Chapter 22 Extra 2 Part 1

Interlude 1 – Martina, Part 2

It was great to give birth to a boy, hold his little body in these arms, and enjoy this happiness to the fullest, but at the same time I had a concern.

In the past, when Sakuya-san was a teenager and recognized as an out-of-wedlock child-giver by women, two boys were born.

I heard that given that both mothers were students, it was decided that the country would foster the children with the pretext of arranging an environment befitting of precious men.

Moreover, the fuss over Sakuya-san’s death was still lingering even now, so I was afraid of what kind of treatments my child would be subjected to if his birth were to be known.

Of all things, I wanted to avoid being deprived of my newborn child, whom I had named Yuu.

As such, I pretended to everyone around me that the child I gave birth to was a girl.

I went ahead and asked my aunt to let me stay at her inn in Izu until I was able to hold Yuu’s head up.

Once I returned to my parent’s home, I told my parents about the situation.

As a result, I changed my family name back to the original Hirose.

Since the father was deceased at the time of the birth registration, I suddenly thought of leaving it blank, and fortunately I left it as it was, so if a third party saw it later, they should not realize that it was Sakuya-san’s child.

Just to be on the safe side, I also refrained from seeing Emanuela and Suzanna, as well as any of the wives I had interacted with. I was lonely, but it was something I had to do for Yuu’s sake, after all.

Yuu was raised very dearly.

After all, he was a precious boy.

Moreover, to me, he was like a reincarnation of Sakuya-san.

I imposed on my parents for a while, but as Yuu grew up, people around us started to bother me….

After all, Yuu inherited all the good things from Sakuya-san and me, and he grew up to be a really good-looking boy.

Even when he was only 2 or 3 years old, people started saying to me, 「Please let him be our son-in-law in the future! 」

Especially when it was my father’s side of the family or my half-elder sisters, I couldn’t refuse them too strongly.

In the end, just in time for Elena to enter elementary school, we moved to Saiou City, a newly merged city in Saitama Prefecture.

And then, I decided to start working part-time at a local newspaper company called Saitama Center Newspaper, which just happened to be recruiting.

Sakuya-san’s inheritance remained mostly untouched, so there was no need for me to work right away, but I thought there was no harm in accustoming myself to the job while I still could.

For our house, after looking for a place that seemed trustworthy, I decided to hire a housekeeper.

Perhaps it was a good thing that the new environment was peaceful and full of nature for a metropolitan area.

Both Elena and Yuu grew up very quickly.

Though, Yuu was a boy, so he couldn’t go out much, but everyone got along very well inside the house.

The Yuu of those days was really cute, you see.

「Mama! Onee-chan! I love you! 」

When he said so with a smile on his face, it made both Elena and me want to give him a hug and a kiss.

Of course, I cherished Elena, my first child with Sakuya-san, too.

But for a mother, a boy is very special.

I realized this was what the phrase 「He is so cute that he is the apple of my eye」 meant.

However, when Yuu was entering elementary school, it was painful for me to tell him, 「Do be careful of girls」.

I mean, I had to make Yuu learn to protect himself from women, the same existences as me and Elena whom he loved so much, after all.

In fact, when he started going to school, I heard that Yuu was very popular with the girls.

Like, since boys and girls were still put in the same classroom in elementary school, he was always surrounded by girls and they were always fighting over him.

Even if they were still young, they were still girls, alright. I doubt mishaps would occur just yet, but my worry was never-ending.

The newspaper company I work for asked me if I wanted to become an employee after two years, but I asked them to put it on hold until graduation because I wanted to take Yuu to and from school.

Well, I was glad that Yuu himself learned that girls were scary existences as he learned in school and became wary of them.

As a parent, I was happy to see my children grow up day by day.

On the other hand, there was also a part of me that felt lonely.

I guess the largest change happened around the time when Yuu started taking baths by himself, something we usually did together.

He started avoiding hugs and kisses, which we used to do on a daily basis, after all.

As was often said, boys in puberty were hard to handle.

I think it happened when Yuu was 11 years old.

