Last Embryo Volume 6 Chapter 5 Part 6

「But I have to say, I never expected you to be so short-sighted, Heracles! Wage war against the Gods of Little Garden?! Come on, you should know me better than that! I am not only going to kill the Gods of Little Garden! Humans of the Outer world are all going to die by my hand as well!」

While they were in the middle of their turbulent battle-dance, Heracles’ eyes shot wide open at what he just heard him say.

「You want to destroy the Outer World as well. . . . . . . . . . . ?!」

「Of course I want to destroy it, and you can be damn sure I am going to do it! After all, right now, I have more reasons to wipe the humanity out of the face of the planet than I ever had before! They are nothing but parasites, tumors on the healthy tissue of the earth that are not worth to be designated as the primates standing on top of the world’s hierarchy in the food chain! And the promise made at the end of that blood-soaked war. . . . . . . . the final promise to my mother that Zeus, the King of the Gods refused to fulfill. . . . . . . . .! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !」

『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 delivered a powerful kick to Heracles’ side, but he chose not to pursue him any further than that. If only he had chosen to do otherwise and continue with his relentless assault, it would have been quite possible that even Heracles would not have come out of it unscratched. Instead. 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 looked at You and the others with a look that conveyed anger so raw and powerful as they have never seen before. But instead of rushing towards them in blind rage, he jumped backwards into the lava tube instead and started to grab the crystals that formed within its depths and holding them in his hands with an evil grin on his face.

「. . . .. Since I have been granted this opportunity, then I am going to use it to its fullest, and show it to you lot! The power developed by humanity’s own hand that I have obtained from the distant future, and just a fraction of how terrifying it can be in the hands of someone who is willing to use it. . . .! ! ! ! ! ! !」

He then proceeded to take a mechanical-looking mask from the depths of his clothing and put it onto his face. It was big enough to completely cover the upper half of his head as it shined suspiciously. And then, as soon as he crushed all of the crystals in his hands into tiny pieces and swallowed them all, the entirety of 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 ’s body began to be wrapped by an intense mixture of red and black light.

「This light. . . no way, it is the same as the one that Izayoi used yesterday. . . !」

You then noticed that what was happening to 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 right now was exactly the same as what Izayoi went through when they were fighting against Krishna, and the she felt as if all of the blood was being drained from her entire body.

「Blood Accelerator TYPE TARTAROS. . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! !」

As soon as 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 activated his own B.D.A, all of the veins of Orichalcum that were present in the surrounding area began to resonate with its light and started trembling and shaking in their deposits. And as everyone else was captivated by the light around 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 , You was the only one who started to think about the cause and effect relationship of what was happening in front of them right now.

How does The B.D.A, or in other words, the accelerator of Star Particle Bodies fits into 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 ’s body? And why were the crystals from the lava tube necessary for him to activate it in the first place? The more she though about it, the more it became obvious to her that there could be only one possible solution to this.

(I do not believe this. . . this man must also be the victim of the Star Particle Bodies research, just like Parashurama. . . . ! And to make it all worse, these crystals, Most likely Orichalcum, must have the same kind of properties as Star Particle Bodies themselves. . . . ? ? ? ? ! ! ! !)

Why did they not think about that sooner?

Originally, Star Particle Bodies were not something that came into existence naturally, like most of the living organisms on earth, but they were parasitic organisms that were created by someone, and the ones who elucidated that these miraculous creatures have been continuously appearing all throughout the known history of humanity since a long time ago only to then disappear like nothing more but soap bubbles among its pages were Izayoi and Saigo Homura’s father.

Moments after 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 Activated his B.D.A, the entire Orichalcum mine began to tremble. If it was only that it was resonating with the single crystals that caused only small tremors to happen, then they would not have anything to worry about, but it is going to be another story entirely if the same thing starts happening to each and every Orichalcum vein in the mine. The tremors that began to sound more and more like a heartbeat turned the lava that was coursing through the entire volcano into a tide of rushing blood, giving everything that was happening around them an illusion as if something that was dead for thousands of years has just begun bringing itself back to life.

. . .and it was at this very moment that the giant, catastrophic eruption of the volcano above them has occurred.

In the meantime, 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 , who was wearing the iron mask that seemed to be shining even brighter than before continued to pull out more of the Orichalcum crystals from withing the lava pools and just kept on crushing and eating them as if they were nothing more but mere fruits.

「Kukukuku. . . . I have to admit, for a toy made by humans, this thing is surprisingly well made. So, this is how the power of an 「Astra」feels, huh?」

『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 then glanced at You and the others.

「Now that I have given myself a nice power boost, I could go and finish our little Skirmish. . . . . . but before I do that, I think I will wipe the floor with your little companions as a warm-up exercise. How about that, Heracles?」

He then raised his fist without waiting for Heracles’ reply. . . . . . . . . and disappeared from everyone’s line of sight without making as much as a single sound. This was not a teleportation ability. He simply moved so fast now that he has been enhanced by the B.D.A. that no one could notice him in time to stop him from closing his distance between him an You and aiming a strike at her side with his fist. In that short while that remained before it connects with her body, You prepared herself for her own death.

The enemy’s strength, speed and Divinity were much greater in comparison to just a few moments ago. Even if she tried to dodge or jump back, he would simply close the distance between them again, his fist being even stronger and moving even faster. If he hits them directly, then all of them are most definitely going to die, their bodies reduced to a mass of bloody paste and shattered bones.

But just before the fist of death could touch any of them. . . . You heard Asuka’s voice calling out from behind her.

「Sorry for being late! Alma, go!」

In that split second, You and the others have been shielded from 『The Youngest Child of Gaia』 ’s fist by the shield of lightning belonging to the one known as Greece’s hardest defense, Almathea.

Unable to believe that she was saved just now, You looked back and exclaimed in shock:


「Kasukabe-san, get out of there, now! Alma will not be able to hold out for much longer!」

Then, almost as if to confirm her words, cracks began to show in the almighty shield that was protecting them.

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