Volume 5 Trouble File First Second Half Part 9

「Oi oi, now you see? There is no need to rush, the sea is not going anywhere anytime soon, so next time make sure to exercise just a little bit of caution, okay? Unless you like getting yourself all wet with seawater, then by all means, go and knock yourself out a thousand more times if you feel like it. . . . huh?」

Knowing that it would end this way, Izayoi took his time to go to Ishi’s side and was just about to give her a hand to get her out of the water, but then he saw that this was not what she wanted to do. She slowly got back onto her knees, and while kneeling in the water with the waves washing over her, she put her hands together and assumed a position as if she was praying to God.

Just like she did when she saw the sun for the first time.

Just like when she saw the blue sky for the first time.

Just like when she saw the starry night sky for the first time, her eyes were filled with big, round tears that looked like jewels as they were dripping down from her cheeks so that they could become one with the waters of the ocean at her feet.

And just like she did all those times before, this time she also offered her words of gratitude to the God in whom she believed in.

「Oh Lord, thank you for granting me this opportunity.」

Ishi, who grew up in a breeding ground in an underground facility with no mother, no father and no relatives to speak of in the world, prayed and cried while kneeling in the ocean, which has been called the mother of all life in the world ever since the ancient times. So for her, coming here to this beach today could be said to be the day when she finally got to meet the mother whom she never had.

「 . . . 」

Her expression as she continued to offer her teary prayers to the heavens above was almost too much for Izayoi to bear, so he tactfully turned his eyes away from this incredibly cheesy scene, but even though he thought it was sappy and cheesy, he still felt sympathy for this girl. The only thing that Izayoi had difficulties understanding, was why Ishi would be offering thankful prayers to the God above. He just could not wrap his head around it, no matter how hard he tried to understand it.

The facility in which Ishi has been bred and where she grew up could be called nothing other than a literal hell on earth. Out of all the people who were being kept there together with her, she was the sole survivor, because by the time Izayoi got there, all of them beside Ishi had already been killed, most likely as a part of the procedure of destruction of evidence initiated by those who were running that entire hellhole. They must have determined that all that they needed were not the black Albino’s themselves, but rather their organs, and if they did not manage to harvest them fast enough, they probably thought that it would be better to just kill the one who were still carrying them inside of themselves.

They must have thought that this was a clever and fullproof strategy in case that something would ever gone wrong and the entire operation would have gone to shit, but unfortunately that have run out of luck this time. Izayoi might have been a kid himself, but once he got angry he made doubly sure that none of those bastards would get out of that facility alive, and they all died by his hand, ending up as lumps of bloodied meat on the floor that could barely be recognized as human remains. Also, now that some time have already passed since the incident took place, it became possible to go back to the site where the facility was build, and when they done some digging, they discovered a mountaintop of video recordings with a truly nightmarish content recorded on them.

And the worst thing about it was that Ishi, as the sole survivor, demanded to look through all of them, claiming that it was now her duty to know exactly what was happening in that facility, down to every last horrible detail. But once she finished watching them, she did not blame anyone. She simply cried over the fate of all those who have been living in that facility only to be treated like the worst kind of cattle. But the way Izayoi saw it, there was one thing that she could have directed her hatred towards, and a single existence whom she could have cursed for allowing such inhuman thing to happen: God. If there was ever anyone to be blamed for being able to stop the madness that was happening there only to end up not lifting even a single finger to help all those people who desperately needed help, then it was definitely God, if only due to how convenient of a scapegoat he actually is.

He does not argue back when the charges are being thrown against him, and no matter how much you verbally abuse him, he is not going to retaliate against you in any way. In a sense, no one is more suitable for humanity to blame all of their sins on than him. He is always the one whom people blame for every failure and setback in their lives, if only so that they could protect their own hearts from being crushed by the feelings of guilt, regret and inferiority. That is exactly why Izayoi felt like he had to ask her about that, and hear what she had to say about it with his own ears.

「Ishi. Are you not going to resent God for what happened to you?」

「. . . But I did resent him. After all, that should have been a natural reaction for someone like me, who had no one else to blame, right?」

Izayoi thought that even though her answer sounded like an honest one, it also felt somewhat strange and a little bit shallow as well.

「You did resent him, you say. . . so what, do you not hate him anymore? Can you really say that you got over your hatred for the injustice that has befallen you and already moved on, treating it like a thing of the past that should not be dwelled on too much? Have you already forgave the world and your wrongdoers all of the sins that they have committed against you?」

If she can really claim that this is indeed the case with her, then Ishi would definitely be the most holy person with the ushakeable faith that Izayoi has ever known. But then again, Izayoi can also say that, with a few notable exceptions, he has never hated anyone in his life so much that he would be wishing all of the world’s pain and misfortune upon them, which in turn meant that he has little to no experience with forgiving those who have wronged him in some way. But even so, it was easy for hm to imagine what true hatred must have been like: a burning flame raging more and more strongly the longer it burned without any possibility of being quenched or put out by something as unreliable as mere lip service of those who do not know how it feels to be hating someone or something with your entire body and soul, to the point when you feel like you are going to explode from all that negativity accumulated within you. That is why there was still time for Ishi. If she wants to hate someone for what happened to her and if she wants to take revenge against them, there was still time left for her to do that, because even if the researchers from the facility have already faced justice in form of the living calamity that Izayoi has become back then, there were still a great many others who could be punished in their place.

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