Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 7 Chapter 1.3

As I furiously ranted to Tetsu-kun, Nishi-san began trembling.



「Why would you know something like that, Yama-kun!」

Her face went flush as she covers her chest and tears up.

「Well, it’s not like I knew it because…」


「You know what will happen depending on your answer, right, Juugo?」

「Yeah, could you not direct that murderous glare at me with a drawn blade to my throat, Tetsu-kun? I mean, your strength control seems a bit off. The skin on my neck is slightly cut…」

「That just means I’m serious.」

「Uh, it’s not like that Tetsu-kun. It’s not something I did. This info is from a ninja senpai…」

「Are you making fun of me? There’s no way you have a ninja senpai. Tell a more plausible lie.」

「No, I’m serious. We do have one in the Adventure Club. Really. So could you give me a little slack? It kinda hurts, and I’m actually starting to bleed a bit…」

Just when I thought I was about to be beheaded, an unexpected rescue arrives.

「Wait a moment. Regardless of Yama-kun knowing my secret… who exactly is this ‘Yun-chan’ you’re talking about, Tsujimi-kun!!!」

Nishi-san is annoyed and confronts Tetsu-kun as if my existence was irrelevant. Tetsu-kun, embarrassed by her intensity, lowers the sword he was pointing at me and turns away.

「It shouldn’t matter to Nishi.」

「It might not matter, but as a former classmate, I should know!」

「Why does a former classmate need to know?」

Faced with Tetsu-kun’s reasonable question, Nishi-san’s face turns bright red.

「There is a reason! As former classmates, there’s just… Anyway, who’s this small and cute ‘Yun-chan’?」

「Oh, that’s the kohai girl Tetsu-kun is very concerned about.」

「Juugo, you…!」

「What’s wrong, Tetsu-kun? I haven’t lied or anything. And you probably returned to school for Yun-chan’s sake, didn’t you?」

Retaliating swiftly, I went on the offensive.

「It’s different! It was an order from the Anego to guard Yun… to…」

Then Nishi-san responds sharply to the word ‘Anego.’

「Anego? Another woman pops up in the story, so who is this ‘Anego’?」

「She’s a wild woman type beauty. Moreover, she’s got Tetsu-kun completely under her thumb.」

「Juugo, enough with your exaggerations!」

「Hmm, an older woman this time. And she’s got you whipped?」

Nishi-san obviously puffs up her cheeks, and Tetsu-kun hurriedly tries to explain.

「It’s not like that. Everything Juugo said was a lie.」

「I see, so Tetsu-kun thinks that Batako-san isn’t beautiful. I’ll let her know next time.」

「Juugo, seriously, stop it. This is not a joking matter. 」

Tetsu-kuj is dead serious. Honestly, I too think this is no laughing matter.

「What have you been doing since you left school, Tsujimin-kun! Did you get swept away with women because of the rebound from the disgrace?」

「It’s different!」

Tetsu-kun, utterly flustered by Nishi-san’s irritated interrogation.

「I have to intervene! As a former classmate, I cannot overlook such a lewd lifestyle anymore! Tsujimin-kun, you’re transferring to the Seventh High School! I’ll be monitoring you properly!」

「What are you deciding on your own! For starters, I’m not living a lewd life!」

「Like I could believe that!」

「Believe me!」

「Keep those… uh, lewd activities… to a minimum…」

「There’s nothing to keep ‘minimum’!」

It seems that in Nishi-san’s mind, Tetsu-kun is leading quite an obscene lifestyle. I’m not going to have his back. And definitely not because I’m jealous or anything!

Or could it be that Nishi-san actually…

「In any case, I want the old Tsujimin-kun back!」

「But I’m trying to explain that…」

「What on earth are you all doing!」

Suddenly an unwelcome intruder interrupts.

Or rather, returning was M (a.k.a. Yun-chan) whom I thought had left with the other participants.

Nishi-san, in an intimate exchange (my personal view) with Tetsu-kun, is visibly upset.

「Don’t just stand around chatting, hurry up to the grand hall, dammit!」

M tries to intervene, not staying silent at the sudden intrusion.

「I’m busy right now! I’ll head over once I’m done talking with Tsujimin-kun! Until then, the outsider should keep quiet!」


M, or rather, Yun-chan pretending to be someone else (apparently), cuts herself off mid-sentence.