As he grew from a child to a boy, he grew taller and his features became more manly. He was at the age where both cuteness and coolness were coexisting in him.

The me of that time had begun to help with news gathering and editing and was entrusted with a variety of tasks.

I was treated more like a junior employee than a part-timer, and as my salary increased, so did my hours, so I started coming home later and later.

I did feel it was worth doing, but I was swept by waves of fatigue each time I finished my work. I was already in my thirties, after all.

One evening, when I came home, I found that Elena and Yuu had prepared a Mother’s Day gift for me, you see.

Elena had picked out a beautiful floral handkerchief and scarf.

Yuu gave me a bouquet of carnations and a message card that said, 「Thank you for everything, Mom! 」

After handing them to me with his usually curt lips turning into a hard to believe smile, he hugged me tightly, albeit shyly.

At that moment, my tear gland caved in.

It was to the point that Yuu was flustered in return. That’s just how happy I was.

It was because of that, you see. Feeling high after drinking just one glass of wine, I, along with Elena, broke into the bathroom after Yuu, who had gone in to take a bath first.

Yuu, who accepted us despite his shyness, was so lovely that…

As I washed his body, calling him 「Yu-chan」as I had done when he was little, my inner brake ceased to work. It seemed that the same was true for Elena.

In hindsight, we completely overdid it.

I had heard that there were also some mothers in this world who did that kind of thing, but as expected, it was a boy’s delicate part, so you had to be careful when handling it.

Seeing the coming of his first ejaculation, from a mother’s point of view, I was happy to be able to see my son’s growth, and I think Elena, too, would accept anything from her cute three-year-younger little brother.

But it seemed that Yuu himself didn’t think so.

After that, you see… Yuu ended up taking an even colder attitude than before.

The ill feeling was still there, but trying not to mention the occurrence from that night, we lived peacefully on the surface, and when Yuu entered middle school, we bought a newly built condominium and moved there.

As the new law came into effect and households with boys received even more generous benefits, we had some leeway in our livelihood, so Sakuya-san’s inheritance was left untouched, which covered a large part of the cost.

The upper floors of the condominium were designed to accommodate two households per block, and they were able to accommodate male security personnel on a permanent basis.

Boys were at their most perilous age from middle school to high school.

It was necessary in order to protect Yuu, whose manliness was becoming more and more refined, from women, so….

Except for the entrance ceremony, he went to and from school by car escorted by male security personnel.

Besides, not only were boys and girls strictly segregated in middle school, there were also guards stationed on the school grounds to protect the boys, so I had heard that it was unthinkable for a mishap to occur.

I myself began working for the newspaper company as a full-time employee.

The housework ended up being completely delegated to the housekeeper, and I felt lonely as I ended up losing the opportunity to be in touch with the children at home, but I cheered myself up and worked hard to earn enough money for their future.

Our family was off to a good start in our new life, but the problem lied with the children.

When there was a male in the family, the girls tended to see him as a pseudo love target.

As such, there were times where their first love was their father or elder brother.

As they grew up and learned about the outside world, if they were lucky enough to be able to come into contact with a man, they would fall in love and get married.

However, in this world where men were extremely scarce, there was no guarantee that they would have successful encounters and relationships outside the home.

Due to clinging too much to their fathers or brothers all the time, there were even some girls who ended up falling in love with them for real and even wanting to have children with them.

This was something I had heard from my fellow mothers as well as from TV and magazines.

In Elena’s case, she was very attached to Yuu from a very young age, but as she grew up, it became more serious, and ended up developing exactly into that pattern.

Even as girls entered their rebellious phase and began to distance themselves from their parents, it was rare for even their relationships with their siblings to become so twisted.

However, starting from around when she was in middle school, Elena’s feelings for Yuu ended up becoming twisted, and she was in a state of excessive love for her younger brother.

As expected, even Yuu ended up being put off by it, and he began to avoid her even at home.

I was lonely when Yuu started to avoid me, but as I thought of it as a sign that he was growing up mentally, I could live with it.

Once a boy reaches a certain age, he would calm down and come to talk to you normally; so I had heard that, after all.


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