split of a second before things got kicked into motion and nobody was able to do anything in order to try and stop it.

The sight that spread out right in front of the windshield was as natural as you would expect it to be. Going straight ahead on the road right in front of you. That was it. It wasn’t a narrow road, nor was the visibility bad. The speed at which she was going was also slow and she could have stopped in time if something unforeseen was about to happen. That’s what she had in mind this whole time.

However, there was one car that suddenly jumped out right next to the car that Kitazawa Yukie was driving on that fateful day.

Upon seeing the car Yukie gasped and hit the brakes right away. The car’s body shook violently, and after a moment of delay, Yukie’s body shook in the same way. Her head with her hair neatly tied up hits the seat’s headrest and starts to hurt after a brief moment.

It was so sudden of a happening that Yukie reflexively closed her eyes while bracing for impact. In her blackened field of vision, Yukie picked up sounds she certainly did not want to hear at all. The sound of one solid thing colliding against another solid object.

Unable to comprehend what had just happened, Yukie slowly opened her eyes. In front of her were several men standing around a car, and they all seemed to be talking about something in a rather lively manner. From the driver’s seat of the car that Yukie crushed into came out a plump man who appeared to be the driver.

One of the other men then knocked onto the window on the driver’s side of Yukie’s car, urging her to come out of the car.

When it comes to Yukie, she never had an accident before in her life. Yukie managed to get out of the car while shivering slightly from the impact of the crash and the shock it caused for her.

There should have been absolutely no fault on her part. The angle at which the car was hit should be enough to tell anyone just that, if nothing else. She was sure the other party would know that as well.

It was not like she knew exactly what would happen right after someone would get into a car accident, but Yukie did not intend to charge for the car repairs if the other side apologized honestly for their carelessness that created this exact situation. Thinking like that, Yukie unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car. At that time she had no idea just what would await her there.

「…… Fuh, uuh!」

Yukie, who just happened to finish her work in the early afternoon, let out a long sigh of exhaustion and sat down on the sofa in the living room of her house.
Rumi and Tomoko’s mother, Yukie.

Despite her age, the tight-skirted suit that was beautifully depicting her feminine curves seemed to emphasize her well-groomed figure and her youthfulness, which she still had plenty in store.

Yukie put her fingers on her ears, and then she let out yet another deep and long sigh.

It’s been at least a couple of days since they had a nice and sunny afternoon like this one. And just as the cloudy days so far, Yukie’s thoughts were also clouded up until now. The cause of that was a minor traffic accident that happened a few days ago.

But even so, that was completely the other side’s fault, a product of their own carelessness and ignorance.

Thinking about it now, Yukie could say that with all due certainty.

If it had not been for that man who bumped into her car, she was sure she would have continued to live her normal life without much of a change to it.

But even though the accident was already a thing of the past, Yukie was still resentfully wondering how exactly it happened.

After that sudden accident, Yukie was taken to some office and met the responsible man’s son there. She was then charged an exorbitant amount of money for the presumed repairs. On top of that, she was made to sign an IOU while she was apparently drugged with some sort of substance that they used to spike up her tea. It was in that exact way that she was forced to walk a road from which there was no coming back.

No matter how many times she would ask herself what she should have done there, she was unable to arrive at the answer, and the days would just continue to go by one after another.

Anyways, in order to get out of that current life that her family has found itself in, she had to somehow repay that astronomical amount of debt that was put on her, or if that was a no-go, she had to find a way for that man called President Nogawa to give up trying to extort money from her.

However, no matter the solution she was trying to come up with, the situation here was becoming more and more hopeless.

Besides, money was not the only thing that seemed to be bothering Yukie the most at the current moment.

It was at that time when Yukie got up to drink some tea for a change of pace. All of a sudden, the chime at the front door resounded at the exact moment when Yukie was the only one to be home, with no one else around.

「…… Yes, who is it?」

She asked while looking through the intercom. However, there was no need for her to do that, really. She knew all too well who that sudden visitor might be. This was by no means the first time something like that happened.

A young man’s voice came from the other side of the receiver in return. The person who caused the car accident at that time was none other than President Nogawa’s son, Nogawa Taketo.

He must have known that she would already be back home at this particular hour. Yukie went to the front door with a resigned look on her face, unlocked the door that she locked upon coming back home, and invited Taketo in. After all, she could not stand the idea of letting him stand in front of their door forever like that.

Without saying a single word, Taketo pushed Yukie aside and entered the living room as if he was entering his own house. With a loud thud, he sat down where Yukie used to sit just a moment ago.

Yukie poured some cold tea into a cup and placed it in front of Taketo, then she sat down so that she could see Taketo’s face. Strangely enough, when she sat like this with Taketo who was still wearing his school uniform, the resentment she would usually harbor towards him would disappear for some reason.

「…… Would you like some more?」

Seeing that Taketo had drunk all of his tea in one go, Yukie called out to him like that without even realizing what she was actually doing.

「No, I’m fine. There’s no need. Besides, I did not come here to drink tea.」

Saying that, Taketo placed the empty cup on top of the table in front of the sofa.

A normal, almost casual exchange. Just like a part of normal, everyday scenery. It was actually what Yukie needed at the current moment. Without that kind of conversation between the two of them, she did not think she would be able to even stand Taketo’s presence inside of her house.

「…… Are we… going to do it today… too?」

Yukie asked, staring at her own hands that she put together on her knees, avoiding having to look Taketo in the eyes.

Just like this, he would come and visit Yukie at Kitzawa family’s house almost every single day, right after school. As for what they would be doing in just a moment, Yukie also already knew that all too well.

「Well, duh. Obviously. Why else would I even want to come here? Do you think that there is something else we could do? Or maybe, you don’t want to do it?」

Taketo said to Yukie with a nasty smile on his lips. She could hardly believe that this was the face of a boy who was of her own daughter’s age.

Taketo must have been well aware of how his facial expression would make the other person feel.
But for some reason, she did not feel any kind of hatred towards him, even when he would cast a threatening expression like that her way. Even though she knew that she should feel revolted by it.

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