Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 2 Chapter 4.1



“Translator: Goma/Editor: TheNix”

Section 1



     I tried to close my mouth while yawning as I wrote something down with a still dizzy head.

You seem sleepy, Jūgo.

     I was writing down administrative stuff on a paper in front of Ms. Misaki, the attendant with glasses who was standing at the counter. Tensai came in, with D’arc following her.

Ah, good morning you too. You guys are early, huh?

     I waved my hand while the two approached me.  

What are you doing?

I am filling in the paperwork for the COOL postal service.

     I patted at the small cardboard box next to me.

What are you sending?

It is a limited edition pudding.

Oh yeah, the souvenir for Nanana you mentioned yesterday.



     This was bad, I can’t stop yawning.

Did you wake up early?

     Currently, the time is just past 7 am.

That bakery was just insane. There were people lining up in front of the shop before the 6 am opening time, you know?

     Well, I was one of them though.


     I pasted the paper with my address on the box and passed it to Ms. Misaki.

If it is express delivery, this should be deliveredby today night, right?

     When I asked, Ms. Misaki scratched her cheeks and said, Let’s see.

Probably…… yes.

     Wow, she seems so sure.

Well anyways, please handle this for me.


     I walked away from the counter with Tensai and D’arc after handing off the package.

What are you guys doing here so early in the morning?

We came all this way for the hot springs. That is why I had thought I might bath in the morning as well.

Ah, sure. I’m going to go to sleep again, so..

     Saying this, I headed towards my room. However, my steps were shaky.

Hey, Jūgo. Are you really alright?

I don’t know. If I am not down here by breakfast, please come wake me up.

     Saying this, I parted with the two and headed to my room. Then I snuggled into my bed.


     As expected, I was late.

Oh jeez, I am really sleepy. Can I just not go to the ((Ruins))?

Of course not, wake up now!

     Tensai and everyone else had woken me up like this. After finishing breakfast, we all changed to something that was easier to move in and departed the inn.  We headed towards the green mountainous road where the western-style building is.

     After walking along the paved mountainous road for 20 minutes, we entered a side path that was surrounded by trees. Then, after walking for about 10 minutes in the woods, we saw the building.

     The western-style building stood in the middle of the deep green woods. A tall and sharp metal fence surrounded the building shutting any trespassers out.

It looks quite scary to me

     Ms. Ibara murmured at how eerie the building was, being placed so far from the fence. At the same time, some birds left the forest noisily.

Follow me.

     We followed Mr. Tsureure and left the path, then walked along the fence. We found an unnaturally large gap in the fence that was made by bending it open. It seemed that Mr. Tsurezure had done something to it yesterday.

     We went into the place one by one through the hole. The grass grew in random patches, and the garden seemed to not be cared for. We walked through this garden, and towards the building.

Be careful of what you step on.

     Following Mr. Tsurezure who walked in front, we first headed to the front entrance of the building. We climbed the stone stairs and arrived at the double-door. 

I see. As you had said, the doors are welded together.

     As president Yuiga said. Although I could not tell at all from far, when I observed from close up all the gap between the doors and the frame was filled with metal.

     Surely the door would not open like this. The door doesn’t even serve its own purpose like this.

     After looking at this door, we headed towards the back entrance of the building.

I didn’t think this building would be so huge.  

     D’arc looked up at the building while walking.

     Vines climbed up the western-style building’s wall. Even the windows, which lined the walls equidistant from each other, did not seem to be made to open. On top of that, metal grills lined the inside of the window. It seemed that even if one were to break the glass, one would not be able to enter the building. Even if one tried to peek into the building, the windows were completely shut with black out curtains. One could not observe the insides of the building at all.


     Following Mr. Tsurezure, we arrived at the back of the building. As Mr. Tsurezure had mentioned yesterday, there was a door at the back.

     President Yuiga walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob. The door opened easily.

Wow, the back door really isn’t locked, huh.

And as Mr. Tsurezure had mentioned yesterday, I can hear some mechanical noise from inside.

     As Tensai says, I could hear some eerie noise that sounded like the movement of gears from the darkness.

     We had finished searching the area. We decided to discuss the plan.

Now then. What should we do, Mr. Yuiga?

I want you guys to look at this.

     Saying this, president Yuiga took out a piece of paper from his shoulder bag and unfolded.

What is this?

It is the building’s floor plan.

     As president Yuiga says, the paper briefly illustrated the building’s floor plan.

You had that?

It isn’t much. When I was searching for various buildings, I got this information about this building.

     Upon hearing his words, I realized that the floor plan looked like the many floor plans I had seen at the realtor before coming to this island.

I did not think there would be a map for the ((Ruins)) from such a source…

Well, I just happened to come across it. If this building was not a ((Ruin)), this would just be a floor plan for an ordinary building.

     That is true. I did not know who made this floor plan, but most probably it is a businessman that works at the realtor. Surely the person did not think he or she was making the map of a ((Ruin)) that hides a treasure in it. I’ve thought it over and over again but, the ((Ruins)) on this island is just weird. One could not fathom where the hints to the ((Ruins)) lay.  

     That being said, we all looked at the floor plan.

     According to the floor plan in president Yuiga’s hands, the building was two stories high. Both stories have more than 10 rooms.

Actually, we had discussed this amongst the upperclassmen yesterday. I am thinking of splitting into two teams, since the building is just so big.

     At president Yuiga’s proposal, the great detective nodded.

You are right, that would be much more efficient. It would be a pain to search through every single room as one team. How shall we split up, Mr. Yuiga?

I am thinking of splitting between the upper and lower classmen.

     That did not seem too bad for power balance. 

The lowerclassmen will take the first floor. Once you enter the back door, go search every single room you spot. We upperclassmen will search the second floor. We will immediately walk through the corridor, and climb the stairs at the end. We’ll search every room there.

     While pointing at the floor plan, president Yuiga explained. Tensai nodded and said, Alright then.


     After deciding upon the plan, we took a short break. We were finally about to enter the building.

Most likely the treasure chest will be inside the building, since the other ((Ruins)) were like this. So the first goal is to find that treasure chest. At that point let’s contact one another and meet up.

     At president Yuiga’s words, we all nodded.

     Now it was time for the second ((Ruins)) challenge for the Adventure Club.


Section 2


     We stepped into the building one by one from the unlocked back door.

     Immediately, dust irritated my nose.

     Well anyway, what I must do first is,

What are you doing, Jūgo?

I don’t want to be shut in the building like last time because of some trap, so I am making sure the door doesn’t close like this.

     I lifted a big rock from outside near the back door and placed it so that the back door would not close.

You are cautious, huh?

     I placed the rock and felt relieved. Now we won’t need to worry about being shut inside.



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