Chapter 46 Part 1

Let’s go out to the town (5) ~I want you to kiss me~

My name is Misa. I’m a sophomore in the commerce department of Saiou Comprehensive School.

I’ve never been with any men these years, but I did have a boyfriend, or rather, a close male friend, you see. Well, only until I was 12 years old, though.

He was a boy who lived in my neighborhood, Hiro. He was what you would call my childhood friend.

Hiro had an average face, or maybe a slightly old-looking face, but he was unusually mild-mannered and kind among boys, which was what I liked from him.

We went to kindergarten and elementary school together.

We didn’t think much about gender when we were young, and we had a lot of fun joking around and laughing with each other on the way to school and after school.

In those days, I also still often went to play at Hiro’s house, where we played games and read comic books together, and even though we had fights at times, we quickly made up with each other.

But as expected, when we were 11 or 12 years old, I became strangely conscious of him, you see.

I didn’t want the girls to make fun of me if we came home from school together, so I intentionally kept my distance from him.

In hindsight, those guys were simply jealous of me because I had a boy with whom I was close.

Given that I grew conscious of Hiro as a member of the opposite sex, it meant that his existence was gradually changing in my mind, you see.

Yes. Into my so-called first love.

When we went to middle school, our classrooms would be separated by gender.

I would not be able to talk to him as casually as before.

As such, on the day of our elementary school graduation, I made a big decision to call Hiro to the back of the school building and confess my love to him.

So I say, but it didn’t really go that well, you see.

As I kept on hesitating, he gently stroked me on the head.

At that time, I was still wearing my black hair long, you see.

As I got my head stroked by Hiro, it was good that I calmed down somewhat, but this time, I was standing face to face with him instead, which made my heart race and gave rise to a strange feeling inside me.

Looking up at his face, as he had grown taller than me before I knew it, I… kissed him.

It was our first kiss, where our lips simply touched each other for a bit.

「I love you, Hiro! I will be your wife in the future! So be sure to leave the slot of your first wife open, okay?!」


「What’s your answer?!」

「O, oh. Got it.」

Maybe he simply got swallowed by my momentum, or maybe he had accepted it there out of kindness, but I was on cloud nine as I got home on my own.

Well, the verbal promise of an elementary school student is an unreliable one, though.

When we went to middle school, the boys and girls were clearly separated, and while I commuted to school by bike, Hiro was sent off by car accompanied by security personnel, so I had no chance to talk with him at all.

At first, Hiro would wave to me whenever he saw me, and we would talk a little through the fence in the courtyard, so it was still good.

Middle school girls were at the age where they started to get interested in sex and were starting to go into heat.

Some stupid girls took a liking to Hiro, which was fine and all, but gradually, they even started stalking him, so Hiro and his mother became very wary of girls, effectively making me unable to even talk to him, let alone casually going to his house like I did in the past.

It was not until we were about to graduate from middle school that I learned that Hiro was going to a boys’ school with a dormitory in Kasugai City in the eastern part of the prefecture.

In the end, Hiro left without giving me a chance to have a proper talk with him.

They say that first loves never bear fruit, but I wanted to at least meet him in person and say goodbye before he moved away, you know.

Partly because of this, when I entered high school, I went to the dark side.

It was the so-called high school debut.

Not only did I dye my hair brown and put on perm, I started going out at night with my delinquent friends from school, and learned to smoke and drink.

So I say, but cigarettes tasted awful and I was weak to alcohol, so they were not to my liking, though.

I didn’t have the guts to smoke paint thinner or pay for (hunt) men like the delinquents at Municipal Matsusaka High School (Ichimatsu).

There, the group that I joined as I got invited by a senior two years above me at school was Saiou Red Scorpions.

They were on the losing ground against Shoryumon, which was on the rise, but if we include the period before the merger of the predecessors, the Red Butterflies and Queen Scorpions, it was a team with a long tradition.

When I joined the team, there were still more than 10 members.

I wasn’t that confident that I would be able to make it in such a place, but I liked the Red Scorpions because they cherished their friends, or rather they had a spirit that women should be free to have fun with each other, and they were not too strict with seniority.

I spent enjoyable days with them, but it was tough because we had a confrontation with Shoryumon, our old enemy in the city.

As a brain-type of person, I was not that strong in fights, but I believe even I got caught in fights a couple of times.

Then in January of this year, it came as a shock when the core members, including the leader, were suddenly arrested on suspicion of assaulting a man.

As hard-liners, they were not the kind of people who would do such a thing even by mistake, but the police swallowed the testimony of the male victim whole and didn’t even try to listen to what the leader and the others said.

After running around with my friends to gather information, we found that the male victims were a pair of old men in their forties.

As a matter of fact, they had been rumored to have prostitution connection with the members of Shoryumon since a long time ago.

And then, at that time, when the leader’s group was walking around the bustling street, the two men persistently offered themselves to them.

In the end, as they even hugged one of their members, they found their actions intolerable and pushed them away by force, but the men suddenly fell down.

Then they suddenly ran away, tearing their clothes and screaming that they had been attacked by delinquent girls.

In other words, it was the so-called staged false accusation.

Moreover, it seemed that they had even recorded the scene where they were getting pushed down from the shadows.

Hearing that, as expected, we all snapped.

However, maybe they had aimed for that moment… No, they must have aimed for that moment. The moment when the leader and the core members were arrested.

When our members went out alone or in a group of two, they were sneak attacked or forcefully poached by the guys from Shoryumon, and before I knew it, there were only three of us left, including me.

The one who stepped up there was the number one fighter in Red Scorpions, Ryoko, who had just fought off their sneak attack.

On a snowy February night.

With a wooden sword in one hand, she went to raid the Shoryumon hideout alone.

I heard it later on, but in the wake of her big fight against about ten of them, she sent more than half of them to the hospital, which was incredible.

On the other hand, Ryoko herself was seriously injured, with cracks in her left arm and ribs.

When she came back to our base after tearing off the team flag that was displayed in their hideout, she was covered with blood and ended up collapsing as she was, so we sure panicked there.

Because of that, Ryoko was hospitalized for more than a month and had to start her second year of high school all over again, though.


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Comment (1)

  1. b4rus4n

    Thanks For The Chapter!!

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