Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 6 Chapter 6.6

The park-wide broadcast by M started playing as soon as the clock hit 2am.

When Taisei emerged from the battle area and heard this, he looked disgusted.

「Why are they gathering all the people who lost in front of the castle? I’m done, so let me go home.」

「Do you think you don’t have to face the chairwoman?」

Misao pokes him in the face, and Taisei turns away.

「It’s impossible to think that we got eliminated from the competition after such a big fight. The chairwoman is going to lose all interest in this guy.」

Kuroko’s ‘Mukeke’ laugh and needling words opened a hole in Taisei’s heart.

And so Taisei made a decision.

「…okay Misao. Let’s just pretend that I went missing after a fierce battle. I’ll come back once the 《game》 is over and the heat has cooled down.」

「Don’t be so selfish, let’s go.」

「No way! I’m not going!」

「Come on, let’s go loser. Then you can get down on your knees and beg the chairwoman for forgiveness.」

「Shut up Kuroko!」

「Geez Tai-chan. Don’t be selfish. If you don’t hurry, the gorokuma will take you away.」

As Misao points this out, several gorokuma notice Taisai’s tantrum and walk up with expressions as if to say ‘What are you doing?’ and ‘Let’s hurry up and go to the castle’.

「Shut up, I’m not going. I’m not going!」

「Quiet down now. I’ll buy you some candy on the way home.」

「Don’t treat me like a child!」


「Didn’t win, huh?」

Isshin, leaning against the back of his chair, looks up from the shogi board in front of him to the night sky.

It was a game that he entered with the intention of screwing over his opponent. However, he misread his opponent’s collection and lost. It’s such a pathetic ending to his participation in the 《game》.

He wonders if he would have earned enough coins and advanced to the second stage if he battled other players. If he would have done that, he would have defeated Amagi Taisei there.

He keeps thinking ‘but, what if’ in his mind.

「Even if you decided not to regret this, you still end up regretting it. …even when it was the plan.」

With a wry smile, Isshin once again reflects on the events.

After all, I am ordinary, he thought. He was born a weak person who wasn’t blessed with any talent.

Even so, he can’t give up on his desire to be the best.

That’s why he thinks,「I need a strong Nanana collection after all. The Nanana collection has overwhelming power, regardless of the superiority or inferiority of the person using it.」

Isshin quietly looked up at the castle. A castle that he could not advance to.

What has happened will never be changed. The question is what to do next.



Outside of Sevens Land, at the mobile headquarters of the Nanaejima General Security Force, 1st Special Forces unit, led by Shiki, was reorganizing its personnel.

In the corner, there is the freed Ibara Yu and the figure of Tsurezure Kagetora, who was summoned by Yu.

「All things considered you got here quite fast Kagetora. I thought you were quite a distance from here.」

「Don’t underestimate a ninja’s feet, this distance is nothing special. Putting that aside. Ibara, I had no idea you were doing this without permission.」

Kagetora had been told what happened by Yu. He glared at her.

「I…I can’t help it. I was worried about Isshin-sama.」

「Did you forget that Isshin said, ‘leave it to me this time’?」

Yuu groans when Kagetora brings up this point.

「…I was still worried.」

Kagetora couldn’t scold Yuu anymore as she looked very depressed with her head in her hands.

However, that girlish look that Yuu had was fleeting. Her demonic side soon came back as she started yelling.

「But how dare Yama betray me there! Next time I see him, I’m going to seriously kick his ass!」

In the snap of fingers Yu was back to being the normal Yuu.

「OK Kagetora. Now go in there and find out what’s going on!」

It was then that the place became noisy.

「Honorary Advisor, several cars are coming towards the park.」

After receiving a report from her subordinate Himeko, Shiki (who was giving instructions to the other members) looked back.

「Who is it? Is it reinforcements for Sansa?」

「No, that doesn’t seem to be the case…」

「What is it, Nonomiya-chan? Be clear about it.」


The several cars then continued into the park.




As the organizer, Saki was walking down the hallway in the castle to prepare for the next event when she bumped into Tetsu.

She was surprised for a moment, but then calmly understood what that meant.

Tetsu had cleared the first stage.

Saki wanted to say things like ‘congratulations’, and ‘that’s amazing’, but honestly in this case Saki didn’t actually want Tetsu to win.

That is because if he wins, she will have to fight him.

This is because she has to keep Tetsu, who is working so hard, from being the winner of this 《game》.

「Yun, is there anything I can do?」

Saki’s reacts unintentionally with a little yelp when she is called by her name, then she raises her voice to cover up her panic.

「W..who is Yun!? I am the masked girl M. It’s not like I need Tetsu… I mean people I don’t know to do stuff for me! Instead you should worry about your own business instead of mine!」

「My business?」

「The goal is to win the 《game》 and get the rare Nanana collection.」

「Not for me.」


「It’s true that I’m participating in the 《game》 on Anego’s orders, and am trying to win. But I came here for a different purpose.」

「A different purpose?」

「I came to get Yun and take her back.」

Saki was speechless.

「I want to be with you again. I want to be with you forever. Because I care about you Yun.」

「Uh.. uh.. uh…」


「Uh, what are you saying, bastard!」

As if in response to the yelling of Saki, who was so red that steams seemed like it would come out of her ears at any second, 10 kumagoro jumped out of her cloak and carried Tetsu on their shoulders saying ‘Wasse! Wasse!’ as they carried him away.

From a distance, the cries of ‘YUUUUN!’ could be heard, but soon it became inaudible.

Now that she is alone, Yun couldn’t help but slump down in place.

‘Hik, hik’

She removes her mask to wipe away her tears.

For some reason the tears wouldn’t stop coming out.

She couldn’t hold back the happiness that welled up in her chest. She was so happy that she cried.

Is there anything that I can do?

That’s what he asked.

However, Saki can’t just tell him, 「If you want to help me, then please just lose already.」

Saki would never be able to say ‘just give up’ to the man who said he had come here to take her back.

That’s why…

「I’m sorry though, Tetsu. I will definitely win. Then I will return to Tetsu and Anego on my own.」

Then she says to herself.

I love Tetsu.

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