「What is it, M?」

「N-nothing at all! Just finish the conversation now and come quickly!」

「But once I’ve convinced Tsujimin-kun…」


As soon as M shouts, from under her glittering cape a horde of black snowman-like creatures called gorokuma crawl out. They’re all combat-ready, baring their fangs and growling ferociously. In the blink of an eye we are surrounded by more than ten gorokuma. Tetsu-kun, sword in hand, reacts swiftly by pulling Nishi-san’s behind him by the arm, shielding her from the gorokuma.


Nishi-san, suddenly pulled by the arm and blushing, looks embarrassed.

As for me, obviously left alone and surrounded by the gomagoros that seem ready to pounce, I’m in an awkward situation. For now I edge my way forward. I take position next to Tetsu-kun, forming a protective barrier around Nishi-san.

「It’s not scary at all! And just look at how cute I am! Yama-senpai looks way scarier…」

「Shut up.」

And also, if you’re pretending to be someone else, even in the heat of the moment you shouldn’t call me Yama-senpai, right? Also now that I think about it, your sense of aesthetics is pretty unique, isn’t it Yun-chan?

「…Plus, the gorokuma will listen to everything I say!」

「That’s why, isn’t it?」


「If M orders them, those creatures will attack us, right?」

My pointing this out made Yun-chan come to a realization, prompting her to silence.

「We can take it, but don’t sic your creatures on Nishi.」

Tetsu-kun pleads with M, um… does it also imply that I’m okay to attack?

「Tetsu, do you really think I would do such a thing?」

Even though her eyes were hidden by a mask, Yun-chan’s expression could easily be guessed.

「Don’t you trust me?」

「No, I… 」

Just as Tetsu-kun starts to say something, M quickly raises her hand.

The gorokuma that surrounded us obediently sheathed their fangs and returned under M’s cloak.

「It’s fine now. Now let’s go!」

With that said, M suddenly takes off at a run.

「Ah well, looks like I’ve made her mad.」

Tetsu-kun doesn’t respond to my snide comment and just watches Yun-chan’s retreating figure.

「Tsujimin-kun. It’s okay now, you can let go of my arm…」, Nishi-san utters from behind us. Tetsu-kun, who is slightly embarrassed, releases her arm quickly.

「I apologize, that was inconsiderate of me. It seems I let my emotions get the better of me. I upset M just as you said, Yama-kun. I’m thinking of apologizing to her later.」

Bowing her head, Nishi-san then earnestly looks at Tetsu-kun and continues.

「Tsujimin-kun. I was serious about what I said earlier. Please consider it. I… want to be with Tsujimin-kun and do things together again.」

After saying ‘excuse me’, she takes off running by herself. Tetsu-kun’s handkerchief is still in her hand. It left quite an impression.

And then there were two of us.

「It looks like you’ve had your share of troubles, Tsujimin-senpai.」

「Stop calling me ‘senpai’.」

「Well, that’s alright I guess.」

「Aren’t you going to ask what happened?」

「Can’t say I’m not curious, but it’d be rude to pry. Besides…」


「Everyone has things they don’t want to talk about or memories they’d rather forget.」

Because I have them too. Things I can’t talk about. Things I don’t want to discuss.

「Don’t trouble yourself, I’m sorry.」

「Hey, if you’re apologizing then apologize for knowing such a cute girl.」

「What the hell are you talking about?」

「Look, I don’t care if you’re a socialite! This alliance with you ends here, damn it! The alliance is over! From now on, do as you please!」

And so the union between Juugo Yama and Tetsunoshin Tsujimi came to an end… It’s not as if I’m envious of Tetsu-kun or anything!

But setting that aside…

Tetsunoshin Tsujimi. Since meeting him in Tsukuyomi city, I thought he was strangely out of place. Evidently there’s a lot to his past.

And above all, I was taken aback to find out he knew Nishi-san. Not only that, but from Nishi-san’s tone, it seems he was acquainted with Taisei and the others as well.

What exactly happened in Tetsu-kun’s past?

I’d be lying if I said I’m not interested, but for now…


「Stop yelling the spell of destruction while pointing at me.」

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