Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 4 Chapter 1.2




  Iit was the day where our dream was going to end as just a dream. Haruaki or Ikkaku Shunjuu, the admin of our meeting, opened up his mouth to speak. His tone was deeper than usual.

  「So, till a clear countermeasure is proposed we are going to freeze the project 《Ikkaku Shunjuu and his six comrades who planed an economic revolution》」

  Everyone had a serious face on after they heard Haruaki and they started standing up. The perfect plan we had till today was going to fall apart in the face of tough, merciless, reality. Briefly the main issue was that we couldn’t gather enough money. Six of the members (I’m not included among them) are young experts in their field and are somewhat famous. And all of us tried all means of fundraising and talked with adults. There was not a single adult that listened to us. The dream that we had planned smashed against the wall of ‘accepted common sense’ and fell apart.

  In the meeting that day we came to a conclusion that we were out of options. Our plan froze and it was the end of the road for us. As a result, all of us who had gathered here to turn our dreams into reality had no choice but to break-up.

  「I’ll do something about it! 」

  I shouted and tried to stop everyone from leaving. I felt like our bond was going to disappear if I didn’t do that. Everyone stood steady and looked at each other after hearing my baseless claim, they smiled as if they were having a fun time.

  「Alright then, I’m depending on you Nanana-chan. I don’t want 《Futaba Saito and his six slaves who have given up their everything for his mad experiments》to come to an end. 」

  Saito laughed and left the family restaurant. The rest of the gang said that they were expecting good news and then left. I thought about how hard we worked till now while watching them leave. None of us wants to let go of the plan that we put so much effort into. I did’t want their dreams and hopes to end here. It will be fine, there’s definitely a way to get out of this mess.

 「Alright! I’m going to do it! 」

  With a new resolution in my heart I rushed out of the family restaurant.

 「Hey Sansa, do you know a quick way to earn a fortune?」

  When I left the restaurant, I saw a delinquent with a long skirt riding on a scooter so I called her.

  Her name is Kurosu Sansa, she is one of my six companions. She refers to herself as a villain. She is a mysterious woman with a weird policy of wearing a white mask even though she isn’t sick or anything. So why do you think I am asking Sansa about this? It’s because even though she is a delinquent she has a lot of connections and people from various fields know her well. I thought that due to all these factors Sansa might know something.

  Sansa, who was on a customized scooter, started to scratch her cheek after listening to my question.

 「Well, there is a way. 」

 「Really!? Tell me more! 」

  I reflexively shortened the distance between Sansa and I. Sansa glared into my eyes and opened her mouth.

 「I’m fine telling but Nanana you weren’t just talking big were you? Do you have the heart to bet your life on your words? Huuuh? 」

  She was trying to intimidate like a delinquent. She put her forehead on my forehead and glared at me. And I smiled and nodded at the delinquent.

 「Yeah, I’ll put my life on line. Yeah, yeah. So, do tell. 」

 「Your reply is really goofy! Are you really fine? 」

 「Leave it up to me. I’ll solve things for sure. 」

  I gave her a thumbs up.

 「…..I’ve always thought this about you but you are always full of confidence without having anything to support it. Your eyes are full of vigor and it creeps me out……Ah well, I had some work to do there too. So if you want to make money badly then I’ll take you along, is that ok? 」

 「Yep, sure sure. 」

  I gave a quick answer and then Sansa told me where to go to meet her tomorrow. She turned on the scooter’s engine and went away with the loud noise from the horn. 

  As a consequence, I am somewhere outside Japan wearing a cheongsam. On top of that, Sansa, Hao-chan, and I are riding a luxurious car driven by a chauffeur and moving towards an unknown destination. I don’t get what’s happening, please help me.

 「Why did we enter this country illegally? Couldn’t we just get a passport and fly here? 」

 「It’s convenient for me. So, if you don’t like it you can leave. 」

 「No, I can’t go back even if I wanted to! So, let me go! 」

 「Weren’t you going to earn money? 」

 「…..Yeah, I had to do that. 」

  I panicked because of the impossible situation I was in but I remember now why I am placing myself in such a situation. I have to earn a big sum. It’s to make everyone’s dream come true. Don’t be scared, me.

 「So, Sansa. Where are we going?」

 「There. 」

  Sansa pointed out of the car window. It was one of the biggest buildings among the skyscrapers.

 「Is something there? 」

 「You’ll know once we get there.」

  The fancy car stopped in front of the building and a middle-aged man approached the car and opened its backdoor for us. We stepped out of the car and went into the lobby of an expensive looking hotel. A buff man wearing black approached Sansa and she chatted with him for a few seconds in a language which wasn’t Japanese. Then she got escorted towards the elevator.

  I was walking behind Sansa who looked confident, I couldn’t hold myself back and I asked.

 「Sansa, who the hell are you?」

 「I am just a villain.」

  The elevator started going up. Eventually it stopped and the door opened.

  Here we entered the shiny world of adults.

 「…..Hey Sansa, I have seen places like this on television. Is this a casino by any chance? 」

 「Not by any chance. IT IS a casino. 」

  The decorations and the furnishings were bright enough to make me squint and I could see a dealer shuffling playing cards on the felt card table. I also saw a slot machine and other gambling tables here and there, these were things I had only seen on T.V before. And the people who were having fun here were adults who were well dressed.

 「Woah, is this real?! It is full of wealthy looking people! Eros, bunny girl, eros! ……No, no it isn’t the time to get excited……Hey, Sansa-san. I am underaged so wouldn’t it be bad if I visit a place like this? 」

 「Yeah, it’s fine since it isn’t a legal casino. 」

  What’s fine about that?

  But I now get what Sansa wants me to do.

 「So you want me to get money via gambling? 」

 「Yup, that’s it. 」

  Sansa gave me a simple answer without changing her facial expressions.

 「I mean we really need money but I don’t feel like this is how we should earn it. This feels weird.」

  The moment I said that she let out a long deep sigh. And then she glared at me. She looked pretty annoyed.

 「Oi, oi. That’s a really annoying line, you big boobs. What is it? Is your house extremely rich? Rich enough to give billions of yen like it is nothing? Huh? 」

 「No, no. It isn’t like that. I don’t have a family like that to begin with. 」

 「So how were you going to gather such a huge sum? Huh? 」

 「Eeh, I was thinking of working hard and earning…..」

 「Haaaa, I knew you were extremely stupid but I didn’t realize that you had a flower garden inside your head. How much time do you think it would take? You wouldn’t be able to earn that much even if you worked tirelessly for the rest of your life. Idiooot. 」

 「Shut up! Don’t call me an idiot! I know that it is impossible under normal circumstances! But I thought there might be a well-paid job somewhere! 」

 「There isn’t anything like that! Even assassinating the president of a certain super power wouldn’t pay that much! 」

 「Even so, I will do something! 」

 「So, what are you going to do!? Is someone going to give money to you? 」

 「That’s not!…..That’s not possible, we tried to do that for months but at the end we realized that it isn’t possible. 」

  We ran around and negotiated with the adults but they mocked us and didn’t even listen to us and thus, here we are.

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