Volume 4 Chapter 76

It’s a party! Everyone is here!

[Your Majesty, um..]

[No, no, no! Tina is Haruto’s wife.]

When I was about to declare to the king that I would fight for Tina even if it meant taking on the whole country, a girl that was six years old advised the king.

Who is this girl?

It’s nice of you to pay attention to me, but you’re dealing with the king of this country.

Even though she was just a girl, if she offended the king, she might be punished severely.

[Sylph, you’re not very well recognized in this country, so don’t be rude to the King, alright? I’ll ask.]

A beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere and stopped the girl.

Hmm? So that is Sylph?

Water overflowed from around the girl, and her body transformed into a spirit body.

The beautiful woman was the humanized form of Undine, the spirit with whom I have a summoning contract.

[King of Glendale. will you do what Undine, King of the Water Spirits, who grants blessings to this land, asks of you?]

[Undine!? Yes, yes! Anything you want.]

Before I knew it, the king was kneeling down in front of his sister.

Cain and Leon followed the king’s lead and kneeled.

The nobles all kneeled and bowed at the same time.

Apparently, Undine was a spirit that gave blessings to this country, Glendale.

[My friend Haruto has married Tina and Rifa. This country should bless it. Please do not separate the three of them.]

[Yes. I bless Haruto’s marriage and swear to protect his family with all my authority.]

It turned out to be more important than I thought.

A dandy of a man came up to me with a dish in his hand.

It was probably the Star Spirit King, Mai and Mei’s father.

You’re here…

You’re too familiar with it, aren’t you?

[What about you, Undine?]

[Star Spirit King!?]

King Glendale was understandably surprised.

It’s a good thing that I’m not the only one who has a problem with this.

I’m glad to hear that. With the blessings of the Star Spirit King, the country will be safe for the next few hundred years.

The Star Spirit King’s existence was widely known, but there were only a few legends of his manifestation in this world.

[I’m glad to hear that. With the blessings of the Star Spirit King, the country will be safe for hundreds of years to come.]

[Oh, thank you.]

The King bows his head to the Star Spirit King and Undine.

[However, please be careful. If this country were to betray Haruto and the others, all the spirits in the world would become enemies of this country.]

The aura that Undine wore intimidated those around her.

[Yes, sir. I’ll keep that in mind.]

Sweat poured from the king’s forehead like a waterfall.

The nobles around him also turned pale.

It’s a great way to make sure that you don’t have to threaten them, but it’s also a great way to make sure that the most powerful nobles in the country don’t try to mess with our family.


[Thank you, Undine. but since we’re celebrating today, why don’t we leave it at that?]

[Yes, of course. King Glendale has promised me that he will. Now, everyone, please stand up.]

As soon as Undine returned to her humanized form, the aura that had been intimidating the nobles disappeared.

The king stood up, and the surrounding nobles also stood up and began to talk to the people around them.

However, most of them were glancing at us, watching our movements.

The king was discussing something with his brothers.

Incidentally, I had told my brothers that I was acquainted with the King of the Star Spirits, so they were not too surprised by what had just happened.

On the other hand, I hadn’t told my father anything about it, so he was surprised along with the duke.

It was a bit amusing.

[Haruto, I’m late.]

[Congratulations, Haruto.]

Luke and his grandfather, Luano the Sage, came to see me.

[Thank you, Luke, for coming. Thank you, Dean.]

[Is everything all right, it was so noisy?]

Yes, I’ve just settled down. You’re here at the right time.

It’s Luano!

A dandy of a man spoke to Luano the Sage.

[Are you the.. Star Spirit King?]

It seems that Luano the Sage was acquainted with Mai and Mei’s father.

[It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other like this. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I’m not the only one.]

[Yes, that’s right. But why are you here today?]

[I heard that there was going to be a party to celebrate the marriage of my contractor, Haruto. I rushed over with some of my contractors who are also contracted to Haruto.]

Yeah, I didn’t invite them.

[You should have told me in advance if you were coming.]

[Did you make a contract with Haruto?]

Luano, the Sage, looked at me in disbelief.

[Ah by the way, Haruto-kun, where are Mai and Mei?]

[I don’t think they’re here yet.]

[King, I’ve been looking forward to meeting Mai and the others.]

The girl who had just advised the king came over.

[… Sylph, is that you?]

[That’s right! I’m here to congratulate you too!]

[Well, thank you for coming.]


The girl was a humanized version of the wind spirit king, Sylph.

[Haruto-san, I’m here too.]

A stern man stepped forward.

[Wait, is that you Efreet?]

I tried to get Gnome to join us. He refused because he didn’t have a contract. He’s probably sulking, so why don’t you sign him up next time?

A stern man stepped forward.

[I invited Gnome to join us. He refused because he didn’t have a contract. He’s probably sulking, so why don’t you make a contract with him next time?]

Gnomes are the spirit kings of the earth.

I hadn’t even met the gnome yet, but he said he was sulking because he noticed that I was the only one of the four spirit kings who hadn’t signed a contract with the Star Spirit King.

I don’t know where I’ll be able to meet him, but I’ll ask him to tell Efreet that I’d like to make a contract with him if I get the chance.


I was suddenly hugged from behind.

[Charles, you’re late. Also, I’m already Tina and Refa’s husband, so please don’t hug me out of the blue.]

It was my sister Charles.

For some reason, Tina and Rifa’s gaze was cold as they hugged me.

What? Why?

It’s not my fault, is it?

I’m not sure what to do.

At any rate, I pulled Charles off of me.


Charles hugged Rifa this time.

[I’m not sure what to say. Thank you, sister-in-law.]

Rifa thanked Charles in confusion.

[Heh, sister-in-law. Sounds good.]

I wasn;t sure what to do, but I’m going to ask Rifa to be my partner for a while longer.


[I’m late!]

[Thank you for waiting.]

Mai, Mei, Yoko and Merdi arrived.

I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for coming, everyone.

[Thank you very much.]

I thanked everyone, along with Tina and Rifa.

My friends are all here, even the spirit kings who are unintentionally under contract with me.

I don’t think it’s often that a party with such a gorgeous group of people is held.

Now, let’s enjoy the party!


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