Chapter 49 Part 2

「So, where is this place?」


Them putting on their clothes and getting ready to go home was fine and all, but Yuu just happened to meet Mari and Ginko as he wandered around aimlessly, so he didn’t know the way home.

「You see, to get to the station from here….」

「Wait. Don’t you think it’d be a bad idea to let Yuu go home alone as it is?」

「Hmm… True enough!」

To put it bluntly, the area around this part had a bad public order.

In particular, today was Saturday.

From evening to night, women of bad character would increase in number.

If a good-looking boy like Yuu wandered around alone, a group of delinquents like them, or worse, yakuza, would mark him and take him to their base, where he wouldn’t be able to escape the route of getting gang raped until morning.

「Maybe we should take him to the station?」

「That’s a good idea.」

As Ginko proposed a safe idea, Mari offered her agreement.

However, Ryoko raised an objection to that idea.

「If we meet the Shoryumon guys on the way, they’d surely pick a fight with us. We’re fine, but if Yuu gets dragged into it, that’d be pitiful of him.」


「That’s right! Can’t we just put him on a bike and send him home through a road away from the urban areas?」

Ultimately, following Misa’s suggestion, Yuu, surrounded by the four of them, went out to the parking lot behind the multi-tenant building.

For better or worse, Keiko also seemed to be coming along with them at the tail end.

The wall was covered with graffiti, cracks ran here and there, and weeds infested the corners of the parking lot, but in one corner, they could find a row of motorcycles.

Through, three of them were scooters.

One pink, one white, and one black.

The common feature was the red scorpion and 『RED-SCORPIONS』 sticker pasted on the same position on the front cowl.

They also had a shooting star and flower sticker, but overall, they did not seem to have the bent handlebars, cut off mufflers, and other over the top decorations that were common among biker gangs from the olden times.

Maybe it applied to these girls only, but Yuu was slightly relieved to see that they were not a group that had evolved in that direction.

「But, you see, if the five of us go with him, we would stand out in its own way, wouldn’t we?」

「Hmm. I guess it would be troublesome if we get spotted by the police or other teams.」

「I mean, for two people to ride on one bike….」

「No, our bodies will stick closely to each other, so won’t it be nice in its own way?」

「Oh, you’re so smart!」

Mari, Ginko, and Misa began to talk on and on.

The sky was still light, but through the gaps between the buildings they could see that the sky was turning red.

The one who put an end to the three’s discussion was Ryoko.

「The best option would be to let leader send him home on her own, no?」


「That way it will be less conspicuous, and if it’s leader, we can be at ease.」

「You’re right.」

The four of them looked at Keiko at once.

「Wait a minute! Why me?!」

「Isn’t it fine? Today, you were the only one who was left out after all… right?」

The four of them grinned meaningfully.

It was every biker’s dream to have a man ride on the back.

They wanted to let the leader, the only person who had been left out, have a taste of it.

As far as the four were concerned, they probably proposed the idea for the leader’s sake. However, for Keiko, the person in question, it was an unwelcome favor.

「If you want to send him home by bike, then Ryoko can also—」

「When I crashed my bike the other day, there was a crack in the back of the seat, so it hurts when two people ride on it, you see.」


As far as Yuu was concerned, he also wanted to try riding behind the beautiful blonde girl.

「I’m sorry. I know I’m troubling you, but I hope you can give me a ride.」

「See, Yuu said so too.」

「C’mon, please send Yuu, who has taken care of us, home safely.」

「Leader, please!」


Stared at by Yuu and her friends with sparkling eyes, Keiko scratched her head.

「Sigh~ what a pain.」

With an unmotivated gait, she headed toward her bike.

Then, when she picked up a half-cap helmet, she tossed it toward Yuu.

「Put it on to cover your face.」

「Yeah! Thanks.」

When he got chased around by women, he got his wig snatched and ended up losing it.

As he was, it would be found out that he was a man, but if he put on the half-cap helmet, hid his face and rode on the back of the bike, others wouldn’t be able to find out right away.

「Ah, umm, leader? If you don’t mind, I’d love to know your name.」


She was acting as distant as ever.

「My name is Hirose Yuu. Hiro (広) as in Hiroshima (広島), se (瀬) in Oze (尾瀬), and Yuu (祐) in the left-side kanji radical of show (礻) and right (右).」


As soon as she heard Yuu’s full name, Keiko’s movements stopped for a moment.

But a few moments later, she touched the seat of the bike and said….

