Last Embryo Volume 6 Chapter 1 Part 8

Homura and Suzuka, who were also unable to react to You’s swift and decisive action in time, could only watch in amazement as Izayoi got one-shotted without any resistance.

「Uhm. . . if, if I may ask. . . what was that awful-sounding sound just now?!」

「Awawawawawawa. . . ! B-Big Bro Iza, are you okay?! Miss You, is. . . . is Big Bro Iza going to be okay?!」

「I have made sure to hold back with the strength of my punch, so he should be fine. Besides, if I did not do that, then he would never have agreed to have the rest that he needs now. We are just lucky that he never saw that attack of mine coming, otherwise he really might have gone off without resting, and that would have ended up badly for him for sure, and he would not have even realized that himself. But now that I have put him to sleep, we just have to make sure that he gets enough of it to be cak at full health the next time he is going to wake up.」

Kasukabe You said as if beating someone to sleep was the most natural thing to do. Who would have thought that she of all people was going to be the one advocating that violence is the best way to solve the most, if not all of your problems? Tokuteru was looking at the spectacle that was unfolding before his eyes with his jaw dropped, and when You finally put Izayoi to sleep against his will he took out a cigarette and light it up with a bitter smile.

「Good Grief, who would have thought that you are going to turn out to be such a dangerous woman, Kasukabe You? Even the women that I know and my female collegues from {The Twelve Devas} would not straight up beat up the injured. . . or at the very least they would have show a little bit of restraint before they would have done so.」

「Oh Really?」

「Is that true?」

「Well of course. . . probably. . . .most likely . . . I hope so. . . y-you know what, here is a universal truth for you: you should never manhandle an injured person, no matter the circumstances. Ever.」

Tokuteru said, averting his gaze to the side awkwardly. It would seem that even his relationship with women could be described as nothing but troublesome.

In the meantime, You picked Izayoi up and threw him over her shoulder so that she could carry him over to the Giant Spirit Train. On her way there, she turned towards Tokuteru and asked:

「Mr. Indra, what do you think we should do with Arjuna and Krishna? Should we also carry them inside of the train?」

「As much as I would love to take Arjuna inside so that I could keep an eye on him personally, I am afraid that this is simply not possible, because throughout the duration of the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority, the only ones who are allowed to board the Giant Spirit Train are the War’s Organizers and Investors. And so, since he is neither one of these two, I cannot let him in.」

So it looks like there was no point in trying to negotiate with him about this situation.

「That being said, Krishna, Parashurama and the black Albino girl are coming on board with me. Krishna is not one of the Players participating in the War, so we can lock him up in one of the train’s wagons and keep him imprisoned there under the charges of intruding upon an officially sanctioned Gift Game, and the two girls will be taken back to the Outer World where my associates from {The Twelve Devas} stationed there during my and Uesugi’s absence are going to protect them, so they should be okay for the time being. Is that all right with you, Homura? They are your patients, after all, so if you have other solutions in mind, I am listening.」

「At the current moment, letting them go with you is probably the wisest thing to do. And if you promise that you and your people will be truly able to protect them, then I am going to be willing to forget about that five hundred million yen debt of yours. You might be a money embezzling asshole and a debt magnet, but I know that I can always count on you when it is the most important.」

Homura nodded at Tokuteru, giving him his blessing to take Parashurama and the black Albino Girl back to the Outer World. He might have a lot of negative traits and bad habits, but putting them aside, he has been acting as a guardian of both Homura and Suzuka and the entire Canaria Family Home orphanage for many years now, and Homura counted him among one of the very few adults whom he could actually trust in tough times.

When she saw that Tokuteru finished his talk with Homura, Kasukabe You decided to inquire further:

「All right, so now that we have that matter sorted out, I have two more questions. I mean, there is a lot more things that I would love to get the answers to, but for the time being I will limit myself to the two most important things on my mind.」

「Ask away then. If they are going to be questions that I know the answers to, then I will gladly share them with you.」

Tokuteru agreed to answer You’s questions, while limiting the possibility of answering them to only the things that he definitely knew the answers for. And if his hunch as a God and the leader of the {Heavenly Army} was anything to go by, he had a feeling that You was going to ask him about the black wind beast that the three of them fought against.

「Mister. . . Tokuteru, was it? Or perhaps you prefer to be called Indra or Taishakuten? Well, I guess it is not all that important right now. What I wanted to ask about is this: That think that separated itself from Krishna that we thought against back there, that beast made out of black wind. . . what was that, exactly?」

「Let me change that question of yours into two smaller ones instead: What did it look like to you? And what did it call itself?」

「. . . To me, it looked like a Celestial Star Spirit, and that is also how it called itself. It also said that it is 「The Enemy of Mankind」 and 「The King of Murderous Species」.」

Hearing all of those titles, Tokuteru clicked his tongue bitterly. It was a gesture filled with irritation and contempt, but not the one made towards Kasukabe You’s question. He was simply frustrated about the fact that the enemy managed to mention it to the three problem children before he could have told them about it himself.

「「The Enemy of Mankind」? Heh, that is quite a bold statement coming from something that basically fulfilled all of the requirements for being classified as 「The Enemies of the World」, and one of the most extreme ones at that.」

「 . . .To be honest, what it is and how it calls itself does not really matter to me all that much. All that I care about is that it attacked those who I consider to be important to me and it wanted to kill them, and everything that harms my friends and loved ones automatically becomes my enemy. So now that it managed to crawl under my skin so much, I am not going to forgive him no matter how fervently it might be begging for it, and I swear that I am going to defeat it no matter what or how strong that thing really is.」

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