Volume 5 Vampire Tea Party Epilogue Part 4

For a while she said nothing, simply staring into the heavens visible from the throne room. And then. . . .

「The words of someone like me are probably not going to mean much, but even so. . . . thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. . . . for giving my father and my mother the proper burial that they both deserved. Thank you, Canaria. . . .」

「Nah, do not mention it. And more importantly, is there something else that I can do for you, 「Blonde My Fair Lady」?」

「As a matter of fact. . .  yes, I think there is something that I could use your help with. Of course, I am sorry to be putting you through more trouble than you have already gone trough. . . . but could I ask you to bury the rest of my friends and comrades properly. Can. . . . ..can you do that for me?」

「Of course. If that is what you wish fore, then I will be more than happy to oblige. But while we are at it, I would also have a request that I would like to make of you. . . . . . . would that be okay?」

Canaria asked with a smile, but Leticia was somewhat hesitant if she should accept that request of hers or not. She is in a position where she cannot leave the aerial citadel, so she would be unable to fulfill any requests that would require her step her feet outside, but. . . . . . . . . . but since she has already done so much for her, then it should stand to reason that she should do everything that was within her power to pay her back for the kindness that has been shown to her. So if Canaria’s request will turn up to be something well within her capabilities considering her circumstances, she decided to fulfill that request, no matter what it might be.

「You gave my father and mother a proper burial and provided them with a resting place where they could be with the rest of my ancestors for all eternity. . . so if there is anything that I can do for you, then I am going to do everything that I can.」

「Really? Well, that is so good to hear! But just so you know, now that you have given me your word, you absolutely cannot go back on it, or else I will have you swallow up a thousand needles!」

「. . . . What?」

「Oh, do not sweat the small details and just come with me already! I think that everyone else has finished their preparations already, so it would be rude to have them all waiting for so long. . . .!」

「What are you talking. . . . .?」

「No time to explain! Less talking, more running!」

And with that said, Canaria grabbed a hold of Leticia’s hand firmly and stormed out of the throne room with her in tow. Leticia still did not understand what was her aim, and more importantly, what was she planning to do and why would that require dragging her out of the throne room, but there was one thing that she knew for sure: right now, Leticia considered herself to be little more than a ghost, a n empty shell of the person who she was before, but apparently, that woman. . . .  Canaria did not care about that in the slightest.

「H-Hey! Wait a minute. . . . . . Oi! I said wait! Where do you think you are taking me?!」

「You will see! Hm-hm-hm~~! Got myself a beauty~~! Got myself a beauty~~! Oh, I just cannot wait to introduce you to Big Sis Taisei~~♩」

For the reasons that were way beyond Leticia’s ability to comprehend, Canaria seemed to be in such a good mood that first she started humming like a little bird, only to spontaneously break out into a song in the very next moment. Leticia was honestly unable to guess what exactly was her deal and why did she seem to be so happy, so without knowing how to react, she did the next best thing possible: she allowed herself to be dragged forward by her while staring into the image of her back right in front of her the entire time.

After the two of them stormed out of the throne room, they quickly traversed the corridor in front of it and emerged in the courtyard, through which they have run through just as quickly. When they finally went through the castle gate that led into the castle town, Leticia noticed that someone was already there, waiting for them. It was the fairy girl, Eurydice, that was together with Canaria back when they first visited Leticia’s thrown room a month ago. She was crouching down next to what looked like a makeshift bonfire, and was looking at the starry sky above with a facial expression that was telling that she was about to die from boredom, but when she noticed the rapidly approaching Canaria and Leticia, she immediately jumped back onto her feet and raised her voice in irritation:

「What the hell took you so long, Canaria?! You realize that we have been waiting here with everything ready to go since a while ago, right?! Orpheus even went so far as to borrow Heracles’s Sun Authority related to the 「Argo」, and you almost made it go to waste!」

「I am really, really sorry about this, Eury! Our little talk has took us a bit more than I have initially anticipated, but after a little argument I managed to persuade her in the end, so cut me some slack, will you?」

「Hmm. . . .  ?」

. . .  arguing? Persuaded? So everything that Canaria made her go through. . . . it was a part of negotiations of some kind? Not knowing what was going on here and what these two were talking about, Leticia tilted her head to the side in confusion. After sighing deeply, Eurydice exchanged high fives and excited looks with Canaria.

「I am glad that everything went so smoothly. You think that her addition is going to be enough to boost {Arcadia’s} battle potential?」

「Of course not! We re still pretty much in the preparation stage, after all, and the decisive battle against him is still way ahead in the future for us to be worrying about it right now. . . . that being said, the information from her Vampire blood are necessary for us if we want to succeed, so I am really glad that I managed to get her to join our cause. Now come on, we have to introduce our new friend to everyone!」

「H-Hey, wait a minute! What are the hell are you talking about?!」

「What do you mean 「What are the hell are you talking about?!」About reporting that you became our newest companion, what else?」

「Thanks for joining our ranks, Miss Newcomer!」

Eury greeted Leticia energetically while showing a double peace sign, but Leticia had difficulties processing what was currently going on around her. She knew that she said that she is going to do everything in her power to repay Canaria for the kindness she has shown her, but when she was saying that, she did not mean that she would be doing some thing as crazy as joining Canaria’s Community!

「I . . . I am grateful that you two seem to be so happy at the thought of me joining you, but I am a Demon Lord now. When people who know about me discover that I have joined you. . . . are you not worried about what might happen to you guys when that information comes to light?」

「Really, that is what you are worried about? Then why do you not try to disguise yourself? Maybe with a young look, similar to what Eury is using right now?」

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