Volume 2 Chapter 4 Part 18

「I think that if the Werewolves are offering themselves to do this, then we should just let them do this. 」

Confirming the determination of Ion and the other Werewolves by looking at their fearless expressions, Siluca offered her words of advice to Eugen, who was still hesitating about what to do. Deadri also nodded to support Siluca’s claim, although she did so much more timidly.

「N-No, that is… 」

Eugen frowned and stumbled with his words for a bit.

「The loss of our queen was enough of a loss to the Werewolf clan as it is, so if we do not avenge her, we would lose face even further. On top of that, even if some of us were to die in the process of avenging the queen, it would not affect Artuk itself. 」

「But that does not mean that you should just sacrifice yourselves without thinking! 」

「Just hearing you say that

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