「Keiko. I’m Kurimori Keiko, Kuri (栗) as in the chestnut tree, mori (森) in forest (森林), and Kei (慶) in Keio (慶応).」

Keiko didn’t even look at Yuu as usual.

Yuu felt something stuck in his mind, but without being able to figure out what it was, he looked at the half-cap helmet.

『Kate Grimwood』 was written on the rim with a magic marker.

From her appearance, I get the feeling that this one is her real name, though; so Yuu thought.

He was unsure which one was which, but when he looked at the person in question, she said nothing about it, and when he looked at Mari and the others, they simply shrugged their shoulders.

At any rate, she had agreed to give him a ride, so Yuu took a look at her bike.

It was a simple, rustic motorcycle without a cowl.

The tank was red with 『KOMATSU』 and 『KB250R』 on it.

It also had a matching sticker.

Keiko herself borrowed a half-cap helmet from her friend, and when she climbed onto the bike and fired up the engine, *vroom* the sound of heavy bass echoed through the air.

Yuu decided to use this moment to say goodbye to the four other members who stayed behind.

「T, today… Umm, t, thank you… for helping us graduating from being virgins.」

「Hehehe. Yuu. You’re the greatest man we’ve ever met, so great that you’re wasted on us.」

「I’ll never forget you, Yuu!」

「Yu, Yuu….」

Each of the four girls with whom Yuu had become one in body was saying goodbye to him.

Their encounter was nothing but a coincidence.

For those delinquent girls who probably would never have met him under normal circumstances, it could be said that they had spent happy moments with Yuu.

It was only now that he could see their young, adolescent girl sides, unlike at the beginning, and there was something tugging on Yuu’s heart.

He personally moved closer to the four of them, took their hands, and brought his body close to theirs.



「I don’t know when it will be, but let’s meet again if we have the chance.」

「Wha! Stop saying stupid thi… Nmm?」

He kissed Mari, Ginko, and Misa one by one, and when he separated his body from Ryoko at the end, all of their eyes became moist, without exception.

Yuu showed them the match he had put in his pocket.

The match, which he had borrowed from the counter just before he left, had the name 『Cafe Wild Rose』 and a phone number starting with 049 written on it.

Holding the match, he waved his hand and moved toward Keiko’s motorcycle.

As usual, Keiko did not look at Yuu.

「Thank you for waiting for me. Well then, please. Am I right to assume that you’ll send me all the way to my home?」

「Yeah, it seems you’ve taken care of my friends, after all. I’ll send you home.」

「Then, it’s in the direction of the Saiou Station.」

「Got it.」

Yuu straddled the back of the seat.

From the start, the seat was not designed for a tandem, so there were no tandem grips.

When he climbed onto the back of the narrow seat, he naturally ended up sticking close to Keiko in front of him.

「Guh…! Don’t stick too close to me… Auu!」

Yuu’s hands were firmly wrapped around Keiko’s abdomen.

「No, if I don’t hold on you, I’ll fall off, after all.」

Her quirk-less, silky golden hair was hitting his cheeks as it got blown by the wind, and her white nape was peeking out from the gap.

Given things, it was impossible not to get horny.

He did have an orgy with the four of them, but he found it very regrettable that he did not make any proper contact with Keiko, so carnal desire was incessantly welling up inside him.

Yuu’s hands crept up from Keiko’s stomach and firmly squeezed her breasts.

Oooh! She’s surprisingly well-endowed?

He couldn’t imagine it from her jersey-clad appearance, but she seemed to have a nice body, bulging and tight in the right parts.


While Yuu was in cloud nine, a dull impact, strong enough to make him drenched in cold sweats, ran through his side.

Apparently, Keiko had elbowed him as hard as she could.

「Stop screwing with me! Or else I’ll shake you off, you bastard!」

「Geh…. U, umm, my bad.」

As opposed to a joke, she seemed to be pissed off for real.

Receiving such a rough treatment for the first time since coming to this world, Yuu ended up getting cold feet.

「Good grief, to think that leader really is a man-hater. It’s only the breasts anyway, so if it was me, I would have let him rub them as much as he wanted. Especially if the other party is Yuu.」

「So do I. If it’s Yuu, no matter what he does to me, I won’t mind.」

「As expected, leader is a hardcore lesbian…?」


The four of them watched in exasperation as the motorcycle, which had started off violently as if to express Keiko’s irritation, rode away with Yuu on board.



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