Last Embryo Volume 6 Chapter 6 Part 2

Challenging it head-on is almost impossible, unless the one doing it would be Pureblood Dragon that has reached full maturity and the maximum of its potential power or the highest rank of a Celestial Star Spirit.

All of them knew that from the very beginning. Therefore, Heracles’ aim here was something entirely different.

「There, he is distracted! The rest is up to you. . . . !」

His aim in summoning {The Argo} was only so that its huge form could obscure their true intentions from the enemy’s eyes. Heracles was well aware that not even something the size of his Star Ship will not be enough to stop Another Cosmology with its frontal assault, so his aim here was to enable another warrior to do exactly that. And so, he grabbed Kudou Ayato with his right arm. . . . . . . . . . . . and threw her towards Typhon with his full power.

「Prepare yourself. . . . .  !」

Thanks to that throw, Ayato was able to close the distance between herself and Typhon in an instant. This was her best chance to attack him, because right now when he needed to use both of his hands to hold Another Cosmology’s pillar of light that he wanted to slam down onto them, the possibility of him being able to execute a counterattack in time was extremely low, and the size of the ship created numerous blind spots for the enemy. That is why Heracles, who immediately understood the nature of Ayato’s segmented sword upon laying his eyes upon it, has chosen to use {The Argo} as a projectile just to create this one moment. If he did not do that, it would have been impossible for any of them to close the gap between them and Typhon in time to do anything. But now that Ayato had the cover of {The Argo} wreckage, she swung her sword and released it forward in an arc, aiming at the tendons of Typhon’s hands and feet, and she managed to cut through all of them except for the one on his left hand, but even then he did not seem to mind and simply continued to laugh in an insane manner.

「You utter fool! Did you really think that this would be enough to stop me. . . . . . ? ! ! ! ! If Atlas could do it, then of course I can do it too. . . .! ! ! ! ! ! ! !」

While shedding blood from his pierced limbs, Typhon continued to support the huge pillar of light with the one limb that was still functional. The fact that he was able to hold something that could literally be said to be equivalent to the weight on the entire world with just one hand was the testament to his strength as a Demon Lord. Even though most of his limbs have been disabled, the superhuman strength in them did not diminish in the slightest, because when he swung his right one while rotating his hips towards Ayato, the shockwave he created as a result of that action was enough to blow her away. Realizing that she blew her chance of finishing this fight here and there, Ayato squeezed her lips while being overcome with grief. She might have given them a few seconds of time, but it is still not going to be nearly enough to ensure that Asuka will be able to get to him in time to stop him. At this rate, it is only going to be a matter of time before the entire continent of Atlantis melts away and disappears.

「It is no use. . .  ! I will not be able to make it!」

The pillar of light converged and turned into a photosphere. The entire continent has been swallowed up in the torrent of its power, and there was even more earthquakes that were even stronger than before, and even tsunami was fast approaching Atlantis’ shores.

Everyone was prepared to die this time.

* * *

「You are not going to make it? Oi Oi, what happened to all the determination and fighting spirit you had in you two years ago, Miss Rich Lady?」

A flash of light ran through the sky and landed in front of the sphere of light created by Typhon. If he had given up, then he would not have been able to get here in time by running at supersonic speed. But at the same time, if they did not buy him those few precious seconds of time, his coming here would have been all for naught. While launching his own B.D.A, Sakamaki Izayoi released his own pillar of light from his right hand while letting a high-spirited, fiery scream from the depths of his throat.

「G A A A A A A A A A A A A A. . . . . . ! ! ! ! !」

When the two Another Cosmologies collided with one another, for the first time since he appeared in Atlantis, Typhon’s face became distorted with astonishment.

「A mere human. . . . . . . using Another Cosmology. . . . . . .? ! ! ! !」

「What, you thought you had a monopoly for this shit? Do not underestimate me, asshole! ! ! 」

The two attacks collided with one another, and began to push each other back. However, activating the B.D.A was far more burdensome on Izayoi, who still have not completely recovered from his wounds.

Meanwhile, Asuka, who was about to lose hope and put her sword down, raised it again and continued to run, this time without stopping. And by the time when her {Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi’s} tip touched Typhon’s body, the two Another Cosmologies were ravaging heavens and earth as a singular torrent of pure, undirected power. While being in visible pain, Typhon held onto his mask and stared at Izayoi and Asuka with a devilish expression.

「Is this. . . . . The Climax Holy Sword?! Impossible! I though Excalibur was destroyed in the Dystopian War!」

「Well too bad for you! You should have hit the book and study, then you would know that the Far East also had its coronation sword! Maybe then you would not have lost!」

If only he did his homework, he would have never allowed Asuka to get close to him, but it was already too late, and she was not merciful enough to give him any second chances at correcting the mistakes of his own foolishness. Having no other choice here if he wanted to get out of this in one piece, Typhon reluctantly turned on his heels and made his way towards the crater of the volcano. Izayoi wanted to chase after him, but unfortunately he was not in the condition to do so, and Asuka was blown backwards when face with the winds and currents generated by the torrent of pure power. You was also drained of all strength and collapsed where she stood, but Jin Russel and Pest grabbed a hold of her and prevented her from being swallowed up in it.

Izayoi tried to suppress the damage as much as possible, but his B.D.A could not withstand the collision of the two forces at once for long. Almost at the same time as his right arm broke, the B.D.A also broke, and Izayoi plunged toward the earth. But just before his collision with the ground, her Heracles got up to him and caught him before he crashed. Holding Izayoi’s body in his arms, he rubbed his face off of the smoke and dust and laughed proudly.

「Well I will be damned! Young man, you are just fool of surprises. Who would have thought that you could also use Another Cosmology?」

「Well, I guess. Although I do not use it very often because it is so difficult to control and I do not understand it very well yet. If I have a choice, then I prefer to solve problems with my fists, because at least I know that I can always trust them. Do you not think that is the best?」

「Yes, I completely agree.」

Izayoi raised his fist while hurting all over, and Heracles nodded seriously at his words. Even though Izayoi was able to stand back on his own two legs, he was nowhere near in the fighting shape and groaned in pain.

「Well, shit. It finally started looking like a proper Gift Game out there, and here I am, unable to move anymore. And to top it all off, Giant Cyclops have appeared all around Atlantis and are making a real mess. Do you have any idea how to stop them, Mr. Strongest Greek Demigod?」

Heracles nodded seriously and laughed at Izayoi’s words.

「No problem. Giants waking up is exactly how the Game should proceed, even if the Game’s course deviated slightly from its originally intended flow. Right about now, other participants should already be fighting them.」

「Huh? So the natives were in on this thing as well?!」

「Of course. However, it does not change the fact that the mystery of this Gift Game needs to be solved by participants and participants only, even if this attack of {The Youngest Child of Gaia} was unaccounted for, right?」

「Right. Now, even if you cannot move your body, can you at least move your head?」

It was not easy, but Izayoi managed to nod when Heracles pointed that out to him. And even though he was covered with wounds, he understood why he was asking him about that in the first place: because right now, they have almost all of the keys that they needed to solve the mystery in their hands.

「Good. Now, first thing we should do is to gather all of the participants up in one place and set up a line of defense. Apparently you all misunderstood the purpose of this Gift Game, so one we gather them all up we will finally be able to start.」

「Start? Start what?」

When Heracles asked that, Izayoi simply laughed with his usual haughty laugh.

「Is that not obvious? Start solving the Mystery of the Chief God’s Declaration. . . . . . a mystery that forms the very basis of the entire Greek Mythology!」

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