Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 1 Chapter 2.3



“Translator: Goma/Editor: TheNix”

That’s just how it is. Just saying so would be easy, but it was a much bigger problem than I had thought it would be.

    An earthbound ghost that could be seen by anybody, who talks readily to me, who touches things, who eats pudding. Clearly, Nanana was pretty unusual even in the category of earthbound ghosts. Apparently, I had been feeling quite a fair amount of stress from her unexplainable existence.

    Yesterday night too. The stress was so great that I shut myself in here and cried a little.

……Actually, is it just cohabitation that is stressful?

    The idea of living together with a girlfriend that I love, while fulfilling my sexual desires was about to disappear from Jūgo Yama’s list of dreams.


    It was at that moment I heard a sound. Then immediately after, I heard something drop.

    I became curious and started looking around. The answer was further in on the left-hand side of the toilet seat.

    A wooden board about the size of a small window was out of place. There was a thread that came out from there and connected to the toilet seat.

    When I carefully searched this there apparently was a mechanism in the toilet seat. Most likely the mechanism was in place to open the hidden shelf when there is a certain weight on top of the toilet seat for a long period of time.

Who made such a complicated mechanism?

    While I thought it was strange, I took off the lid and looked inside. There was a student handbook inside it.

    I took it out carefully and looked at the cover. I could not help but wrinkle my eyebrows.

Nanana manual?

    This is what it said on the cover, and below that was written a name, Kasumi Konjō.


Section 4:


    I sat down on the lid of the toilet again, and opened the notebook that said it was a Nanana manual.

    On the back of the cover was written, To my junior who is to live in this room in the future. It said, do not take this out of the bathroom. Definitely do not let Nanana know about this.

    I flipped the page. There was an explanation, along with a cute drawing.


   I am your senior, and originally this room’s resident. In this notebook, I have written several things that I have found out about Nanana through the three years I have lived here. It is not everything. That is because you should find out most of the information yourself. That is why if you are not interested in Nanana at all, I recommend that you place this notebook back to its original place, and go out of this room 202 immediately. You don’t need to feel bad for Nanana. Besides, Nanana is merely a dead human, an earthbound ghost.”


    For some reason, I felt a little annoyed by the last line. Then, I flipped the page.

    Then, there were several things that were written about Nanana.


  1. Nanana’s weak spots

“Nanana is super strong. When she was alive, without a doubt she would have powerful enough to be in the top 10 of humanity. By the way, this power does not refer to how physically strong she was. On top of various kinds of martial arts that she seemed to have learned when she was alive, she also has an abundant amount of knowledge. However, I am not referring to this. Although it is difficult to determine how to compare humans and find out who is superior, Nanana Ryūgajō as a human was way above others. If I were to explain it in a way easier to understand in one line, she was simply loved by the heavens. On top of that, what was scarier was that she had a tremendous amount of luck. That has not changed even if she has become a ghost. That is why towards Nanana, one must not battle her at all. One would surely lose. However, she has a weakness. She cannot go out of the room at all. Ever since she had been murdered, she cannot leave that room at all. That is her unique weakness.”


After reading this, I agreed. Indeed, Nanana had not left that room even for a little bit. Was it because she was a ghost bound to the room? Even within the room 202 residence, she only lived in that room, and did not go to the toilet, bathroom, or the kitchen.

Makes sense, I thought and flipped to the next page.


  1. Nanana’s favorite food

“Even though Nanana is an earthbound ghost, she eats food for some reason. Is she really even an earthbound ghost. She is such an unusual earthbound ghost that one cannot help but question it. However, she cannot eat anything. I do not know the reason or the cause.

Nanana can only eat pudding.

That is why if she is moody or you want to ask a favor from her, you should give her pudding.

Warning: But, you must not give her just any pudding. Ever since she had become an earthbound ghost, Nanana has only eaten pudding. Thus, her tongue has become very sensitive to the taste of the pudding. She knows all the kinds of pudding sold on this island, and she even has a pudding ranking that she made up herself.

By the way, the ranking is as such. Number one: Randou store’s Soft Pudding. Number two……

Usually, you can just buy her the cheap pudding that is sold in supermarkets and convenience stores ¥100 for three. Or you don’t even need to give her any at all. However, If you go that route there is no guarantee that you would be alive for long.


  1. About her when she was alive

You should search for it on the school’s PC. You can search as much as you want later.


  1. How to make Nanana go to pass into the afterlife.

You must find who killed Nanana. But the disappearance of Nanana would mean a great loss in finding for the ((Nanana Collection)). You must never forget this.”


At this, I wrinkled my eyebrows.

What is Nanana Collection?

The annotation about this was next.


  1. About the ((Nanana Collection))

“I am not going to write about it here much. If you want to know about it further, you should visit the ((Adventure Club)) in the Third High School. That being said, even if you don’t go to them, eventually they will try to contact you. It is up to you what you want to do at that point.”


It was as if it was a prophecy

I did not understand the meaning and looked at the next column. I looked at the line that was written there, and could not help but laugh.


  1. Lastly……

“If you, after reading this, have piqued at least some sort of interest in Nanana, do not just shut yourself in here and be with her. She is an earthbound ghost and is a totally different existence from us humans. I had initially felt confused and did not know how to interact with her. However, I immediately realized that I was the only one that was thinking so deeply about it. Nanana Ryūgajō as a girl has not changed at all since 10 years ago, except that she is now an earthbound spirit. She has always been a lonely girl.


That is why, my junior, please help my close friend.”


    It was a wish from a senior whose face I didn’t even know.

    Although she was an earthbound ghost, she is also just a lonely girl.

    After reading the notebook, the frustration in my heart was gone. I felt much more refreshed.

    I immediately placed the notebook back to its original position and came out of the bathroom. I returned back to the room.

You finally came out

    While hugging the cushion between her body and her legs, Nanana was sitting on the bed. She had a very moody expression on her face.

    Then I finally realized, oh yeah, Nanana had begun to be moody after I had shut myself in the toilet and cried. I felt that no matter what I said to her since then, it had gotten awkward.

    A lonely girl, huh.

    I see, of course, anybody will feel frustrated if others ignore you, huh. Wouldn’t that be the same with Nanana?

    That meant, nothing had changed. Nanana Ryūgajō as an earthbound ghost was no different from a normal girl.

    If a normal girl was in front of me, what would you do, Jūgo Yama?

    Of course.

Now, Nanana! Let’s play games, games! I shall show you my controller techniques!

What game, you can’t use your left hand

Then let’s play cards! Look at the legend of how strong I am in Big Two!

That is a card game you can’t play with just one hand



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